Do you consider time traveling cheating?


Jan 3, 2017
I used to but due to work I started to do it and i feel like animal crossing is so massively time consuming regardless of time traveling or not that it shouldn't be considered that much of a cheat.
Personally, I wouldn't Time Travel - at least, not in my main and (currently) only town. I prefer the day-to-day playstyle; especially as I'm participating in the the One Year Challenge where one of the rules is to not Time Travel.
I don't consider it a cheat as such, but I do think that whether to time travel or not is dependent on a lot of different things. For example, are you TTing to complete your catalog? Cycle? Move a villager out sooner? Or is it because you can't play every day so you TT to catch up time? Or play multiple days at once because you know you won't be able to play until a few days later? Or what if you went on a hiatus? And you want to play from where you left off, and play day-by-day from there?

I don't think it's cheating - not in the way people here use it. I do believe that the game was created to play it how I play it - for a little bit every day, along with your real time. That's how I've always played it. :)
No. Especially because Animal Crossing seems to expect you to play at least a little every single day. But you know what? Real life happens. Sometimes you can't play. I rarely TT, but when I do, it's to go back and play days I skipped because of real life and catch up to the current day.
Not really, a busy guy like me miss out a lot of the events in the game so whenever I have free time, I time travel, doing daily routines till I reach the event date. Done with the game for the day, repeat the same process again whenever I'm free.
Nope. I think it's about playing in a way that you enjoy. Whether I move forward or backward in my town, it only affects me and my one else. So, as long as I am happy, that's all that matters.
Yes, I do consider it as cheating. You're changing up the time while it is supposed to flow the same way it does in real life. You can't change the time/day in real life, so you shouldn't do it in Animal Crossing either; if you do, I'd consider it cheating.
I don't make much of a big deal out of it when somebody does, though, there are too many that have this habit and it'd be a waste of time to go about and tell people that they're cheating. It doesn't matter that much, anyway.
I don't consider it cheating, no. I don't really time travel when I'm in the habit of playing every day, but like others have said, I'll do it if I've missed some days by traveling back to the day I stopped, then travel forward day by day until the present time. I've never considered traveling beyond the present date because that's just not the way I'd prefer to play the game, but I know many players do. Different play styles, is all, I wouldn't consider it cheating. I mean, people who play at real life pace can still accomplish the same things a time traveller would, just over a longer period of time.
No. Not only is it an option offered by the game, I feel it's unfair to people who have actual lives and can't dedicate even a bit of time daily to the game to say that TT'ing is cheating. For instance, someone who will celebrate Christmas with their family and friends, and may even have to help with food and whatnot, probably just won't have time to play that day, so it's a great option for them to be able to go back and celebrate Christmas in ACNL, or even celebrate it ahead of time.

Edit: I thought about it a bit, and I want to add that Nintendo knows no mercy when it comes to actual cheaters. For instance, there's the fact that they've tried to stop or patch every form of hacking ACNL people have actually come up with, or the fact that they temporarily banned people who pirated Pok?mon Sun and Moon and used online services from using the Pok?mon online services, and (possibly permanently) from their eShop accounts.
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for someone who time travels pretty often, i personally don't consider it cheating
The only time I TT is when I have done everything I can do that day or if I quickly want to get a villager out (I might have to do a ton of that now that I have 3 annoying villagers in my second town). I don't consider it cheating because it is in the game, and in a game like this it is sometimes hard to avoid.
i don't considering it cheating, i believe AC gives you the freedom to play the game how you want to play it. some people like to hack their towns, some don't, some people time travel and others don't, it's all personal preference.

personally i don't like to time travel as i believe half of the fun in the game is wondering what's in store for tomorrow, and that excitement is what makes me want to keep playing. c:
a game is made to be enjoyed so anyone play the style they like

I don't tt simply because I like the way it is if I want a faster game I have plenty others to choose ^^

but as I told before I don't care others can do what they want ^^
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It isn't cheating, no. You can't possibly cheat in animal crossing, it's in no way competative. Does annoy me when people claim it's cheating. It's just a different way to play the game. Especially for people who can't always get on at a decent time or a daily basis
If I didn't time travel I would have stopped playing long ago as I just wouldn't be able to do anything during the hours I manage to get on the game
No. It's a function that comes naturally and originally with the game. Plus, unfortunately not all of us have the time to play every single day.
I really don't consider it cheating, but now that I have 2 towns I've realized that it's more satisfying and enjoyable to take it one day at a time. I tt in my main and take it slow in the other. It's just a different play style.
Not cheating. I try to keep mine at a minimum though and that's usually when I'm trying to move out/move in villagers or else I might get burned out. Like someone said, nothing beats the satisfaction of playing it one day at a time.