Mafia Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia-Endgame

nightmares the mafia team can kill a certain amount of people during the night phase, if they kill the right people, they could potentially win the game before day comes back around
Your a dumbass :)


Guess serial killers don't know grammar...

- - - Post Merge - - -

nightmares the mafia team can kill a certain amount of people during the night phase, if they kill the right people, they could potentially win the game before day comes back around

Listen to Jacob, he is mafia. That is why he knows.
nightmares the mafia team can kill a certain amount of people during the night phase, if they kill the right people, they could potentially win the game before day comes back around

Woww ok, that helps a lot. Thank you for explaining haha
Wait, seriously? Stop lying, I already sent in the shot...

lol @ xine

u claimed townie tho i thought and our vig died so if ur mafia then u will probably be modkilled for outing out ur role as mafia and going against win con just like heyden but i guess we'll see

- - - Post Merge - - -

unless it doesnt work like that and im being a dumbass

The only hero left to fight Zanza was now Fiora. However, without the help of her friends, she stood no chance against the god. She was unable to save her world.

Back in Colony 6, the Telethia began to destroy the colony and its people. They couldn't fend off the countless hordes of telethia in time.

Back in prison island, Lorithia and Dickson cherished the sight of the Bionis being destroyed, nothing could stop lord Zanza. Dragon King Alcar went back to it's cathedral, fulfilling its duty in guarding prison Island.

Tyrea, failing to kill Melia herself disappeared and was never seen again. It was believed she tried to survive for as long as she could, but everyone was doomed to be destroyed by Zanza.

The Bionis and its people were being slowly destroyed by Zanza, and the only people who could stop it failed their task. Was this fate? Or did everyone create this treacherous future?

Congrats to Xine, Ashtot, Crys, Heyden, and Tom for winning!

Remaining Roles
Call me Daniel said:
Tyrea (Lyncher/Survivor)
A High Entian member of the Bionite Order,a religious cult that praises Pure blooded High Entia, but strives to exterminate the Homs race and any High Entia with Homs blood. You are an assassin who was ordered by First Consort Yumea(Your mother unbeknownst to anyone but you two), to kill Half Homs Crown Princess Melia. Failing to kill her in your first assassination attempt, Yumea was arrested for ordering the crime. When Zanza reawoke, all pure blooded High Entia were transformed into Telethia, including your Mother. The night before she transformed, she told you that your father was part of the Bionite Order and mated with her in a cult ritual. It was discovered that he was actually part homs, and was never seen again. Being part homs, you now live alone with the hatred of your tainted bloodline. You decided you will finish what your Mother ordered for you do to, and kill Melia.
Your Win Condition: Be part of the wagon that lynches Melia(entrophy). If they die by any other means, you will become a survivor.
Call me Daniel said:
A deceiving and twisted High Entia woman. In Alcamoth, you acted as the leader of the Ministry of Research, developing technology and weapons for your people. Creating efficient and revolutionary technology, you gained the trust from the High Entia loyal family and citizens. However, you had a darker side to your research. Promised immemorial, you are part of the trinity of Zanza's disciples. You created a machine that released high concentrations of ether, which activated an ancient gene in pure blooded High Entia. This gene reverted them to their monstrous ancestors, the telethia. You caused the genocide of your people, and didn't give it a second thought. Now it's time to finish the job with your teammates. You are Roleblocker. You can use your advanced gadgets to stun a player at night, preventing them from using their action.
Your Win Condition: Your ultimate goal is to see the death of all town members and any killing third party, or at least have your team equal the remaining amount of town.
Call me Daniel said:
Dicksom(Bus Diver)-
Your exact origin is unknown. What's known is that you were a war hero of Colony 9 from The Battle of Sword Valley a year ago. You raised Shulk when you discovered him with the Monado in Valak Mountain. You were known for exploring the all of Bionis and knowing everyone from everywhere. Idolized by many people, esspecially Shulk, it was a huge shock of what was revealed about you when Zanza awoke. You confessed that you were part of the Trinity of Zanza's disciples and raised Shulk solely to use him as a vessel for Zanza. Turning against everyone who respected you without a second thought, you must now help Zanza finish his plan to destroy everyone on Bionis. You are a Bus Driver, once a night you can switch two players. Any actions preformed on a player will be used on the other instead, and vice versa.
Your Win Condition: Your ultimate goal is to see the death of all town members and any killing third party, or at least have your team equal the remaining amount of town.
Call me Daniel said:
Dragon King Alcar(Strongman)-
When the Bionis reawoke, a huge floating tower in Eryth Sea on the Bionis Head called Prison Island, sank into the titan’s interior. Prison Island is an ancient structure that was used by the High Entia to contain a giant possessed by Zanza. Although the true origins of Prison Island are unknown, it now Zanza’s base. As the heroes travel here in search of Zanza and his henchmen, you wait at the Gondrol Cathedral for their arrival. As guardian of Prison Island, you must prevent the heroes from progressing. Being an powerful dragon, you are a Mafia Strongman. You can PM me to perform one of the Mafia Kills. This Kill bypasses any protection that is set on your targeted player. You may only chose one of the kills to use this power on each night.

