Visiting Dream Towns!

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Senior Member
Jan 25, 2014
100% (86) +

While I'm progressing on my Dreamer Badge, I might as well give some feedback on your dream towns! I will try to do at least 3 a day, but there are no guarantees when I get busy. To get your dream town visited and critiqued/commented by me, fill out the following:

Town Name:
Dream Code:
Extra Info:

(Please limit extra info to 50 words)

I normally only check the outside of the town, excluding the beach. If you would like me to look inside your house or on the beaches, please specify. Also, if you have any questions or want suggestions of what to do with your town or where to place a possible PWP, please let me know as well (I may suggest them on my own!)

That being said, I do not rate them. I will simply comment on what I like, dislike, or how I feel you can improve your town. So don't ask for me to rate on a scale!

4/450 Dreams Visited
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Town Name: Tahiti
Dream Code: In signature
Extra Info: It's a work in progress, but I made a few updates recently. <3
Oh & there are fun presents in the plaza :D
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Town Name: Oxford
Dream Code: 5700-2536-8006
Extra Info: My town is not finished, looking for advice on ground cover, pwps, etc. Enjoy! Ignore the stuff on the ground...
Town Name: Asgard
Dream Code: In siggy!
Extra Info: My town isn't finished but I'm working on getting each house complete with different HHA themes :)
Town Name:Nectere
Dream Code: 4600-2145-6163
Extra Info: It's a work in progress. I'm currently doing some changes with the flowers in front of the town hall and replaced the stone henge with a flower clock.
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Town Name: Starmie
Dream Code: 4100-3389-3770
Extra Info: I hope you like my town, if you do visit! :) it's basically done besides two villagers so yeah.
I would love if you looked in the houses.They are themed and i probably put more work into them than the town.Although the town is nice too.

Same.My houses are themed and kind of cute.

Same here as well.

If you can only visit one, then you could just choose.Thanks so much.
Town Name: Marth
Dream Code: In signature
Extra Info: The town is almost done, there are still a few things I want to change. I also have all the villagers I wanted :) Thanks for visiting!
First Impression: The plaza is nicely decorated with lots of flowers and a nice, bright pink path! However, I feel there are too many wrapped presents in the area, making it look crowded. Also, opening all the presents is cumbersome. If you spread out the gifts around your town for people to find or left the unwrapped, I think would improve dreamers' experience in your town.

Flower Placement: Your flower arrangement is really nice! I like that you have mostly purple flowers, but sprinkle in different kinds and colors of other flowers within them. It makes walking around your town less boring (than if you had all purple and same kind/color)

PWP Placement: Your PWP placements are nicely spaced apart and most of them feel like they belong where they should. It gives your town a nice sense of development and character.

Paths: Your paths connect nicely all together, making it easy to navigate your town. However, I feel you have too many different kinds of paths. I counted at least 8 different path types. Some are not noticeably different (pink brick + pig face), but I feel that it makes your town look "too busy" with so many path types.

Overall: A very lovely town! There isn't much more you can do to improve your town and I can tell you spent quite a bit of time on it.

First Impression: I really like the two paths you have set up at the plaza. However, there are empty path spots - are these meant to hold gifts for dreamers in the future? Also, your carnations look nice on the west side.

Flowers: I see what you mean by unfinished! An easy trick to make your town look "fuller" is to space your flowers apart in a checkerboard pattern. It covers more land tiles, but at the same time, fills up the empty spaces (southwest of map) I think you have good PWP placement, especially near Mint's house - that's just lovely!

Mayor's House: Wow! I'm really impressed with this idea of making a mayor's residence like that. It looks amazing and I love that you have beach access stairs!

Modern vs Natural: Based on the path you chose and walking around your town, I was expecting an all-natural town. However, I was a little disappointed when I saw how many modern buildings you have (town hall, police, mayor's house, bridges) I feel like these metal buildings clash with the natural feel of your town.

Overall: Really creative PWP placement gives your town a unique feel and it's a very nice dream! I would just suggest flushing out the flowers a little bit more and perhaps reconsider the modern buildings.

- - - Post Merge - - -

First Impression: Your plaza looks really nice! I like that you have a central color theme (blue) and it makes your town look inviting and put-together. But the Leafs still suck. :p

Flowers: Your town is so nice with so many flowers! I like that you have just a ton of flowers of all kinds in your town, but still keeping with a blue theme by having a majority of them blue flowers.

PWP: I feel your PWP placement could be better. I feel like a lot of them you just arbitrarily put down and it doesn't make sense or add to the feel of your town. An example of this is south of the plaza/west of Marshal's house: you have 4 PWP lined in a row, but I feel like none of them really add to your town. An example of GOOD PWP placement is near your town hall: you have a lovely "water garden" kind of thing going on there.

Bridges: Your bridges are wooden, but I'm not sure it fits with your town. I don't know of another bridge type that would fit well with your town, though.

