Things we'd like in updates or in the next game

more villager/npc interaction, more activities, more character and town customization in general
Oh geez, I read Akane's suggestions bat villagers, as in to bat villagers. Then I realized my mistake when they went on to name other species they

The ability to bat villagers, wow so savage Akane :p

We don't know if we'll still be mayor in the next game. So pwp's might not exist. But I did think the Dream Suite was a hotel when it was first suggested by Isabelle. I was pretty excited to start that and pay it off. I didn't know how or what a hotel would do/work, but it sounded so cool.

I was a little disappointed when I realized what it really was. But that's what I would like to see, a hotel pwp.

I gotta get my fustrations out somehow, right?!

But I really do like the hotel idea. Maybe you could convince villagers to move in that way too?
We all need to get our anger out somehow!

Yeah when it was being suggested, I thought up all these possibilities. Like instead of the camper tent, these visitors could actually walk around town and the main-street like your actual animal villagers. Or that friend's town/someone you visited had villagers who would visit for the day. And their home (in the town they came from) would have a sign like 'On my vacation, be back tomorrow!' Or something of that nature.

Then the pwp reveal happened, and I was a little sad lol. Oh well!
A new game that isn't a spin-off or on mobile, come on nintendo -_-

Hah that aside I guess most I'd like if we could see underwater diving.
  • More villager species
  • More villager interaction (both with our characters and other villagers)
  • More customization options - I want to be able to mix and match colors and patterns for more items and for the exterior of your house
  • A new collectible group?Not sure what, but something to go along with fishing, finding fossils, bug catching, and finding art
  • New areas?maybe vacation regions like the island, but one's winter-themed, another autumn, etc.
Hey guys, wouldn't it be cool to be able to jump on couches and beds. My peppy villager gave me this idea when she visited.
I think it would be really cool for each of the four players to have a different job! Like, in New Leaf the one who starts the game gets to be mayor, but no other characters get anything special. So maybe in the next game one could have the job to design villager's houses like in HHD. And another could work with Cyrus to unlock cool custom furniture, or something. I think that would be a cool feature and give families who play the game (assuming it's on the Switch) something special to their character without having fights break out over who gets to be mayor. And all us single players would have a reason to play with the other characters rather then just use them for storage and aesthetics.

Also, a higher number of villagers would be really nice. And gyroid storage.
I would like if they combined New Leaf and HHD. You're the mayor, and whenever someone moves in you get to chose their house placement and decorate their house for them.
I have some ideas!

Since the new perspective lends itself less well to stargazing (Wild World had the entire top screen just dedicated to the sky) I think that instead of the Observatory the museum should get a Planetarium that you can design/view constellations and stuff in. It would also allow a whole new opportunity for weird cute alien themed stuff, maybe UFO parts in balloons? A planet full of weird and wonderful plants/flowers to collect? GLOWING PLANTS/FRUIT! Maybe it's a gyroid planet and the gyroids are all aliens...

The return of Boondox from Wild World, except this time you can travel to it and actively see the town grow with your donations. Maintaining a good relationship with the townsfolk could provide benefits for your own town.

This was done on one of those ~*speculation*~ youtube videos, but I think that the travel method for the game should be hot air balloons, it provides lots of opportunity for Ninty to get those sweet sweet amiibobux by giving the amiibos custom hot air balloons that you can travel from town to town in.

With the increase in power that comes from being a mayor, assuming that trend continues, I think that the character in the next game should perhaps be a king/queen of a small kingdom of animal people?

I also like the idea of having to build a town from scratch. I enjoy the resource gathering and survival aspects of Desert Island Escape and it would be interesting to see how that could be incorporated into a town...