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Which villagers fit their personalities best?


Freshly Delivered Something Or Other
May 24, 2020
Orange (Fruit)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Cherry (Fruit)
This doesn't mean your favorite—though your answers could very well be your favorites! Out of all the villagers available, who could be the poster child of each villager type? And why?

My opinion:​

Smug - Julian!

As a bright blue and sparkly unicorn, Julian is the stuff of theatre and fantasy movies—just what a smug villager dreams of being!
Uchi/Sisterly -Renée!

I'm honestly scared of her. I'm pretty sure she could beat me up if I so much as sneezed near one of her besties.
Lazy - Sherb!

His whole shtick is being a sleepy baby blue boy. Check out his picture and quote!
Forty winks is never enough.
Cranky - Dobie!

With the wrinkles on his face and jaw, it's clear to anyone without hearing him speak that he's a cranky villager!
Snooty - Monique!

Just as Marilyn Monroe is the poster child of her genre, Monique is the poster child of snooty villagers.
Peppy - Agent S!

She's small, but full of personality! As a pop-star peppy, Agent S and her hero helmet stand out as she poses atop her own stage.
Jock - Louie!

Big, tall, and swole, Louie could actually bench press a school bus (unlike many of the "poser" jocks)!
Normal - Molly!

Molly looks exactly like your normal female mallard, with no strings attached—except that she's sweeter than one!
I completely agree with your choices for Smug and Cranky. I can't believe Dobie wasn't originally a Cranky, he looks more Cranky than the other wolves!

For normal, I'll say Maple for similar reasons to Molly!
For snooty, I usually think of the mostly white snooties (Diana, Whitney, Blanche, etc.) so one of them.
For lazy, I'm going with Bob, the quintessential lazy.
For peppy, I'll say Flora. A flamingo being peppy makes so much sense.
For jock, I'd say it's a tie between Ribbot and Sprocket. I genuinely don't know if I could see a non-Jock robot villager working.
For sisterly, I'm torn between Pashmina and Fuchsia. They both have a great design balance between tough and cute, which I think is key for a great sisterly.
I think Skye is a perfect normal. She's not as cool looking or cute as Pekoe or Molly (respectively) but Skye just embodies normal-ness. As for smug villagers, Colton is 💯. He dresses like a prince, has long flowing locks, and lives in a very fancy studio apartment. Kidd and Zell also have amazing houses that would make anyone feel a bit smug. Croque is text book cranky due to his facial expression, kind of like how Ankha's frown matches her snooty personality. Of all the wonderful peppy gals I've known, Chrissy is probably the peppiest. The huge eyes, the pop star outfit, the modeling for album covers--it's all there.

Edit: Ellie is also an amazingly normal normal. Soothingly normal.
Of all the wonderful peppy gals I've known, Chrissy is probably the peppiest. The huge eyes, the pop star outfit, the modeling for album covers--it's all there.

How could I forget about Chrissy?? :eek: Dang, she's definitely the poster child of peppy since she's also a literal popstar. Agent S has popstar qualities but isn't quite there like Chrissy is.
I love Louie for the jock. He’s basically Donkey Kong. He wears the Luigi shirt in the Gamecube version. I could never get attached to any of the gorilla villagers, but I do really like Louie. He’s my favorite gorilla villager.
Smug - Colton for sure. You can tell he comes from old money and he's quite happy to flaunt it. Epitome of old school story book prince.

Normal - Celia. She's just what "Normal" is to me - nice enough, not terribly fancy. Calm and balanced. And that to me is Celia.

Peppy - Chrissy, same reasons others have already said

Cranky - Dobie, same reasons everyone's saying haha

Jock - Bud, because he reminds me of like a 90's sitcom surfer, which suits the jock personality well.

Snooty - Gigi. Her small stature and heavy old fashioned make up makes me think of those wealthy little old ladies you sometimes see, still strutting their stuff in designer outfits, flaunting their wealth to the world.

