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Would you remove someone from your friendlist for this?

So, I'm usually pretty selective with my friends on the devices. I'll add you, but I'm always nervous about meeting new people.

Here's what happened:

The other day some friends and I were on my island to show a friend who just started playing what our islands looked like. It was late. Someone on my friendlist who I never played with before (not from here! from FB I believe) came in. I chatted a bit, asked him who he was, welcomed him, and apologized - because my shops were closed. The moment he found that out, he just left. No goodbye.

e.e; Am I overreacting by thinking I should unfriend him?

i drive myself nuts worrying if I'll hurt someones feelings x.x

That's very rude, and I would indeed unfriend them. At the end of the day, it's not about the stores or shops, it's about social interaction and having a good look at other players islands to comment on. For me, I would definitely unfriend them and not think twice about it, otherwise set yourself up for an uncomfortable or unpleasant even future encounter.
If you don't play together and they are only there for your shops, no point is really being switch friends then. I don't think you should feel bad for that and I doubt most people would be hurt if you unfriend them if you don't play together.
I don't mind people dropping into my island unannounced because they can't do any harm. I keep all loose items in storage, I don't bff anyone except two people I've known for over 10 years, and I get all the one - stop items I want from my shop daily before I'd even consider opening my gates. If there's a one purchase item one friend in particular wants, I'd buy it and give it to them through mail or drop it specifically for them when they came and not any sooner.

I also do not enjoy the character limit nor the on screen keyboard in any way with any game, and I don't like chatting much on my island. Much prefer people do their own thing while here unless I have something specific to show, then hop out when they're bored, barring a tourney. In which case, fish or catch bugs elsewhere from me so we don't steal each others' catches, lol.

Anyway, I actually like random drop ins. But that's all just me and my opinions and feelings.
In the end, when you can tailor your own experience to best suit you, do so. Period.
oof this has never happened to me and i hope it never will, i would totally unfriend them without a second thought!

i always set a dodo code for my island unless it's for best friends or if i'm only gonna have my gates open for 2 minutes
most of those on my friends list are either someone i know irl or someone i have spoken to a lot
It's just a game. It wouldn't bother me and I do think you're overreacting. You didn't loose anything from that interaction.
It's just a game. It wouldn't bother me and I do think you're overreacting. You didn't loose anything from that interaction.
It doesn't matter that they didn't lose anything.
It matters that they could have.
And it does not matter that its just a game. Its a game we are clearly all passionate about to be on this site.
It doesn't matter that they didn't lose anything.
It matters that they could have.
And it does not matter that its just a game. Its a game we are clearly all passionate about to be on this site.

From the original post the individual said that they blocked the other person because he left when he was told the shops were closed. Call me crazy but I don't see the issue. That's what I mean by "it's just a game". Someone leaves because all they wanted to do was go to your shops - so what?
From the original post the individual said that they blocked the other person because he left when he was told the shops were closed. Call me crazy but I don't see the issue. That's what I mean by "it's just a game". Someone leaves because all they wanted to do was go to your shops - so what?
I'm not sure you understood the thread if that's your take away :p

Someone came to their island unannounced and the moment OP told them their shops weren't open, left without saying a word more to them.

The person is a stranger to the OP and the OP was asking if it would be wrong to remove them as a friend on the game.

As far as I can see no one was blocked.

I think its perfectly rational to not want a stranger showing up to your island without asking first. And if they did, at least to be polite enough to say bye when they leave.
I'm not sure you understood the thread if that's your take away :p

Someone came to their island unannounced and the moment OP told them their shops weren't open, left without saying a word more to them.

The person is a stranger to the OP and the OP was asking if it would be wrong to remove them as a friend on the game.

As far as I can see no one was blocked.

I think its perfectly rational to not want a stranger showing up to your island without asking first. And if they did, at least to be polite enough to say bye when they leave.

Ah, reading a lot of the other responses gave me the assumption that OP went with removing the person. My mistake on that part.

Regardless, my point still stands. It's totally ridiculous to get upset over someone coming to your island unannounced. It's even more ridiculous to get upset because they left because they just wanted to visit the shops. It's a video game.

OP, and several others who responded, are treating this as if a random stranger walked into your real-life physical home.

Given how many on this forum react to things, OBVIOUSLY, it's up to the OP if they want to delete this person or not. If they were offended by this, go ahead - delete, but then don't come to the forums for the community to play the arbiters of conscience. The vast majority of replies seem to support OP - and if that's how they see it, more power to them. But I don't see it that way. The person was playing the game. The game allowed them to visit the island. They visited the island. They probably wanted to visit the shops. It was closed. They left. So what?
Ah, reading a lot of the other responses gave me the assumption that OP went with removing the person. My mistake on that part.

Regardless, my point still stands. It's totally ridiculous to get upset over someone coming to your island unannounced. It's even more ridiculous to get upset because they left because they just wanted to visit the shops. It's a video game.

OP, and several others who responded, are treating this as if a random stranger walked into your real-life physical home.

