Timber (Final Fantasy VIII-Themed Island)

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit


Junior Member
Apr 2, 2023
I wonder if anyone has ever done this before. I happen to love Final Fantasy VIII (that's 8 or eight), and decided to base my island on it. Unfortunately, I cannot post any pictures since my Switch rarely connects to the internet. I can, however, describe my island.

First, the villagers. Each villager corresponds to a character from FFVIII.
-Cyd (elephant, cranky: Squall. Besides, every Final Fantasy needs a Cyd!
-Skye (wolf, normal): Rinoa. Finding Skye on a villager hunt is actually what inspired me to make this island!
-Tank (rhinoceros, jock): Seifer. I initially had Sterling in this role, but a pachyderm protagonist needs a pachyderm antagonist!
-Punchy (cat, lazy): Zell. Yes, I know there is a deer villager named Zell, but he's a bad fit.
-Sprinkle (penguin, peppy): Selphie. Finding Sprinkle solidified my island idea.
-Queenie (ostrich, snooty): Quistis. Both names start with Q.
-Daisy (dog, normal): Not sure who Daisy is in this context. Maybe someone out there can help?

I'm looking for Keaton to be my eighth villager (He'd be Irvine.). Just waiting for him to pop up at the campsite...
I'll eventually need a ninth and tenth villager. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

So far, my island is stuck at two stars. I'm patient, and can wait... and in the meantime, I'm racking up a ton of Nook Miles. (Currently over 100,000!)

Decorating ideas:
I'm going to have to start decorating sooner or later. I have the Festivale items, and I plan on using them to recreate the parade scene with the sorceress. If anyone has any ideas about decorating, please let me know! Also, does anyone like this island idea?
Unfortunately, I have no way of posing my Switch screenshots online. Maybe one day... but as for now, my island's a mess. I found these character bios I wrote, and will gladly share them now.

Cyd (Elephant, Cranky)
As a fan of loud music and video games, it's hard to believe that Cyd is an otherwise quiet introvert. He says little and best expresses himself through song. Cyd seems cold and uncaring, and is reluctant to make friends. Despite this, he has developed a deep friendship with Queenie due to their shared love of chess.

Skye (Wolf, Normal)
Skye is a gentle soul, and she cares deeply about others. Sometimes her emotions get the better of her, causing her to act rashly. She is the leader of the rebel group "Forest Owls," and seeks to liberate her home from a nasty dictator. She enjoys singing, inheriting her love of music from her father, the late K.K Slider. When Skye is not working, she enjoys singing and painting.

Punchy (Cat, Lazy)
Punchy is a cat of contradictions. He is usually easygoig to the point of annoyance, only rousing himself to get hot dogs from the cafeteria. When riled, however, he becomes a flailing feline fury, throwing his famous cat punches everywhere. His inscruitable expression only adds to the confusion.

Sprinkle (Penguin, Peppy)
Sprinkle is positive and lighthearted, rarely letting anything get her down. She loves running through snow and leaving her tracks. Her upbeat personality can be irritating, but more often than not helps her and her friends get through tough times. She loves pie, especially 'Pi Pie.'

Queenie (Ostrich, Snooty)
Queenie is a genius and a master of chess. She graduated from Nook Garden when she was only 15. Underneath her exterior is a warm and caring heart, but she is not very good at expressing herself, coming off to most as being arrogant. Though Queenie has a large fan club, her only true friend is Cyd.

I hope you enjoy these. (I have yet to do Tank's bio.)

Part of the purpose of my island is that I want to write a manga with Animal Crossing characters based on Final Fantasy VIII. The working title is 'Animal Garden.' The background of the story is that Cyd, Punchy, Sprinkle, Queenie, and Tank are students at Nook Garden, a military-style academy. The headmaster is, of course, Tom Nook, and his nephews, Timmy and Tommy, also attend the academy. Skye comes into the story later.

With the game camera and Harv's Island, I can get pictures off my island's residents in a lot of different poses and environments. Once I get a more solid idea of what I want to do, I can make a set at Harv's Island, invite villagers, and take pictures. I'll draw scenes based on these pictures. (I'm decent enough at animals, but I am terrible at drawing landscapes, buildings, and interiors. I also have trouble with drawing actions.) It'll be a while yet before I start (and even longer before I figure out how to post my artwork!), but with support, I just might actually start a project and stick with it.
Thanks for all the support! This is going to sound odd, but I cast Daisy in Laguna's role. Here's her description:

Daisy (Dog, Normal)
Daisy comes from a military family, and is currently serving in the army. She doesn't like her situation in the slightest, dreaming instead of being a paleontologist. She collects fossils in her spare time, and loves to read. A chance meeting with K.K. Slider encouraged Daisy to take control of her life.

In this bizarre FFVII rendition, K.K. Slider plays the role of Julia. I also like the idea of casting Wardell in Ward's role. (No idea who to cast as Kiros...) I am also not so sure I want Tank in Seifer's role (he'd make a better Raijin, in my opinion). But now I'm not sure who I do want! Whoever I get, he'd have to be a good rival for an elephant. I did have Sterling for this initially, but I already have an eagle playing Irvine (Keaton, who still hasn't shown up... *sob*) I'd love to read some suggestions, so if anyone has any, please share them with me!
I think I finally figured it out. Tank will be a combination of Kiros and Ward. I was also thinking about the legend of the Behemoth and Leviathan. Behemoth is usually portrayed as either a hippo or an elephant, and Leviathan a crocodile. Since Cyd is an elephant, I thought why not an alligator? So as Seifer... I choose you, Roswell! Now to actually recruit him...
My tenth villager slot will be for my Ellone critter. She has to be a big sister type, since that's what I'm missing. I was thinking Mira.

The moon plays an important role in FFVIII. That's where the evil sorceress is imprisoned, and where monsters come from. The characters who develop sorceress powers (Skye-wolf and Mira-rabbit) both have a connection to the moon. Seifer is also beguiled by the sorceress, so spacewatching Roswell seems apt. (An interestng idea- when he is a normal student, Roswell has norml eyes. When he falls under the sorceress's spell, his eyes do the spinny slit thing.)

Tank is a powerhouse who loves to show off his prodigious strenght. He joined the army so he could use his strength to help others. Tank serves in the same squad as Daisy, and he helps to keep her spirits up. He likes to toss rings in the air and catch them on his horn, and he can easily knock down large trees.
I finally found Keaton! So, without further ado, here's his bio:

Keaton is the resident sharpshooter of Seaside Garden. He is a charmer and a shameless flirt, and he KNOWS he's the most attractive animal in the room! In public he is full of himself, but in private, he has his doubts. He secretly worries that he isn't good enough.

That's my eighth villager... so, hello, KK Slider! And terraforming, too! No more limbo!