Sisterly - Cherry. She's like that cool older punk sister who sorts out your school bullies for you, so that's sisterly to me.

Lazy - Benjamin, cos you can't argue that those are some SLEEPY eyes.

Cool thread!
For jock I think it is Stinky - he’s so cute and wacky. His eyebrows and fake (?) wrestler mask and name/ weirdness really captures how fun but weird and kind of gross the jocks are, while still being loveable.


Lazy - I think Rex is really perfect. With his freckles and cuddly looking body, plus I think male lions irl are pretty lazy. He looks like he should be sleeping in the sun somewhere, day dreaming about snacks and bugs.


Cranky - Ike. He’s a big grumpy-faced, but ultimately cuddly, old teddy bear. His house is a workshop and even though I generally don’t like villager houses that look uncomfortable, it seems fitting to see him puttering around in there. The low cranky voice also makes sense coming out of him and the other cranky bears.


maybe I went a little outside the lines on this one, as Ike it the cranky who most epitomized the positive side of the personality for me.

Smug - Rodney. I know this one might seem crazy, but to me, the smug personality is not cool or hip, or suave at all. They are all weird, geeky posers (in a loveable way). Rodney, to me, (in addition to being super cute) nails the whole theater geek reinventing himself for the 3rd time as an ‘influencer’ or to start a podcast where he tells everyone about some fad that he ‘basically started’. He also reminds me of my friend, who is the only person who can authentically call pictures of himself eating cake ‘ bon vivant moments’ without seeming obnoxious.


Uchi - this one is hard because I find totally different designs fit the personality in different ways. But I guess for me it would be Deirdre? She seems cool and tomboyish, but still down to earth and I think her ‘whatevs’ is just the perfect catchphrase.


I think fuchsia and Reneigh also fit the personality really well, in a different way.

Peppy - I know it seems obvious of me, but I really honestly think Tabby. The peppy dialogue, which is a mix of crazy schemes, video game talk, and fangirling just fits Tabby to a tee! She’s cute and wacky and fun! She looks like someone who studies pyrotechnics in their spare time.

Normal - I feel weird for choosing another deer in this list, but Fauna. Before she came to my campsite I thought she was boring, but was pleasantly surprised with her. She’s got a simple, sweet, and down to earth design and just seems to do a good job of encapsulating the personality.

Snooty - not sure about this one, since I find the personality kind of boring I tend to gravitate toward villagers that make it more interesting (like little cute snooty babies Judy and Soleil.) but in terms of who fits…I am going to go with two - one is Whitney. She is the first one who comes to mind and fits the personality with her pale, ladylike look. And it makes me dislike the personality more, because I dislike Whitney, even though I cannot explain why. So I would say one who fits maybe not quite as obviously but really well is Yuka. She’s not a very exciting design (to me), but she is elegant, pretty, and stylish. Seems like a refined lady.

i couldn’t decide on one for uchi/sisterly, smug and cranky, so i just left those out for now. 😅

normal - goldie

goldie is one of the first villagers to pop into my mind whenever i think of the normal personality; golden retrievers are sweet, calm and easy to get along with, just like the normal villagers, so i think goldie fits this personality well.

peppy - rosie

with her bright pink cheeks, vibrant design and almost childlike optimism, rosie has always been the face of peppy villagers in my eyes.

snooty - whitney

everything about whitney practically screams “snooty”, from her interior to her simple yet elegant design. arctic wolves are generally unafraid of people as well, which i think is also true for snooty villagers.

lazy - bob

...i think this picture speaks for itself LOL. bob may not exactly be a favourite of mine, but he’s always been the lazy villager imo; childlike, playful, hungry and always ready to relax without caring about what anyone has to say about it.

jock - kid cat

this might be because i listened to him talk about his muscles and exercising for over a year lol, but kid cat’s the first jock villager that i’ve met that truly embodies the jock personality with his superhero getup, passion for exercise and of course, his cluelessness.

none of these photos are mine.
This is interesting.

