What if we had a Helper's Board?


Senior Member
Mar 29, 2006
I just thought of an idea! What if we had a board that could let us help other people out, like an Assistant's Service. What we would do is the busiest people post their busy list, and someone PMs the busiest person to help them out. If the busy person approves, then the Helper will get half of what the busy person is supposed to do. That way, everybody has more time for fun! How does this Sound? And please give me any positive or negative feedback. That's what helps me see any flaws in my idea.
I don't get what we're trying to do. For techinical problems there's tech support. Video game problems are for gamers lounge.
Say someone wanted to Advertise in the Advertisements Board, but didn't have the time to. The person would then post that they need help with some stuff like that (they would have to have three or more jobs to post in the Helper's Board). So stuff like this.
Sonicdude41 said:
Say someone wanted to Advertise in the Advertisements Board, but didn't have the time to. The person would then post that they need help with some stuff like that (they would have to have three or more jobs to post in the Helper's Board). So stuff like this.
if they didn't have the time to post there, they wouldn't have the time to post anywhere.
We have enough boards as it is... the list is getting a little too long. Its probaly like 5 times worse for the admins >_< And it sounds a little too unessisary... you could just post in off topic to get help
We have enough boards as it is... the list is getting a little too long. Its probaly like 5 times worse for the admins >_< And it sounds a little too unessisary... you could just post in off topic to get help
The list will get longer. If you know what I mean
