• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

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  • It was gonna rain so we had to end early
    and he was like "c'mere" and hugged me
    and then he left bc he biked over to my house
    but yea imma search for new phones now
    he didn't ^.^
    he was jst late bc of life (too lazy to explain all)
    and he told my friend to tell me but she ddnt

    and yea noooo thanks ill stick with ouat
    lol it's not like i needed to know cause hopefully i'll have a much better job omfg
    Villager: "You're kind of a stump maker aren't you?"
    Person who cuts down trees for a living: ...............
    lmao i forgot what those people are called.
    dude I think brian forgot abt today

    and I mean I prefer to read books and stuff
    so idek and I haven't seen the show and idk how many seasons there are
    im far too lazy to go see
    ive read the first pll book. Its okay I guess????
    But ouat is literally my show. I seldom watched tv, but then I watched the first episode and now im hooked
    and their rumors are like, "omfg you're so rich"
    i'm cool w/that
    idk i'm not planning on watching it anytime soon. It looks stupid ;a;
    LOL I've never watched it, cause it seemed too...hmm...not my type of show ._.
    It'd be nice to live in Animal Crossing, besides the talking animals xD
    like if it was normal for animals to talk, yeah, i'd totally live in my town
    very true.
    omg what if someone just comes up to you and knows more things about yourself than you do. I'd be scared af and probably report them. tbh i'd be like omg i can't touch them bc what if they use that information. idk i'm weird today
    omg I feel you
    I only tet like 3 people
    I jst hung w brian today like
    I saw him 10min ago
    and we made a plan for him to jst bike over to my house at 4:15p
    bc my phONE IS BROKEN
    That's what I gotta figure out man
    I jst cant wait to get another phone bc then I can hang w brian tbh
    I always check the apple website and they always have a model phone for free
    and atm its the 5c so I guess it works out??
    I really wanted the 5s though but I mean??
    my phone literally broke
    like it wont turn on or anything
    I cant text brian and my wont let me get a phone unless its under $30
    and im like ???!!?!?!?
    and nOw im on the search for a good phone bc I cant text anyone or read
    lol the twin girl would beat you up tbh
    if you got anywhere near her brother she would karate chop ur neck
    lol boys have germs icky icky germs, don't go near them.
    LOL do you have a tiny lil crush on them?? :confused:
    even though they killed their mother o:
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