Your Win Condition: Your ultimate goal is to see the death of all town members and any killing third party, or at least have your team equal the remaining amount of town.
Call me Daniel said:
A brave young girl from Colony 9, you were killed in an attack by the mechon. Your body was harvested by them to be transformed into a face mechon, mechon immune to the Monado's attacks, as the blade cannot harm any living being from Bionis. While being put into a mechon body, the leader of the Mechon's sister used you as a vessel for the Soul of the Mechonis. Sharing your mechon body with Lady Meyneth, you struggled with your memories to your orders as a mechon. Now that Shulk and his friends rescued you, you fight with them. When Zanza re-awoke he killed Meyneth to be the only god and without her, it is unknown how much longer you will live, but that does not matter to you. Now that you are reunited with Shulk and Dunban, you will stop at nothing to protect and defeat Zanza. Having an incredible bond with your brother, and are both Masons. You are aware that the other is town with you and may discuss the game in your own private chat.
Your Win Condition: You win once all Mafia members and any killing third party have been slain.

Mason Chat:
Call me Daniel said:
Juju (Townie)
Younger brother of the Colony 6 medic Sharla, you have been through a lot. Orphaned at a young age, Sharla and her fianc?e Galdot, were the only family you had left. When the mechon attacked and destroyed Colony 6, many citizens and soilders went missing or were killed, including Galdot. With the few surviving citizens, you stayed home to help rebuild the colony while your sister went with Shulk. Now that the colony has been completely restored and people from all over the world(including mechonis) have reformed the colony, you must help prevent further destruction. However, you have no special abilities, so you are just a townie.
Your Win Condition:You win once all Mafia members and any killing third party have been slain.
Call me Daniel said:
Rozeal (Townie)
A kind and romanticizing High Entia girl. In Alcamoth, you were best friends with Ricoth and Scarlen’s lover and overall friends with everyone, the perfect life. This all changed when Zanza reawoke. What following was the genocide of your race. All pure blooded High Entia were reverted to their monstrous ancestors, the Telethia. You and Scarlen were fortunate enough to be part Homs, so you did not transform into one and escaped the capitol to find refuge in Satorl Marsh, but the luck would not have it for Ricoth and your other pure blooded friends. All you have now is Scarlen, and the memories of your now Telethia comrades. Your new goal is to give your transformed friends eternal peace in the afterlife, and get revenge on Zanza for the death of your civilization. However, you have no special abilities, so you are just a townie.
Your Win Condition:You win once all Mafia members and any killing third party have been slain.
Call me Daniel said:
Desiree (Townie)
A young maiden from Colony 9, you are the daughter of a blacksmith who disappeared after fighting in the Battle of Sword Valley. A year has passed, and you have started to move on from your father’s death. While struggling to find your future, you look to Shulk for help. After helping you decide to become a defense force soldier, you wish to protect the peoples of Bionis and bring Zanza to an end.However, you have no special abilities, so you are just a townie.
Your Win Condition:You win once all Mafia members and any killing third party have been slain.
Call me Daniel said:
Vangarre (Townie)
Colonel of Colony 9’s defense force, you have escaped death twice. Stern and unforgiving, your soldiers quiver in fear when they fear your voice. You have fought in many important battles, and you plan on doing the same here. Supporting the war effort against Zanza and the telethia. However, you have no special abilities, so you are just a Townie. All you have is your voice(albeit very scary) and your vote.
Your Win Condition:You win once all Mafia members and any killing third party have been slain.
Unknown to Vangarre, his harsh attitude tainted his reputation, making him a miller.

Action List
Mafia Chat
Mason Chat
Non-Spoiler Obs Chat
Spoiler Obs Chat

Final Words

As a first time host, this was a tough task. I feel I made mafia too powerful in an attempt to balance out the 7 blue roles.

I feel really bad for late deadlines and absence due to my vacation.

I feel bad for how miserable and salty everyone was by endgame, I'm really sorry for it all.

I did learn a lot from this game, so hopefully I'll have better games in the future, thank you for playing.
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regardless tae was strongmanned BUT OH MY ****ING GOD.

Also I was roleblocked both nights by xine. Tried saving entropy and tae.
GG xine. GG mafia. you guys deserved this one.

Thank you Daniel for hosting. <3
awwew don't be sorry it was an amazing game and even tho I died n1 lmao

gg scum u def deserved the win <3