So What Are You Reading?

So I checked out this book called Artichoke's Heart by Suzanne Supplee for a reading challenge (read a book with food on the cover), and it is so, so ridiculously offensive. Like the entire first chapter is just making fun of overweight people, fat shaming, etc. I honestly don't know if I should keep reading.

The other book I checked out is Ready Player One by Ernist Cline, but I haven't started it yet.
I'm trying to finish Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon before classes start.
My signed copy of Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu came in the mail, so I am reading that.
Guess What.


Actually this is a kind of textbook to acquire the right knowledge of cooking healthy cuisine directed by doctors. My sister sent me this. She's health nerd.
Just started Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, and Every Last Lie by Mary Kubica.
Intending to start Blackout by Marc Elsberg today.

Is anyone else doing the Around the Year in 52 Weeks challenge? This week's theme is a book originally written in a language other than English.
I've been reading Edward IV & Elizabeth Woodville: A True Romance. I like the Plantagenets, so it's interesting. After that, I just got a copy of Digging for Richard III: The Search for the Lost King, which is about the excavation and identification of Richard's skeleton. I'm kind of looking forward to that.
I'm currently reading IT by Stephen King, I'm enjoying it so far. His writing is very fine and engaging.