Help me choose my last two villagers! (Final Fantasy 8-themed island)


Junior Member
Apr 2, 2023
Hello! I've taken a break from Animal Crossing and I want to get back into it. My current island is called Timber, and I eventually want it to be themed around Final Fantasy 8 (which is probably my favorite Final Fantasy). Getting all ten villagers will really help set the mood, but I'm stuck on who my last two should be. Here's who I have so far, their personality, species, and who they represent:
Cyd - Cranky - Elephant - Squall
Skye - Normal - Wolf - Rinoa
Punchy - Lazy - Cat - Zell
Sprinkle - Peppy - Penguin- Selphie
Queenie - Snooty - Ostrich- Quistis
Tank - Jock - Rhino - Ward (and Kiros, to some degree)
Daisy - Normal - Dog- Laguna
Keaton - Smug - Eagle- Irvine

The two villagers I'm trying to get are for Seifer and Ellone. Ellone has to be a sisterly since I am missing a sisterly villager. My other arbitrary requirement is that neither can be the same species as another villager I have on my island, although I might abandon this one (since there are only around 20 sisterlies to choose from). Also, if anyone wants to know why on Earth I cast Daisy as Laguna, let me know and I'll tell you.

I hope I haven't rambled on too long.