villagers aren't suggesting public works projects


Legendary Trash
Jul 11, 2013
Silver Mailbox
The only time some suggested a project it was a yield sign D: I want some nice benches! Anyone have any suggestions?
Besides the Police Station and a stupid brick bridge that I'll NEVER use, yeah my villagers won't talk about projects...EVER!:mad:
I have the same exact thing. My villagers suggest projects maybe once every 3 days... I thought it was supposed to be every day?
When I first started playing, villagers would suggest projects every day or two, but in the past 6 weeks or so, I've probably only had 3 suggestions in total.. :(
Besides the Police Station and a stupid brick bridge that I'll NEVER use, yeah my villagers won't talk about projects...EVER!:mad:

Q_Q;; those are things that id actually want, my villagers keep talking about dumb things like stone tablets and signs
i forgot where (it was somewhere on the forums) that if you go diving in the ocean for about 5 minutes and catch some stuff (or get stung), once you walk in front of a villager they'll want something from you. it worked for me?? they don't always suggest projects though.