• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

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  • I know this will probably get closed or deleted. I don't care, it just shows you how superficial and unnecessary the authority is here. All we're doing is making the admin's (justin, I think?) wallet bigger, and that makes me ****ing sick thinking about it.

    So yeah, peace out! Good luck in life to those whom I don't have a problem with! To those that I do harbor a particular dislike towards; I hope that you find yourself and eventually come to terms with reality. Wasting your days away on here isn't going to quench your first for happiness.

    Cya in university *****es! Oh wait... that's right!
    Life's short. Too short to be wasting away my youth on a forum whose inhabitants pay minimal attention to my contribution towards this community. Heck, this community is so superficial and temporary. The fact is that very little of you have actually realized this. I constantly come onto this forum and see regular users on here, such as (forgive me if I misspell your username) Jake., Houndoomed, Sockhead (all of the staff) and it's just struck me that I feel pity for you. I feel pity for everybody that has been lured into this website by the fascination from one small little game.
    im trying to read your guide you posted on your signature, but the How It's Done link is a broken 404 link :(
    alex turner, lead vocalist of Arctic Monkeys

    also i think i should tell u i got mixed up w/ u and jawile hehe srry

    I realized that both my mom and my sister is using the internet, the lag would be terrible
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