Rate the song above you!

7.5/10 well, I just wasted 7 minutes of my life.
7/10 I personally wouldn't listen to it myself but it's actually pretty good

Time to be a party pooper :lemon:
His hat isn't properly on, but that's the only thing wrong with it.

P.S. You have to try going to a page full of music and putting them all on at the same time. It's quite glorious, and definitely the only thing that can top the above Mario song.
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P.S. You have to try going to a page full of music and putting them all on at the same time. It's quite glorious, and definitely the only thing that can top the above Mario song.

You know what would make it even better though?

Playing the Supra Mayro song with it :lemon:

The link above me isn't working so I can't rate the song...

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Not really my type of song but hey. Seems quite good.

This is my favourite song. It's a Take on me Cover. Don't judge me. I just like the vocals. Not the game.
I was really scared to watch it at first but once I started listening I was laughing my a$$ off and couldn't stop xDD
