what songs make you super depressed?


i eat bugs
Jan 28, 2016
New Leaf Token
Poptart Easter Egg
White Cosmos
anyone else have those songs that someone who now hates you told you about, and even though its a happy song, you just cant listen to it without crying? me too.

for me the song that does that the most is love song by lamaze-p. weeb song, i know, but no song makes me more sad then that

Though I love this song, I don't listen to it very often at all because I think it attracts death. The song, according to the album booklet, is about a child learning about death through the death of pets.

I wouldn't say it's the saddest song I've ever heard, but it's definitely the most depressing.
A lot of 90s and early 00s stuff since.. well the worst eras for music imo and I grew up during it. I'd rather have cheesy 80s rock any day.
Between the Bars by Elliott Smith, both because of the lyrics and for nostalgic reasons I guess
Fuori Dal Mondo
Dietro Casa
Nuvole bianche

All by Ludovico Einaudi
Can i just say chain smokers? *shudders i hear on XXX radio at XXX place that plays XXX raido station and its always the SAME song.. ( something just like this ) dknt know about you but i cant stand them ot makes me a little sad but more cringing then that
the emotion put into the vocals on this cover makes me so emotional and also it makes me imagine kaneki is singing it and its all his thoughts idk ok weeb webbw ebebebwreebdweeb
Probably the soundtrack that plays during the Disney movie UP, the married life montage of Carl and Ellie.
"A Thousand Years" by Christina Perry.

It was one of the songs played at my wedding. We're getting divorced now.
Bastille, Pompeii & Dido, White Flag for more popular songs & everyday depressiveness
Metisse, Nomah's Land & soundtrack to Melancholia (i.e., Wagner) for a more haunting, existential depressiveness
See You Again. Cause a mentor of mine whom I had known for over a decade died around the time that song was released