Cranky - Dobie. Best grandpa.
Lazy - Jeremiah. He feels like he won't even move.
Jock - Boone/Louie. Gorillas for the strength and body shape. Perfect fit.
Smug - Julian for being soooo fabulous. Although I think Huck hits with that constant smirk.

Peppy - Rosie. Very fangirl-y vibes.
Snooty - Monique/Olivia. Poise. Elegance. These cats really exude it.
Normal - Fauna/Maple/Molly. Simple design, but very adorable. Natural colors.
Uchi - Renee. She looks like your typical and literal big sister.
Can't decide on all the types yet, but the ones I feel strongly so far are:

Had him in NL & he was the first jock type I ever had who looked like it lol. Just thought he was perfect. I have Dom now & he makes me giggle everytime he talks abt his muscles cuz he's so round and fluffy and he eats snacks more often than he works out and more than my lazies lol.

Hands down Broccolo.
I have both him & Sherb but I find Sherb to look so serious most of the time and he likes to study nature so he doesn't look lazy at all, more of a scholar.

Meanwhile Broccolo does zoomies, loves to sing and just sit a lot. He smiles when he walks around & he smiles during his workout giving me the impression he's always thinking abt his next snacks & not really concentrating on his exercises lol.

He's my dream cranky cuz I love the scar on his face, looks like he's been in real fights & you'd hate to see what happened to the other dude. He's perpetually scowling so he's perfect as a cranky.
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I tried to be unbiased in my votes.

Normal - Fauna
Fauna has a nice natural colouring and a very normal looking interior.

Lazy - Sherb
I have to agree with the OP. Sherb has a sleep theme and a cute lazy look on his face.

Snooty - Ankha
She is a QUEEN 💅

Cranky - Kabuki
Going with another cat! Kabuki looks like he's always angry. Now thats cranky! He also has a Japanese theme with bonsai, which indicates he's elderly and has a lot of free time. I was going to go with Dobie, but then I remembered that there could be nice grandpas. Kabuki would make children cry.

Uchi - Reneigh
Reneigh looks like an older sister. Goes well with the Uchi or Sisterly theme. My first thought was Audie but then I remembered she was a peppy.

Smug - Julian
It may seem cliche but Julian is the most smug and the most FABULOUS of a very cutthroat competition of smugness. His house interior has furniture that can't be sold in the shops. His design is based on a unicorn so he doesn't even consider himself a normal horse villager. He's also got a designer haircut that reeks of smugness.

Peppy - Chrissy
Pink fur. Check
Overly cute eyes. Check
Cute, girly house interior. Check
Has a Japanese idol theme. Check
Face on the most peppy, overplayed song in AC (KK Bubblegum): Check

Jock - Kid Cat
This one was hard. Considering Jocks always talk about athletics so I picked Kid Cat. He may not be the most muscular. But he looks like the most active. His house also has an industrial workout theme. He's gotta be a real hero, right?
Normal- Goldie


She is just perfectly ordinary. Simple house, simple design. But also very cute doggo.

Peppy- Rosie


This one is a little biased, because she is my favourite peppy. But even if she wasn't, I just think she is the perfect girl for the job. Those big pink cheeks, her huge eyes. She has the vibe of a massive fan-girl.

Cranky- Dobie


Everybody is choosing this boy, but it's true. He's the wolf villager version of a grumpy old man. The wrinkles? Come on.

Jock- Boone


I don't have much of a liking towards the gorillas, but I would say Boone fits Jock really well. He's tall, muscly, he's got the perfect build for a sporty jock person.

Snooty- Whitney


A queen all round. Without knowing what her personality type is, you would say she is a snooty. She has that air about her, and she's so elegant and perfect looking.

Lazy- Stitches


I mean come on, he's a colourful teddy bear and his house looks like a kids playroom.

Sisterly- Reneigh and Fuchsia



This one was kinda hard to pick one, so I went for both Reneigh and Fuchsia. I think they are both quite cool looking, and have that big sister vibe about them. But I also wouldn't want to make either of them angry.