What is the rarest fish and bug you've caught?


Junior Member
Jun 28, 2019
Fish- Oarfish. They've shown up rarely at my town or at the island the last time I caught one was over 2 years ago

Bug- This is a hard one but if I had to choose it'd probably be either the Walking leaf (I don't usually see them in my town) or a Cicada shell
I'd have to say the rarest fish I've caught so far in my recent town is the Coelacanth (idk if i'm even spelling it correctly haha)
For bugs, I usually don't go bug catching but I'd say the tarantula even though it's terrifying.
For fish it would definitely be the coelacanth as I do not try to activity catch those.
For bugs it is a bit of a harder pick... the scorpion I suppose?
I remember catching the tarantula more for some reason.
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Probably, the scorpion.
Though I haven't caught the mole cricket
I've caught at least one of every type of fish and bug since I've completed my museum. I'd have to say the rarest bug was probably the scorpion. I see tarantulas far more often than scorpions even though they're rare too. Although the walking leaf has been pretty rare for me too. I think I've only seen the one I caught, but I don't usually play before 5pm, so that's why.

The rarest fish I've caught is probably the coelacanth. I don't actively fish for it, and since the weather conditions have to be just right, I don't come across them often.
Rarest fish I've caught was the king salmon. Rarest bug I caught was a scarab beetle. As for sea creatures, it was the horseshoe crab as I only ever caught it once and never had another encounter. It took me a huge amount of time to hunt down that last empty space in my encyclopedia...
Rarest fish would be the king salmon for me. If I recall correctly, the king salmon was the last fish I needed in my encyclopedia and I just never managed to stumble upon it until 2017 after hunting for hours. (I've had my town since 2013). It was definitely a huge weight off of my shoulders when I finally caught one ;v; For rarest bug, I'd say the scorpion since I've rarely seen them in my town despite playing a lot in the summer, and I think I only caught one in 2017 as well.
2x coelacnatch and a saddled bichir for some reason
bug golden beetle
underwater: scallop
The rarest fish is the coelacanth. I was only able to caught that fish two times in all the time I'm playing
this game, as it was pretty hard to find it. I got at least 100+ sea basses before one of them finally shows

Rarest bug is probably the mole cricket. I try and try my best to find that little guy but it takes forever
till I find him, ugh.
i'd honestly say football fish, for some reason this one eluded me. i caught 2 coelacanth my first week in the game, but nary a football fish. and for the bug, maybe the rainbow stag?
For fish the coelacanth, took forever to find one. Ended up with pure luck to catch one when I was about
to give looking for it.

As for bug, probably the petaltail dragonfly. It's one of those bugs that showed up so rarely in my town,
while I was able to catch one, weeks passed till another one showed up again.
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