What is your favourite video game console?

Does PC count?
Either way, I still love GameCube just because of growing up with it and having it be the first console I ever played. Same goes for Xbox 360 just because I spent so much time on it. But for real tho, I only ever play PC and 3ds anymore. Having 90+ steam games on my computer really makes me oblivious to any other games lol.
It would have to be the SNES. I have a lot of favorite games for that system, and mine still works!
the gamecube, along with the 3ds. the gamecube was my first console, and had so many great games on it. the 3ds also has some pretty neat games on it.
The 3DS tbh, most of the games I've sunken the most hours into are on it, and I personally love handhelds more than home consoles because they're easier to just pick up and play whenever you have time.
Probably the PS2.

It had such a good library with a lot of my favorite series either starting on there or I got into the series on there.

It was also backwards compatible and since we had to sell the PS1 to afford a PS2, so there's games I just never would have played otherwise. Something like Final Fantasy IX I relate more to the PS2, simply because that's where I played it.

It also just happened to be there at 'the right time'. We didn't have a lot of money when I was growing up so I really didn't have that many games on previous systems...Like, at all. I was lucky to own the systems at all.
PS2 was in my teens where I was starting to get some sort of small allowance and being able to go out further than my neighbourhood on my own, discovering the magic of 'trade ins', so I was able to play and discover so many more games with the PS2.
i pretty much only play on nintendo consoles and pc, my sister has a ps3 but i never use it so i dont know a lot about other consoles or companies haha. i really like the wii u, it has all the good things with the wii but it also has usable, normal (as in not wii controls bc those made a lot of games unplayable or boring tbh) controls
there are very few wii u games that i really like tho so that's sad But i really think the wii u is one of the better consoles nintendo has made.
game wise i think i liked the gamecube and 3ds more than the wii u but /:
When it comes to consoles, I do prefer handheld ones. I tried the PSP, but the DS is definitely much better for me.
Right now? It's my switch

Of all time? I have some sentimental value with my DS not gonna lie.
The original wii was my first console I played 24/7 so it'll always have a special place in my heart but 3ds is wayyyy better and my ultimate fav.
I believe my favourite would be the 3DS (XL) but from what I'm hearing and seeing I think the Switch has a lot of potential especially since the game library is still growing! I think I may be biased towards Nintendo since it was and is my childhood but I'm hoping to introduce myself to other brands and consoles! But for now, that's my answer.
My 'all time' favorite is probably the x360. Right now the ps4 is my favorite, although my Switch is getting a lot of love lately.
My favorite console would have to be the Nintendo 3DS XL. It's much easier to use and play with whenever I want. Although I also like to say that the Game Boy Advance is one of the greatest consoles ever made! because of the GBA I was able to continue to play Pokemon and since than I had become a diehard Pokemon fan!