wouyld you rather be too hot or too cold??

would you rather be too hot or too cold?

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I would rather be too hot. You can always have some ice cream or a cool drink as a refreshment. In the winter my hands are almost always freezing and it gets annoying.
When Summer has already passed by, I don't want to deal with having to turn on the air conditioner 24/7 or sweating so much that you have to change shirts because of it.
Trust me, the heat will get to you after at least a month of being in it.

Being freezing literally has no penalties, as long as you stay inside. That way, you can sit close to a fireplace, grab your warmest blanket, and drink hot chocolate.

i used to say too cold but i feel a lot more miserable and upset when i'm too cold than too hot :(
I don't like either but I'd prefer to be too cold. I can handle dry heat but I live in a very wet climate so it gets unbearably humid when it's hot.
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Too cold because my body normally gets used to the pain of the cold after a while, & I don't mind the feeling of being numb anyways, but I hate the feeling of being sticky & sweat dripping down you (especially when it makes your hair stick to your neck).

It's easier to put on a coat or something than it is to keep cool.also im used to really cold climates
I'd rather be too cold. You can always add on how much you need to be warm. If it's hot you can only take off so much.
I feel like freezing is fine because I can always put on a coat or huddle up like penguins to warm up. Heat is harder to fix.
I despise the cold, I have anemia so I constantly feel cold (fingers and toes freezing even under blankets) and I'd rather feel warm and stay that way for a change
I don't like the heat very much. I got hot easily and don't get cold easily, so cold is an easy pick for me. Ideally I'd have no extremes though, just somewhere in the middle haha
i think i prefer the cold, but whenever i actually do get really cold, i always think i'd rather be very hot. idk, i guess i just prefer to be at a comfortable temperature if not slightly colder which barely answers the question but ?\_(ツ)_/?
Freezing, I guess in line with my Canadian nature. I dread the heat, it's so unpleasant - I spend summers indoors. As stated, you can always put on more layers in the cold. It also makes me feel much more alert and refreshed.
i'm a winter baby from a country where temperature drops to -20 C, of course i prefer cold! the summers here have been getting hotter and hotter which KILLS me, i literally cant function in above 20-25 C... i get awful headaches/migraines and feel nauseous all the time because of them
Cold weather is much more cozier and I really dislike sweating.
I'd rather be cold, at least I can put on more clothes/blankets that way. What am I gonna do when I'm too hot? Shed my skin??