Who I think the next sages will be...

Ac1983fan said:
Here's what I think(I will post them one at a time).

(could an mod edit the top please with the rest of my post?)
Here's what I think(I will post them one at a time).

JJ will be a sage. No Question about it. He's a great graphics maker, a nice member, and is extremely active.

Will it be Pie_Or_Die Or UltraByte?
wouldnt that mean it would be ac1983fan not ultra then wouldnt he just say ultrabyte
I think the members who are helpful, active and contribute to the site deserve to get a rank like Sage.
Tied! between POD and Ultrabyte.
each of these peoplehas there good things about them and there faults. For example, while POD is on a lot and is great at making graphics, he has a bit of attitude. Ultra is a great spriter, but is only one 1/2 of the time as POD
Most likely to go beyond the rank of sage and where they will go:
5. Zero_13, Local Mod
4. fish, Global mod
3. Ultrabyte, Local Mod
2. Sporge_27, global mod
<big><big><big>1. Smart_Tech, Admin</big></big></big>
Everybody knows him. Most people like him. Who is it? try and guess!
Also Tomorrow:
Top 5 honarable mentions

alright.. discuss....
Ac1983fan said:
Tied! between POD and Ultrabyte.
each of these peoplehas there good things about them and there faults. For example, while POD is on a lot and is great at making graphics, he has a bit of attitude. Ultra is a great spriter, but is only one 1/2 of the time as POD
Most likely to go beyond the rank of sage and where they will go:
5. Zero_13, Local Mod
4. fish, Global mod
3. Ultrabyte, Local Mod
2. Sporge_27, global mod
<big><big><big>1. Smart_Tech, Admin</big></big></big>
<big><big> </big></big>
you are wrong in some of those :rolleyes:</big>