Where is the actual upcoming Mayor of our town(s)


Along For The Ride
Nov 22, 2015
Winter Mittens
Kapp'n Christmas Doll
When we start the game Isabelle explains how we are the person coming in to be mayor although we have no idea what she's talking about, and we become the Mayor without a choice.

So... Where is the actual person that is coming to be mayor? Did they never show up? Is Isabelle just crazy?

I wonder.
Maybe the one who was actually supposed to be mayor was Rover, but he secretly didn't want the job, so when he saw you on the train and heard you were going to *insert town name* he was like ( ͡? ͜ʖ ͡?) and just feigned ignorance
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Maybe the one who was actually supposed to be mayor was Rover, but he secretly didn't want the job, so when he saw you on the train and heard you were going to *insert town name* he was like ( ͡? ͜ʖ ͡?) and just feigned ignorance

well that's my new headcanon

from what i've heard the actual mayor was supposed to arrive on the same day as you, but you came first, everyone was convinced it was you, and the actual mayor was like "eh whatever good luck being mayor"

although i have very little memory about the beginning of my mayorship oops
It was going to be Lucky, but he had a small accident clearly.
I saw something on tumblr (so not my original idea, obviously), and it said that Tortimer's grandson was supposed to be mayor, but Isabelle didn't think he was responsible enough for the job. She was really worried about him leading the town, so when you stepped off of the train, she took a chance because you were the town's last hope. It's my personal headcanon c:
Maybe the one who was actually supposed to be mayor was Rover, but he secretly didn't want the job, so when he saw you on the train and heard you were going to *insert town name* he was like ( ͡? ͜ʖ ͡?) and just feigned ignorance


As funny as that is, I now consider it to be 100% factual
there was never meant to be another mayor.. they just made that story up to trap us.
but that rover story would make sense too ^^
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Maybe the one who was actually supposed to be mayor was Rover, but he secretly didn't want the job, so when he saw you on the train and heard you were going to *insert town name* he was like ( ͡? ͜ʖ ͡?) and just feigned ignorance

that is brilliant.
I vote for them trapping us, lol! I also think that whoever it is, they are far away on an island somewhere (not Tortimer's) laughing up and drunk as a skunk.
The "mayor" sends you a letter after you save and quit your game for the first time. (S)he says that "one thing lead to another" and that (s)he's rooting for you. The letter is written on cloudy paper. I don't think it is Rover because he is known as a traveler and it would seem out of character for him to even consider the position to change his mind at the last minute. I think the "mayor" is a human because I cannot imagine the villagers mistaking you for the mayor if the mayor was supposed to be an animal. I think it is either a Nintendo character from another game or a real person. It could be Mario since cloudy paper kinda fits the theme but isn't as obvious as SMB3 paper, although I can't imagine him writing a letter due to his limited vocabulary. Maybe it's Peach and she got kidnapped by Bowser before she could get to your town. It could be a Nintendo executive. The circumstances surrounding the "mayor" are intentionally vague, so it's possible that the developers were just looking for an explanation to shoehorn you into the mayor position without trying to get creative and having to develop a story around the "mayor", but it's more fun to speculate than to just accept that.