Given how many on this forum react to things, OBVIOUSLY, it's up to the OP if they want to delete this person or not. If they were offended by this, go ahead - delete, but then don't come to the forums for the community to play the arbiters of conscience. The vast majority of replies seem to support OP - and if that's how they see it, more power to them. But I don't see it that way. The person was playing the game. The game allowed them to visit the island. They visited the island. They probably wanted to visit the shops. It was closed. They left. So what?
I don't think they're coming to the forums to play "arbiters of conscience". I think that's drastic; it was just a question. I think they have every right to ask whether or not blocking/deleting the user is appropriate; it's not your place to tell them what to do and what not to do on the forums. These threads are for New Horizons, and this just so happens to be about New Horizons and something that went down within this person's game. If it wasn't supposed to be here, the staff would've said so :)
I don't think they're coming to the forums to play "arbiters of conscience". I think that's drastic; it was just a question. I think they have every right to ask whether or not blocking/deleting the user is appropriate; it's not your place to tell them what to do and what not to do on the forums. These threads are for New Horizons, and this just so happens to be about New Horizons and something that went down within this person's game. If it wasn't supposed to be here, the staff would've said so :)

OP stated "Am I overreacting by thinking I should unfriend him? i drive myself nuts worrying if I'll hurt someones feelings"

I answered. Yes, OP is overreacting.

And there is also something called hyperbole. The one sentence you are attempting to pick-apart is intended to be read as "Do what you want but this is ridiculous". Not as a sort of policing, which I thought was rather obvious - but hey, on these forums I have to clarify every sentence I make. No wonder OP is so afraid of hurting someone's feelings! (and I suppose I have to clarify the sarcasm in this last sentence too?)

At the end of the day, OP started a thread wanting to get the opinions of others on whether or not she should remove someone from their friends list due to randomly visiting her island and leaving when finding out shops were closed. She clearly stated that she is "driv[ing] [her]self nuts worrying if [she]'ll hurt someones feelings". From that it's clear that she wants public opinion to dictate if she is taking the morally correct course of action. By definition, she is making the community be the arbiter of her conscience.
OP stated "Am I overreacting by thinking I should unfriend him? i drive myself nuts worrying if I'll hurt someones feelings"

I answered. Yes, OP is overreacting.

And there is also something called hyperbole. The one sentence you are attempting to pick-apart is intended to be read as "Do what you want but this is ridiculous". Not as a sort of policing, which I thought was rather obvious - but hey, on these forums I have to clarify every sentence I make. No wonder OP is so afraid of hurting someone's feelings! (and I suppose I have to clarify the sarcasm in this last sentence too?)

At the end of the day, OP started a thread wanting to get the opinions of others on whether or not she should remove someone from their friends list due to randomly visiting her island and leaving when finding out shops were closed. She clearly stated that she is "driv[ing] [her]self nuts worrying if [she]'ll hurt someones feelings". From that it's clear that she wants public opinion to dictate if she is taking the morally correct course of action. By definition, she is making the community be the arbiter of her conscience.
I see what you mean, but I am just saying that the way you phrased and your tone clearly assumes that you are policing; it's literally right there, hyperbole or not. I don't see anyone else going around telling people what they are and aren't allowed to do, especially when a thread is totally harmless. Your tone may have been obvious to you, but that doesn't mean everyone else will read it the way you do. You said "don't come to the forums for the community to play the arbiters of conscience." Whether or not that's some interesting literary device or not, it comes off as a little rude and authoritative.

In addition, this is coming from someone who said that personally, I would not find it a big issue and overall would've just ignored the incident. So trust me, there is no bias and this has nothing to do with your opinion; I'm just commenting on how your comment came off given your tone. But to each their own.
I see what you mean, but I am just saying that the way you phrased and your tone clearly assumes that you are policing; it's literally right there, hyperbole or not. I don't see anyone else going around telling people what they are and aren't allowed to do, especially when a thread is totally harmless. Your tone may have been obvious to you, but that doesn't mean everyone else will read it the way you do. You said "don't come to the forums for the community to play the arbiters of conscience." Whether or not that's some interesting literary device or not, it comes off as a little rude and authoritative.

And I can somewhat see why you felt I was policing from the literal meaning of the words I used. In context, it's a bit silly to assume that.

"If they were offended by this, go ahead - delete, but then don't come to the forums for the community to play the arbiters of conscience. "

But look at the sentence in question. If I wanted to rephrase this to a more literal meaning, I could have said:

"If they were offended by this, go ahead - delete, but it is frankly quite silly to come to the forums for the community to play the arbiters of conscience."

I don't care and it's not in my power to dictate what posts go up on this forum, obviously. But I'm expressing my opinion that a thread like this is a tad ridiculous to make. There are greater issues in moral decision making than whether or not to delete someone for visiting someone's virtual island in a video game and then leaving.
Sounds like an annoying situation but I don't think I'd remove someone for it, in the future I'd probably do dodo codes to avoid unwanted visitors.

But eh, if you don't know the person and would feel better removing them then you should do that.
So, I'm usually pretty selective with my friends on the devices. I'll add you, but I'm always nervous about meeting new people.

Here's what happened:

The other day some friends and I were on my island to show a friend who just started playing what our islands looked like. It was late. Someone on my friendlist who I never played with before (not from here! from FB I believe) came in. I chatted a bit, asked him who he was, welcomed him, and apologized - because my shops were closed. The moment he found that out, he just left. No goodbye.

e.e; Am I overreacting by thinking I should unfriend him?

i drive myself nuts worrying if I'll hurt someones feelings x.x

Wow! That's super rude and I wouldn't deal with that person again if I were you! next time they will just come and take everything and leave, I had someone like that on my island and i've never invited them back.