Whic flower is your favorite?

I love Pink lillies as they are really pretty but I think my favourite flowers would have to be either blue roses (They are such a rich blue colour and they fit my town really well) and orange pansies (They are so unique looking with the yellow in the middle and red on the outside instead of just plain orange!)
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Lilies, Jacob's ladders and blue roses. Lilies in pink and orange are especially pretty. I know it's absurd but I wish they had made a blue one.
Blue roses have that nice shade to them. And Jacob's ladders are so pretty and unique in their own way. They also look good in your hair.♡
Dang! That is a tough one. If I absolutely had to choose it would most likely be the blue roses!
I like roses the most, specifically white and purple roses. Pink roses are nice too but white+purple is my favourite colour combination for flower arrangements. By the same token I also like purple and white violets. I'm aiming for a town full of these but it's taking a while lol.
I rarely try to breed hybrids and, therefore, am rarely successful. Sometimes, something nice that has bred spontaneously will catch my eye while traipsing the acreage and it's usually a rose or tulip. Not too crazy about orange ones.
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I really like pink lillies, white carnations, purple tulips and purple pansies.