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<div class='spoiler_toggle'>The Game</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;"></div>
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>tl;dr **** nobody cares about</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">ok, so for those who don't know, (which I guess is all of you, hurr) a year or two ago, whenever it was brawl came out, I considered myself a hotshot brawler.
I mained Ness, backup was Sheik/Lucas, sometimes Jiggles.
I got a reputation for playing Ness, since I could beat most everyone (except one guy that kicks/ed ass, bad, and another who I was more or less on-level with, consistently) using him.
anywho, a year or so passed, and I diverged from ness, since you can only get so good, y'know. I stumble upon the video that's linked in my sig. I am amazed, shocked, in awe, whatever. tudor = god tier samus.
so I main samus, and end up getting fairly good with her. I can't meteor smash all the time, but I mainly spam missles and keep my distance. (I don't play wifi, if you were wondering) I am in no way close to matching the amount of awesome and win that tudor has, but I would hope that if I ever played brawl again (lolyearlonghiatusatleast) that I would some day be on par with him. lol @ me/my hopes.
I got my ass handed to me once, by sethlon, if that matters </div>
anyway, the video in the spoiler is of him vs sethlon, who's supposed to be a really badass falco player (one of the best in houston, at very least), and I thought I would share it with you. tudor's from las vegas/reno, I'm pretty sure. if only. ;-;
tl;dr, enjoy the vid.
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>tl;dr **** nobody cares about</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">ok, so for those who don't know, (which I guess is all of you, hurr) a year or two ago, whenever it was brawl came out, I considered myself a hotshot brawler.
I mained Ness, backup was Sheik/Lucas, sometimes Jiggles.
I got a reputation for playing Ness, since I could beat most everyone (except one guy that kicks/ed ass, bad, and another who I was more or less on-level with, consistently) using him.
anywho, a year or so passed, and I diverged from ness, since you can only get so good, y'know. I stumble upon the video that's linked in my sig. I am amazed, shocked, in awe, whatever. tudor = god tier samus.
so I main samus, and end up getting fairly good with her. I can't meteor smash all the time, but I mainly spam missles and keep my distance. (I don't play wifi, if you were wondering) I am in no way close to matching the amount of awesome and win that tudor has, but I would hope that if I ever played brawl again (lolyearlonghiatusatleast) that I would some day be on par with him. lol @ me/my hopes.
I got my ass handed to me once, by sethlon, if that matters </div>
anyway, the video in the spoiler is of him vs sethlon, who's supposed to be a really badass falco player (one of the best in houston, at very least), and I thought I would share it with you. tudor's from las vegas/reno, I'm pretty sure. if only. ;-;
tl;dr, enjoy the vid.