Write a Letter You Cannot Send


sans n pap need to be protected under all costs
Feb 14, 2016
New Horizons Token
Pink Hybrid Lily
Holiday Candy Cane 2016
The Bell Tree Fair 2016 Patch
May Birthstone (Emerald)
**I do not take credit for this idea, the thread originated from Chicken Smoothie**

Here you can write a letter that you wish you could send to someone, but can't physically hand it to them. Here you can let those feelings out.


? Don't overuse bad language.

○ Keep your post family-friendly. That means no mention of drugs, sex, abuse, suicide, self-harm, or other inappropriate topics.

? Do not rant about a TBT member or group of members - even anonymously.


I'm so sorry I let us drift. I read that letter you wrote me in the middle of class one day in the 6th grade. That dumb letter, I still have. The one you wrote about Pewdiepie's Heavy Rain series when we were just starting to get into youtubers. You put stickers on the envelope, too. I still have it. I miss you so much. It's been about three years since we were close, and I would do anything to go back. I am the person I am today because of you, no matter how cliche that sounds. My music taste, my personality, my hobbies, everything. We grew up together, and I can remember ever experience we've ever had. Even the bad ones. Remember that one time we walked to your house without our third friend, and it was so tense at first because we had a fight? You put the needle emojis by my name. But we still loved each other. You were my best friend, it's hard to let go of that. Do you ever think about me? Do you ever miss me? Do you ever just think about all of our memories? We were cringy children, but it was so fun. Remember when we slept on your trampoline and the sprinklers came on at like 5am? Or how about that time your dad set up a tent in your living room and we sat inside and watched netflix all night? I miss you so damn much. I'm so sorry we aren't friends anymore. It's all my fault, and I'd kill to take it back. Maybe, just maybe, if we went to the same highschool, we'd still be close. I wish I had tried harder.

-your ex best friend
Dear POTUS, Donald J. Trump,

I would just like to say thank you for taking the bold, brave, and relentless action on risking your reputation to become president of the divided States of America. I know you have the guts, courage, and determination that many do not have to get what needs to be done, done. I think you are unfavorable because you are introducing this different idea of "America First!" It's time we put America first. Thank you, is all I have to say.


That One Trump Supporter
Dear Miss Buckley, The School Principal,

Why are you homophobic?


A Homo
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Dear person,

I'm sorry that I've been ignoring you. You're such a sweet and funny person. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm sorry for ignoring you for awhile...I hope you aren't too mad at me. I guess the reason why I've been acting this way is because I sorta like you. I also kind of have a habit of ignoring people. I'm sorry. You are such a charming and sweet person.
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Dear _____, I'm sorry. I don't know how many times I'm gonna have to say that. Will it ever be the same? You know that when I glance at you and your new friends I fight back tears. That's because I remember our laughter. The results of never ending conversations. Alot of things make me fight back tears. The birthday letter. The one that you put your heart into. I read it. Over and over, imagining that we both still wore that stupid little best friend necklace. The ticket. The last one we ever bought to spend time together. The photo of us stading behind pink flowers arranged to spell out "BFF's". You know that I miss you. You know that I'm willing to try again. You're not however, and you never will.
-Your true best friend. (Ex)
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As you well may know, I am not happy with your recent activities
Surely you can't think I will let this go unnoticed and you will be brought to justice
Here is a list of my grievances with you

My values and character feels personally attacked
Even though this is my first point, it is valid none the less

Others have felt the ramifications of your actions and I've talked to them about you
Under no circumstances are we going to let these actions continue
So know that it is not just me who is upset by what you have done
Several people have elected me to reach out to you in hopes you will understand
I want to help you most of all
Don't feel attacked, we all only want to help you
Even though it feels overwhelming, we all still love you

Help is only going to be there if you accept it
Only by accepting yourself and apologizing can it start
We all are dedicated to be there the through the whole process
But if we don't see a genuine motivation to change, we will leave
Openly try to see that this will be a huge undertaking for us all
We want this for you as much as you do

Don't run away from this
All of us will always care immensely for you
Here we will stay until you need us most

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Lol. Violated the rules. Had to makez me a newz ones. ;o


Dear snotty thirteen year old girl on Dr. Phil,


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Dear Cortney,

You still have my jacket from when we were like 14, could I please have that back? It probably still fits y'know

Sincerely, a girl who never grew
Dear Theresa May,

thank you for having sense

Sincerely, most of America.
basically all my teachers,

why do y'all do this ****. we just entered a new unit and you give a test 5 days later. i don't get it. we haven't even learned anything from the chapter.

