Recent content by Shadowboxer

  1. Shadowboxer

    New Horizons F.A.Q. – Ask Questions Here!

    I have a question. I have a thing with numbers, like I only want to get a Nook Mileage achievements on even days. I make exceptions for some achievements and I was wondering about the Countdown Celebration achievement. Do you get it on December 31st or after you celebrated New Year’s Eve on...
  2. Shadowboxer

    Yuck or Yum?

    Never had them but they sound yummy! Hummus?
  3. Shadowboxer

    Wrong answers only !!

    They were given breast milk from their owner’s mother. Why does it rain?
  4. Shadowboxer

    Do you know anyone with that name?

    Yes, I know two girls with that name! Anita?
  5. Shadowboxer

    Do you always donate your first catch to Blathers?

    I always donate my first catch to Blathers but I have a weird thing with numbers. I’m only allowed to donate my catch on even days, so sometimes it’s quite a mess outside my museum with my yet-to-be donated catches.
  6. Shadowboxer

    Have you heard this song?

    Never heard it. “Paper Bag” by Fiona Apple?
  7. Shadowboxer

    Animal Crossing ABC's

  8. Shadowboxer

    Random thoughts thread.

    How come the balloons never fly over Resident Services? I’ve never seen it.
  9. Shadowboxer

    What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

    I just caught the last sea creature that is available this month. I restarted a week ago so it’s a big deal for me, up to next month!
  10. Shadowboxer

    Are you still happy with...? PART 3: Your native fruit

    I settled with oranges because the rest of the island was just too perfect and I’m fine with it now but I wished for cherries or peaches. I would have taken any fruit for my current island even my least favourite fruit, pears. I am happy that there are no perfect fruits in New Horizons because...
  11. Shadowboxer

    ask the below user a question!

    LEGO Harry Potter Are you happy with yourself?
  12. Shadowboxer

    Yuck or Yum?

    Yum! Mustard?
  13. Shadowboxer

    Choose one of the above villagers

    Melba. Sprocket or Rocket?
  14. Shadowboxer

    true or false?

    True! The next person is underage.
  15. Shadowboxer

    Does It Scare You?

    Yes! The blue screen of death on your computer when an error occurs?