Why does the game like to cheat you?


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2013
So, I was playing the game earlier today and chatting it up with all of my villagers, which is part of my daily routine. Rocco is moving out on the 26th to my delight, and while I was talking with him he brought it up. The option where I could say stay or still move came up and of course I picked the LEAVE option. But then he takes a complete 180 and stays! This has also happened to me with Poncho and in my old town Barold! Why does the game just give me YES and YES as an option! Why would Animal Crossing of all games be the one to lie to me just to piss me off!

Good thing I reset and he's still gonna leave on the 26th. Uhg, New Leaf is so full of bad design. I wonder why I even still play it :\
Just turn the DS off and than log back in and don't let him ping you, he will then move out on the date he said.
Yeah that does happen to me as well.
Thank god for the reset option!
When they ping you once, talk to them and if they say they will move, don't talk to them again otherwise they may change their mind (unless you chose the option of course)
sometimes i wonder if animal crossing is a pain just because it knows how obsessed we all are

"yes, i'll make you sell your soul to tom nook and loathe your villagers and their house placements, but you'll keep coming back. they always come back."
Just don't talk to villagers you know are moving if you want them to leave. I really don't see how this is a bad game design. :rolleyes:
It doesn't. It wants you to be friends with everybody, and will keep villagers in your town because you aren't friends. Not a bad game design imo
That's not cheating you...but you brought it on yourself. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice as the old saying goes.