What's Bothering You?

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I received a package from UPS with a note saying under BBQ but I had a look for it everywhere I could outside and I couldn't see it, I'm so mad :mad:
i accidetnally cut my fingrtip and it's bleeding sso i cant use my computer properly because it's the finger i use a lot on the touchpd + for writing please help im dying
i accidetnally cut my fingrtip and it's bleeding sso i cant use my computer properly because it's the finger i use a lot on the touchpd + for writing please help im dying

wash it and use a band-aid (like those you can custom cut and are not too thick).
wash it and use a band-aid (like those you can custom cut and are not too thick).

thanks, ik i should but im in school and i dont have any bandaids .. ): and going 2 the school nurse for a tiny, bleeding cut feels rly weirdd so i'll jusrt live with it i think

edit: updATE I FOUND IT GOD BLESS now i just need to find that SSB cartridge that somehow got lost while it was INSIDE the box idek its been lost for like a year now rip
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i've had fcking horrible service from game regarding my fates special edition, and whenever i try and genuinely get help from customer services all they say is they cant speed up the post.
i know but
can you fcking tell me why you sent my fcking game out with the wrong shipping?
Photobucket being infected with some ****ing popup malware so you can't log in unless you click that ****. someone help? :c
Photobucket being infected with some ****ing popup malware so you can't log in unless you click that ****. someone help? :c

step 1) don't use photobucket
step 2) install malware bytes and do a virus scan
Yeah I keep getting a popup thing with a 2 in it so might do :c and yeah's been fine until now though

i just checked the site and it happened to me as well. just click the prevent page from creating additional dialogues checkbox and hit okay on it, then login. but seriously, photobucket is trash
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