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Tripod Question

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How many pages can you have on a Tripod free site?

I indeed certainly do not know the answer to your honorable question. It was indeed a very respectable doubt to have and I am certainly ashamed to not have the answer to. I truthfully am in this very thread to write unecessarily long posts thus causing the The Bell Tree forums site to reward my shameful and cringeworthy laziness and procastinating-writing with lots of TBT currencies, which I need in order to buy in-game items such as hybrid flowers and rare furniture pieces from my fellow Animal Crossing New Leaf players. I certainly could sell my own collectibles and overall valuable items, but for now I do not possess any, therefore my only and last hope of gathering forum currencies is simply writing unnecesarily long posts and using 15 words when actually only 2 would feel necessary. I like to call this procasti-writing. Anyways, I hope you haven't lost a lot of precious time by reading through my monologue. Please don't mind me here and have an adorable day.

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How many pages can you have on a Tripod free site?

I indeed certainly do not know the answer to your honorable question. It was indeed a very respectable doubt to have and I am certainly ashamed to not have the answer to. I truthfully am in this very thread to write unecessarily long posts thus causing the The Bell Tree forums site to reward my shameful and cringeworthy laziness and procastinating-writing with lots of TBT currencies, which I need in order to buy in-game items such as hybrid flowers and rare furniture pieces from my fellow Animal Crossing New Leaf players. I certainly could sell my own collectibles and overall valuable items, but for now I do not possess any, therefore my only and last hope of gathering forum currencies is simply writing unnecesarily long posts and using 15 words when actually only 2 would feel necessary. I like to call this procasti-writing. Anyways, I hope you haven't lost a lot of precious time by reading through my monologue. Please don't mind me here and have an adorable day.
Please use common sense and don't bump 13 year old threads, as this type of behavior can earn you a warning if it becomes a pattern. Also, please see this post to learn more about our stance on spamming the forum as a means to farm TBT bells.

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