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  • Wow, that's really terrible... ;-; How long ago was this, if you don't mind me asking?
    Whaat? A wooden rollercoaster? That's even MORE scary! Are you still afraid of going on a rollercoaster?
    Wow, really? D: That's terrible! I would have to go on a rollercoaster... especially if I was forced or pressured to ><
    That's not that bad! I barely hit any pins my first time and it took like 10 times with rails before I started hitting pins.... and I still can't play worth a darn! xD
    Oh really? Awesome, I love them too! I'm just a bit afraid of scary rides haha... I mostly go to buy stuff! At my county fair, they have lots of candy and good food, and sometimes I even buy some anime merchandise cause there's a stand where I meet my friends at! Really fun to hang out there ^^
    XD I'm sorry again about the art! And yeah lol it's been a rough week. Anyways, I've been super busy the last couple days, and gonna be even more so later this week.
    How have you been?
    Yeah, there's other places that could be fun too, like going to the mall or an arcade game place!

    Speaking of which, there's going to be a county fair at my city soon, I want to go there again!
    Hey, welcome back! That's totally fine xD The last time I actually bowled was during my elementary school years... I was terrible! I might play again but I usually just hang out at the bowling alley with some friends. ^^

    How was it?
    Okay e.e the last couple days have been really busy with moving and also very stressful
    I'm very sorry again!
    Oh really? Wow, awesome! My university has a bowling alley and game corner so that's always fun!

    Enjoy your time!
    Oh, yep no problem! Thank you for asking me for permission!

    It's going all right, how about you?
    Hey there, D3ath! Yeah, of course! I'm very happy that you like it enough to use it for GFX and the like ^^
    Right? Hopefully paint tool sai will seem easier to you, though! Ive been using it for awhile now and Im getting the hang of it. Just gotta get used to it and keep messing around with the tools xD I bet you can look up instructions online too, like tutorials. I do that often.
    Ah sure no problem ^^ Well, Im going to turn in for the night so I'll talk to you later! Nice meeting and talking with you today :]
    I think you can download it for free somewhere. Try checking up online! It's been awhile since I had Paint tool sai and I got it from a friend. Pretty sure they have free downloads or something xD
    oh really? I think I'd say Im a bit better at traditional just because Im not too used to drawing digitally yet. Ahh I only use GIMP for transparency xD but other than that, I dont use it for anything else.
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