What was the last bug, fish, and sea creature you caught for your critterpedia?


Smells Like Teen Spirit
Oct 23, 2023
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
Orange (Fruit)
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
I know I’ve been posting threads left and right these days. And honestly, I wouldn’t blame anyone if it seems like overkill. It seems that way to me, but I just can’t stop.


Here were the final creatures for each section of my critterpedia that I caught (the date in parentheses is the day I caught them):

Final Bug: Golden Stag (July 14, 2024)

Final Fish: King Salmon (September 2, 2024)

Final Sea Creature: Horseshoe Crab (July 1, 2024)

Now, I know what you’re thinking, how did she get the King Salmon last? Well, back in September 2023 I had no idea that the King Salmon existed. I thought it was just Salmon like the noob I was back then. (I started ACNH in August 2023, so cut me some slack. Ok?) I didn’t find out about the King Salmon until November that year. And by then it was already too late to catch it. So I had to wait until the following year. For the Stringfish, it did stress me out cuz it was the end of March and I still didn’t have one. I did finally catch one at the last minute on cliff fishing island with my second bait. With the Golden Trout, I got really lucky. I was on a mystery island and I saw a medium sized fish at the clifftop waterfall pond. I decided to fish it up, and it was a Golden Trout.

For the Horseshoe Crab, I couldn’t nab it in time before it went away in 2023. It just happened to be the last one that I needed,

For the Golden Stag, I couldn’t get it along with the other rare summertime beetles because I didn’t catch enough bugs so they could spawn. This year (2024) I had already caught well over 100 bugs so they were able to spawn. I was able to easily nab the rare beetles. I even caught all of the horned ones (excluding the horned dynastid which I already caught in 2023) back to back in a single night. Two of them even spawned on the same palm tree. Even though Lyman was nearby sitting by the palm tree, they didn’t fly away. How I got the Goliath Beetle is a long story. If you’re curious, see the thread ‘Tips on catching the rare summer beetles?’ I posted back in late June. I got the Golden Stag on bamboo island.



I named him Jeremy. (It was the first name that popped into my head.)


Jeremy the second. He still lives with me to this day.


I was fully expecting a Black Bass. I didn’t even need bait. Lucky.


One down, two to go.


Two down, one to go.





First section of my critterpedia complete.




All three rare horned beetles back to back.



I caught this guy right before midnight.

Frustrated that I didn’t see any of the remaining beetles that I needed, I decided to create my own beetle island on a mystery tour.





The first time I saw one, I ended up hitting the tree with my net instead of catching it. I felt stupid. Glad I got a second chance.


When I saw it, I thought it was a cicada shell.

Bamboo island turned beetle island. This was the first and only time I saw the Golden Stag.


After 20 minutes of searching, I saw it. I thought it would take at least two hours to find it.


I was so nervous about screwing up. I was as slow and careful as possible.






Second section of my critterpedia complete.






I was on a mystery island so I could easily catch it. With that, my longtime goal of completing my critterpedia was complete. I set the goal for myself back in February. But now that it’s complete, each new month doesn’t feel as special. I used to look forward to upcoming months as I saw it as the chance to get new creatures that I was missing. But now that I’ve caught everything, it doesn’t feel the same. Oh well.
If i remember it was a giant stag, pond smelt and firefly squid as the last ones for collection. I dont remember when i did it, but i finished the critterpedia this year.
If i remember it was a giant stag, pond smelt and firefly squid as the last ones for collection. I dont remember when i did it, but i finished the critterpedia this year.
That’s so cool! One question though…
How come you got the pond smelt last? That fish is pretty common. Just wondering.
That’s so cool! One question though…
How come you got the pond smelt last? That fish is pretty common. Just wondering.
I didn't play that much after 2020 winter and only came back to the game for a while in 2024. I did have to time travel to catch up with the days I miss and I finished my critterpedia that way.
King salmon, I can't remember the others but I know the king salmon was the last of the last critters for me.
The dung beetle, pond smelt, and firefly squid were the last critters I needed for my critterpedia, and I was able to catch the dung beetle and pond smelt on the first day of December 2020, and the firefly squid on the first day of March 2021!

My critterpedia has been complete for a long while now, and I miss catching things for it. It's one of the most fun and rewarding parts of the game imo! If I ever start playing New Horizons again, I might try to complete my alt character's critterpedia for fun.
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last bug: golden stag on july 29th, 2023
i kept dropping the game during the summer and would often forget about the summer bugs until it was far too late

last fish: stringfish on january 24th, 2024
...listen... i simply never had rivers nor three levelled areas on my island so i truly didn't think about this poor fish

last sea creature: firefly squid on march 6th, 2023
i think i remember being super focused on trying to get the spider crab since i saw that it was ultra rare but failed to realize that i actually had two sea creatures left to catch instead of just one
I captured my moments.

Stringfish on December 1st, 2020 (could've went for it earlier in March, but didn't know about crafting fishing bait back then):

Stringfish (Final Fish) 3.jpg

Dung Beetle on December 12th, 2020:

Dung Beetle (Final Bug) 2.jpg

Firefly Squid on March 1st, 2021:

Firefly Squid (Final Deep Sea Creature) 3.jpg