Splatoon What weapon/weapons do you primarily use?


the koala guy
May 29, 2017
New Horizons Token
Galaxy Easter Egg
New Leaf Token
Hot Feather
Rad Feather
The Bell Tree Fair 2017 Patch
Pretty much what the title says, what weapons do you primarily use in turf wars/ranked battles?
For me personally, I usually stick with the rollers (Carbon roller primarily) in turf war but use the Gal 52 Deco (I think that's the name) in ranked battles (for Splatoon 1 at least...) So, what's your weapon or weapons of choice in splatoon, and why?
Well, I like using dualies and carbon rollers so those :) about to get sloshing machine I liked it in try mode so ...
I'm an Aerospray MG kind of gal. I don't really do ranked battles, so it's perfect for me.
I like using the baby gun (the starter gun whatever) because getting 1500+on it is like... it's like gloating lmao

Me and my baby gun, we slay the opposition. However Aerospray in the splatfest. Cause then I'm more about winning every time rather than just having fun when that's on.
In the original game I used the Splattershot Jr. Now in 2 I still like the Jr but I’ve been maining the Sploosh-O-Matic.
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I like the automatic shooter type guns best, because I can do better with them than the other types. Especially the gold aerospray. I still like all the other weapons except the bucket things, so I bought all the sniper, rollers, dualies and brushes because they're still respectable I'm just not trying to hold my team back or anything.
I've stuck to the Splattershot Jr. for most of the time. I'll test out anything new I unlocked.