Weird habits.

I always walk around my house whenever I brush my teeth. I guess I'm that type of person who can't stay still no matter what.
I always walk around my house whenever I brush my teeth. I guess I'm that type of person who can't stay still no matter what.

I do something similar, when I'm talking on the phone with someone (rare since I don't like talking on the phone) I feel the URGE to get up and study my room. Not whole clean but tidy.

I pick at my lips even if they aren't dry or chapped. I've caused them to bleed multiple times. Apparently picking at ones lips when they aren't dry isn't normal? So I've been told.

I will cause my skin to swell, bleed and get really red and puffy cause I itch for too long, esp on my legs.

I pick at my eyebrow hair and more recently, my eyelashes

I have bad eye contact issues. Ever since I can remember, back even in Kindergarden I avoid eye contact with everyone.

I can NOT eat breakfast or my first meal of the day with the backroom light off. I'm sitting in the kitchen I'm not even in the backroom. Basically a dream messed me up so bad that it's not possible for me to eat my first meal of the day if the light back there is off, unless someone is in the room as I eat. No one in my family gets why I turn on the backroom light and not the kitchen light (I like to eat in dim lighting in the mornin).
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whenever i hear a family member's footsteps approach my room, i instantly take whatever gadget i'm holding and hide it somewhere! (usually under my bedsheets)
Okay, this is so embarrassing, but I used to chew on my lip a lot while doing stuff like writing or studying (and still do tbh, if I don't constantly try to stop doing it) to the point that they were pretty broken all the time. So one time when I was on my own and had a clean tissue in my hand I just started chewing on that? So that became a habit, to at least save my lips when I'm at home.
I crack my knuckles and form surf’s up gestures in order to fidget. It works surprisingly well.
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I have a tendency to peel my nails when I'm anxious which is why my nails are always short in real life.
Ugh yes I used to do this often. I've finally kicked the habit of biting them by scraping underneath them but I still bite and peel the skin around it. I also peel the skin on my knuckles so I can never be a hand model 😬
I like to use a disgusting amount of ketchup, I prefer things in odd numbers, and I lock my car a million times "just in case."
i crack my knuckles when i'm nervous or waiting for something that will only take a few seconds... i've noticed myself doing it while waiting for milk to steam, water to boil, etc. at work haha.
I always walk around my house whenever I brush my teeth. I guess I'm that type of person who can't stay still no matter what.
I do this, too! I can't just brush my teeth standing at a sink, I get too bored and need to start walking around.
I pick/peel/chew the skin off my lips. It just feels so good to get rid of the excess skin. I hate when it bleeds though. That's when I know I went too far but by then it's too late and I have a dried blood mark on my lips for a week.
I have this weird habit of clenching my jaw/gritting my teeth when I cut something using the scissors, like the moment the scissors snaps my teeth does the same action so I eventually developed to put my tongue between my teeth whenever using the scissors 😂, I also have this habit and mimicking people's hand gestures during conversations, so if someone is using their hand as a way to measure something while talking I tend to mindlessly show my hand too :lemon:
One habit have is when I get those random shivers I loose control and my neck goes back and sometimes crack.
when im eating small snacks (cashews, m&ms, gummy bears, etc ) i HAVE to eat an even number. not 3. not 7. not 5. most of the time itll be 2 at a time, and one will go to each side of my mouth so theyre even when im chewing vghbjk i have no idea why i am this way its so weird but its just a habit that i cannot break for whatever reason loolll
I am constantly moving. whether it be me rocking in my chair, wiggling my fingers/toes, rhythmically clicking my tongue/teeth, rhythmically flexing muscles, playing with something in my hands, and even consciously breathing in odd rhythmic patterns. this might have something to do with me having Aspergers and ADD, but it's basically me constantly "stimming" and it's why I can't sit still to do stuff on a computer or read for very long. I constantly have to be moving. the only time I don't move is when I'm falling/asleep.

but I also tend to scrape out dirt from under them using whatever i can find... folded paper corners, toothpicks, whatever happens to be around....
I also do this a lot because I can't stand having any dirt under my nails.
I have a verbal tick where I'll quietly say "____ and I are just friends and that's okay." It came from a rejection I got a few years ago, but I still use it to prevent my brain from dwelling on certain subjects.
I eat scrambled eggs with ketchup and fries with ketchup and mayonnaise. I prefer things in even numbers. I peel at the skin around my fingers when I'm anxious, nervous, or stressed. I sleep on my right side because whenever I sleep on my left, I wake up with a sore left wrist. I use sticky notes to clean my laptop keyboard.
I keep scratching the skin part that is in the middle of the top of your fingers. My skin now is dry and getting ruined every day. Does heal over time but gets ruined again.
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I wish l could stop...l might have to wear gloves everyday and try to stop