This site concentrates on amazing gaming vids. There are some WRs (world records) and others are simply awesome vids. You can also join in on the Forums. Btw, my username on this site is "Akira" so if you have any questions then PM me or the Admin of the site "Sdkess".
This site concentrates on Super Monkey Ball. You submit scores and compete with other gamers. This site has many WR and compilation vids for Super Monkey Ball. This site also has Forums for you to talk to fellow gamers. If you like Super Monkey Ball 1 & 2 then this is the place to go. Btw, my username is Akira and AkiraX (preferably AkiraX). You can PM me or the Admin (a guy named Fro) if you have any questions.
Join the Forums
Nintendori011/ Akira/ AkiraX

This site concentrates on amazing gaming vids. There are some WRs (world records) and others are simply awesome vids. You can also join in on the Forums. Btw, my username on this site is "Akira" so if you have any questions then PM me or the Admin of the site "Sdkess".
This site concentrates on Super Monkey Ball. You submit scores and compete with other gamers. This site has many WR and compilation vids for Super Monkey Ball. This site also has Forums for you to talk to fellow gamers. If you like Super Monkey Ball 1 & 2 then this is the place to go. Btw, my username is Akira and AkiraX (preferably AkiraX). You can PM me or the Admin (a guy named Fro) if you have any questions.
Join the Forums
Nintendori011/ Akira/ AkiraX