Overall: Your town is a nice town, but I think you could have used better and smarter placement of your PWP. They currently don't add much to the feeling of your town, they seem to be "just there"

- - - Post Merge - - -

First Impression: It feels barren when you enter the dream - there aren't many flowers or trees coordinated around the plaza. If I had come to your dream on my own (without DA) and didn't see the presents, I probably would have woken up. (I tend to look around the plaza and leave if it seems like an undeveloped town, but will stay if I see flowers/paths, etc around the plaza)

Presents: It's nice that you've laid out an outfit and some goodies for your dreamers! However, I found it a little cumbersome to open 4 presents containing the outfit (which is not gender-neutral) I think it would be ok if you laid out the outfit unwrapped and perhaps had an outfit for the male dreamers.

Navigation: Navigating your town is a bit tricky. You have trees all over the town and it makes walking around the town difficult. One example is the trees above Chiska's house - they're all over above her house and you can't walk in a straight line north from her house without bumping into one! If you would like some help, I can help you clear off some trees at a later time.

Development: While there aren't many flowers in your town, I like that you have each major landmark lined with flowers (villager houses, town hall, etc) It makes the town look a little bit more developed. However, there aren't many PWP, but that's probably not your fault!

Overall: I think your town is coming along nicely! I think you still have a long way to go before your town is as good as some others on here and starting with improving the navigation will go a long way with that.
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Town name: Stardust
Dream code: 5900-2353-7063
Extra info: Town is compete....houses included. :)

Town name: Lullaby
Dream Code: 4800-4652-9723
Extra info: WIP..
Town name: Mythic
Dream Address: 4800-4397-4266
Town is 98% complete, including the houses but not the beach. Feel free to check out as much or as little as you'd like, let me know what you think! Thanks :)
First Impression: I love your path! It's super cute, but simple, especially the blue flowers.

PWPs: I really love the area below your town hall/police station. I think you have overall great PWP placement, but I feel some PWP could use better placement. An example is the wisteria trellis - I feel like it's a bit out of place and moving it could greatly make better use of it. One example of this is the flower arch leading to Julian's house - if you could place your trellis like this, I think it would be great!

Paths: Your paths are well-placed and your town is really easy to navigate. I like how most of your paths connect with each other, making getting around your town efficient. One thing I would suggest is possibly connecting the bottom of Brewster's with the bottom of the Retail path to make that a bit easier to get around, but I still like the bushes near the bottom of it.

Overall: Great town! It was a really nice dream to experience

First Impression: I really like the path QR you have surrounding your tree. (Bonus: it's the path all around your town!) I feel like the north side is a bit bare - you don't have trees, flowers, or bushes here. The trees and flowers on the other sides make it feel nice, though!

Flowers: I'm sure your north side is just your storage area for your flowers, but I feel like it's a bit bland - you have all the same kind of flowers all in a cluster. The southern part of your town's flowers look great, though!

PWPs: Most of your PWP placement is excellent. Most of your PWPs add to your town's character and I love experiencing them. One such example is below the police station - it just looks fantastic! However, I feel some PWPs are a bit odd. The water pump, water hydren, and geyser all seem to be out of place because you don't have anything that leads to them.

Navigation: You've planned out and laid your paths very thoughtfully and strategically. It's very easy to navigate around your town. The only suggestion I would make is to add paths to some areas missing them - near Bianca's and Whitney's house and also when you enter the plaza.

Overall: I really enjoyed dreaming your town. It's very nice and developed and I can tell you've put a lot of thought and time into it.

First Impression: It feels a little bit barren at the north side - there aren't any flowers there! However, I like that you had two different outfits - one for male and one for female - laid out in the plaza.

QR & Seasons: Let me say you did a FANTASTIC job using various QR codes around your town. My favorite is definitely the ice rink - it's so creative and I love that it's near another pond that just hasn't frozen over yet ;) I love that you have each season represented in a different part of your town, but I feel that summer is lacking a bit. Other than the lemonade stand, I didn't get a feel that the area was meant for summer (the picnic basket feels a bit too far away to be adding to the summer area)

Snow's House: This house is just so adorable! I love that you captured all of the aspects and scenes of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in this house. The mine idea - amazingly creative and well-executed. The only thing I would say is that her room to the west seems a bit empty. The only suggestion I can make is perhaps add a pumpkin pie to near the window - I distinctly remember in the Disney movie she made pies and would have them cooling near the window :)

Annie's House: I love the overall dark lighting in most of the rooms - it adds a lot of ambiance and creepiness to it! (Bonus: creepy doll in every room!) I like that you lightened the mood with the upstairs and downstairs rooms - it brings the element of Halloween fun to the entire creepiness. (Do the monster mash!)

Ella's House: I like that you have this as your castle! I feel it captures all the rooms of a castle and definitely like that you opted not to have a back room. Just out of curiosity (because I am not too well-versed in the Cinderella story): What is the basement supposed to be? I saw the gorgeous bed and thought it might be a bedroom, but then saw the jester (which he should NOT be in the bedroom!) My only suggestion is to possibly swap your Brewsters in the music hall for Bowtoids - they look like they have "tuxedos" on, which I think will add to the classiness of the castle.

Noel: I was expecting an all-Christmas house when I first walked in, but was pleasantly surprised with the back and west room. I feel like you did a really good job putting winter into a house!

Overall: Your town was really lovely to visit. I love that you have all the seasons in the town and represented most of them in each house.
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