-what the ****

Dear old friend, (an angry letter)

I hate to say this, and I'm too much of a coward to say it to your face, but we aren't best friends. I don't think we ever really were... Don't get me wrong, I still love you to pieces. I wouldn't be who I am today without you, and I know you feel the same. But for all the important roles we played in each other's lives, many of them were awful lessons. You taught me that letting someone get close to you allows for more opportunities of manipulation. You taught me to be a better person, but you did it by berating me at every chance you got. The one time I did send you a letter, it made you cry and you've been holding it over my head ever since, even though all I did was list hurtful things that you'd done to me. You took unflattering images of me and sent them to your friends, strangers to me-- and just titled it "my fat, gross friend". You can't for a second take second place to someone else's problems, even if they're dealing with death and you're dealing with a stupid break up. When my real best friend was in the hospital you said "She's probably going to die". As much of me loves you, an equal amount hates you. I want to scream in your face about every thing you've done for the last 11 years that tore me to pieces. You've done so much for me and so much to hurt me that I can't even function. We wouldn't even have gotten close if you didn't use my phobia's against me. You learned how my brain shuts down in crowds and physically moved me where you wanted me. You manipulated me, and all my other friends. You tried to tell them that I only loved you and hated them. You took me from them when they needed me. You even had the gall to take my phone and speak as me to start fights that I didn't even know happened! What gets to me the most is your potential. You could be such a good person. I know the heart that's inside you. I know the part of you that hates when you hurt people, that crumbles when you fight with others, that wants to stop everything. Unless those were all lies too, there's a good person in you. But you CHOOSE to keep lying, keep manipulating, keep hurting people and putting yourself before everything. I thought you were getting better, but that was just a lie too. Now I know for certain I can't trust you. I wish you would just put a little more effort into being a better person. I can't even tell you the extent to which you've hurt me, because I still love you to pieces, and I don't know what you'd do. I'm so scared for you, and I am so very angry at you. I believed in you.

You let me down.

My distant friend, (a sad letter)

I'm so sorry. I know I should have tried harder to keep in-touch. That's just not who I am... I tried, I really, really tried. You just kept pushing me away. I keep thinking "there was nothing I could do" but that's just a dumb lie I tell myself. I could have tried harder. We were once so close that you called me "mom" and even gave me cards on mother's day. I remember I cried so much and gave you the biggest hug. You drew pictures for me too. You really were like a daughter to me. Back then, you were still so sad, but you had a light and hope to you. I can't say what happened, but I'm so sorry. I wanted to protect you, but in the end I did nothing. It's been so many years. You told me how alone you felt and I talked to you constantly for the next few days. You suddenly grew distant again. I tried to keep talking, but not hard enough. You're my son, now... I'm just a terrible friend-mom who can't stop giving up. I hope you find happiness in those around you. I'm sorry that I'm this way, but I probably won't change. I can't handle supporting everyone anymore. I crumbled under all of you. My biggest regret is that you fell. I still love you. I'm just awful at showing it.

I'll be back for more later, tbh. Venting is nice. I just had to tear apart a room and found so many memories there. It's been messing me up, and this is a great way to get it out. But for now, I need to sleep.

Dear ex's

I dont missssss youuuu at allllllll! goood ridence! toxic people like the both of you esp you r should be put in lock upp! im neverrr gonna stop hating you with all my heart until you feel my shame! R, I hope you rot in a prison for what you are.W, please stop acting like you're the victim here. Becides, i never really liked you :L! glhf dealing with your crap and personal stuff and thank god you won't ***** to me anymore!
Dear everyone i went to school with in elementary school

🖕F**k 🖕 you 🖕
Dear me,

get tf in shape before you get kicked out of soccer
Dear Nintendo of Japan,

can you please stop keeping all the good games to yourself, kthx.
Dear Name,

You took advantage of me... on my birthday... when I was little. Why? To satisfy your "needs?" You thought I'd forget about it. Did your brother think the same since he was there?

Well. I did forget about it.

Then I remembered it.

I was told I should have said "no." I was told it was just "playing." Not just by you and your friends, but my family too.

It's bad enough I am burdened with your presence every day at school. Now at my house?

No one cares about me.

The one who's going to murder you.
Dear Uruha;

I don't know what you're going through, and I can't actually be there to help this time. I'm hoping that since things are calming down, you'll have some time to rest and relax a bit, but I won't try to deny that I'm really worried. Getting in contact with you is hard now. I just hope you're okay, and I can't wait to hear from you again.

- Hoshi