Big or small dogs?

Medium or big dogs! I have issues with dogs in general, but I'd definitely go with medium or large
mediummm. i like the biggest dog i can still reasonably pick up and hug.
I like big dogs because they think they're small dogs and in experience are the happiest dogs. Terriers and smaller dogs usually are just concentrated evil(our dogs are the exception) while big dogs like retrievers and labs and most of the pittys I've met have just been big balls of love who wag with their whole body and love putting their head in your lap for head scritches.

But I like cats more than dogs. =D
I dislike small dogs. They're too vocal and annoying.

I like big dogs that can attack the enemy and tear them to shreds though. I might be biased because of my job though.
Medium to large dogs

Small dogs have more relations to rodents than other dogs lmao
(I mean that's what I say but I will play with any dog. I just wouldn't own anything tiny)

Currently I have a Springer Spaniel, they're medium dogs, but she's a little on the larger side. Not fat tho. I walk her for 1 hour daily, and we moderate her food. Vet be like "she's overweight for a Springer" like, excuse me do dogs have to have perfect figures, she's just curvy!

Rant lmao :)
all dogs are good but if i were to get a dog i would want something in between, not giant but not tiny either.
I love all dogs, but I have always had smaller dogs. There are up-sides to smaller dogs. They typically live longer than most of the larger breeds and they're easier to pick up and carry if necessary. When my pug was old and had a stroke, being able to easily carry him around meant I was able to give him a better life for his last few years. I always worry about what I would do if I had a big dog and he was hurt or sick. How would I even get him to the vet if I couldn't lift him?

So I'll probably always have small dogs because of those concerns, but big dogs are awesome and so nice to cuddle up with. :)
I love both big and small dogs, but lately I've really started to like bigger dogs more. Grant it, they might be a little bit harder to take care of than a small dog, but one of the reasons I like the bigger dogs is because they could be really great to have if someone were to break in your house and threaten you. Depending on how well your train it and how close your are, believe me, that big dog of mine will do anything to protect me if I am threatened in any way. I know because my grandpa's old dog, Smokey, was very protective of my grandmother when she was alive.
I'm mixed: Small ones for their size and big ones because they aren't as yappy and annoying as small ones.
I'm more of a cat person, honestly, but I still like most dogs. Currently, I'm miffed at my neighbors for letting their shepherds and retrievers bark like burglar alarms at ungodly hours of the night, but I'm not gonna blame the dogs for their owners' shortcomings.

That aside, I've only ever had larger dogs around, Chow-chow and Siberian Husky being two of them. They were both sweet and kind dogs; I miss them greatly, as well as their mixed sibling. I would've liked seeing how having a smaller dog might be. One of my neighbors has these adorable little dachshunds ...
If I owned a dog, I'd prefer for it to be big. Small dogs are cute, sure, but all the ones I've been around seem more anxious or angrier than bigger dogs. Sadly, bigger dogs tend to live less longer.
I love all dogs! But when I do get a place of my own I want a big dog, both for intimidation factor and cause I always wanted a big dog. My first dogs were medium sized Shar-peis and my next and current dog is a little sausage. I've never had a big boi, plus, that's more dog to snuggle with. I might get smaller dogs down the like too, gotta keep my dog company when I'm not home.