What is your favourite Public works project and least favourite Public works project?

My favorite it either the wisteria trellis or the flower arch. Least favorite is probably the pyramid. Idk why but I just don't like it. :c
Favorite: Zen PWPs and the 'wedding' bell

Least favorite: Those signs that anyone can request to you and that one PWP the cranky villager request that can ruin your perfect town status if you put it up.
Favorite will be the illuminated tree so cute
And least will be the drilling rig and pipe
My favorite would be the wisteria trellis and the statue fountain, they're both so elegant and pretty.

Least would probably be the shoe sculpture, and the drilling rig.
I like the wisteria trellis and my least favourite would have to be the sandbox.
My favorite is the wooden bench but wished we had more color options. White is perfect in 3 towns but pink would be better in the 4th town. I would use the fairytale like the white wooden bench.

Least would be the drilling rig that I've never added to my towns. I've dream a few towns where it looked nice with their theme.
It just doesn't work in my towns.
The windmill is my favorite, it's so cute!

The signs are so bad. There's nothing more disappointing than getting told to build traffic signs in a town WITHOUT CARS.
The parabolic antenna is an eyesore too.
Favorite: Flower Arch and Illuminated Heart

Least favorite: Drilling rig,Reset Surveillance Center, and the yellow bench
My favorite is probably the illuminated tree or heart. My least favorite is the yellow bench. That thing is so tacky.
I love the wisteria trellis and all fairy tale themed ones and my least favorite would have to be the drilling rig. Not a huge fan, but I'd like to see how others have incorporated it into their towns!:)
My favorite is the statue fountain, hands down.

Least favorite is the drilling rig or the useless signs. Yuck.
My favorite is probably the fountain and light house, my least favorite is probably the yield sign, I don't have much use for it.