Nintendo Announces New 2DS XL

It's taken on a more "interesting" shape to say the least, either way I wont be getting one. I already have a N3ds(XL)

It actually reminds me a lot of the Switch. When I first saw it on Twitter before I looked at anything about it, I thought it was a Switch-mini type of thing. I really like the modern look, though!

Is the white/orange variant only available in certain areas? NA only has the black/blue in their video & on their website, which is disappointing.
Japan and Australia are getting both, whilst NA is only, for now, getting the black one. White consoles don't really sell well in NA so they usually skip them there.
I love the design of it. I was never too fond of the 2DS because it looks like a slice of toast despite its cheaper price. It sounds shallow but I like being able to close and shut my 3DS. :p

I might actually buy it in the event my 3DS XL decides to croak. Some of the buttons aren't as responsive as before. And I'd like to enjoy the amiibo functionality in the future. It's just not worth it for me to buy the reader.
I guess I should be happy that they're still making varients of the system, but I already have four 3DSes, including a N3DS and N3DS XL.

This one does look kinda cute, though.
Good thing they made the new 2DS XL to be a clamshell model like the 3DS models and not like the original 2DS.
Nice design, but I still don't see the point in it. I think the only thing that ever attracted me about the 2DS is the difference in price, but will an XL cost as much as a normal 3DS now?
I thought they would be done with 3DS varients, but clearly not!

If I didn't already have a new 3DS, I would definitely consider buying one! I love the modernized and sleeek design as well as the fact that you can actually close it! It's literally the new 3DS XL except lacking the 3D feature which I assume most people do not use.

Is there any news on a UK price? $150 is around ?116 but VAT is also included with it too.
I think I've had each of the models - 3DS, N3DS, 2DS.

I never use the 3D feature so the 2DS being sturdy and lightweight has been my favorite.

I used to recommend the 2DS to AC players who needed a system to play only AC but when the Amiibo cards came out and the NFC readers became expensive it no longer made sense for new players to get a 2DS.

The 2DS has the crispest screen resolution - and the latest 2DS models seem to be even clearer than my original 2DS - it seems they have been making improvements and thus new 2DSXL should be even better!
The N3DS has been too heavy for me to play island tours so I've been playing on my 2DS lately and loving how lightweight it is.

My biggest complaint on the N3DS is the placement of the micro SD card.
Seriously? Screwed in?!

If anyone can find info on the 2DSXL having an easier to remove microSD card I'll be ready to gladly trade in my N3DSXL.

This is seriously exciting news - maybe only 2DS owners can really see how great this is.
I want a lighter more portable system with a hinge so I can put it in my pocket or bag!
All I can say is:

1: The 3DS is not dead

2: It can open and close

3: It has the color schemes of the Astro Series and the refurbished Black and Blue. But where's Red and Black?
I'll eventually get it just to see what the fuss is all about even though I almost never play without 3D. I have pink/white 2DS that still looks new after three years because I've only played it like less than 20 hours, then another crystal red which is still unopened. I'm quite intrigue with the new 2DS XL. I'll probably have fun playing DQ VIII on that (game doesn't have 3D). I like the design, to be honest.
Hey look, it actually bends! :D
I'm very glad it can open and close now, but since I have 3 3Ds' already, I won't be getting it
It looks super cute, and the price is pretty good.
I'd probably pick one up if I didn't already have a 3DS XL and a New 3DS XL
So... so sleek...
I want one... but... money...
Crap, you beat me to it. Lol.

I'm quite excited for this news! As I am not a switch fan at all, this could mean a longer lifespan for the 3DS. Not confirmed but it's certainly pointing it in the right direction. The design is really nice and if I didn't already have a 3DS, I'd consider this handheld. I like how it finally folds and can protect the screen better than the regular 2DS.

My thoughts

But I just bought the N3DS because my old one finally broke, so its a little too late to consider this lol. I quite like the colour schemes though.
Wait so if the 2DS also folds now.... what's the difference between a 2DS and a 3DS?

I'm hope this means they're not discontinuing the DS line. I much prefer the handheld over the Switch.
Like most people it seems, I actually like this and I don't use the 3D anyway. I think Nintendo would have made a lot more money if they released one of these with the new 3DS at the same time, most people already have the new 3DS if they were going to get one.

The only thing I don't like is that it's an XL. My hands are way too small for it and it's just awkward to use.
Wait so if the 2DS also folds now.... what's the difference between a 2DS and a 3DS?

I'm hope this means they're not discontinuing the DS line. I much prefer the handheld over the Switch.

Looks like the only remaining difference is the 3D capability on the 3D ones. At a $50 RRP difference in $AUD for the basic models ($199.95 for 2DS XL and $249.95 for New 3DS XL), I would choose to buy the New 3DS XL as I love using the 3D feature.

But each to their own :)
I'll hopefully be picking it up. I'd like to go back to a larger screen (i have the new 3ds that came with HHD) and it looks sleek. I rarely use the 3D on my current one anyways. Might as well snag it for the decent price and the color...
Honestly, if I didn't have the 3ds already I'd probably be preordering it at this point. The 3ds has been going on for a long time, and it's been doing so well. I'm very glad. This will hopefully keep the 3ds going as well with the release of this new handheld.