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Thoughts on Rap?

I think it's fine.

If I listen to it, it's mainly because somebody else on the block is blasting rap on their speakers, so from a mile away or literally right next door all I feel is the *boom boom boom* rumbling against the apartment walls lol

That was when I lived in the ghetto, though. Now I live in the suburbs. The other day, someone was actually blasting rap in their car. It was somewhat nostalgic since I grew up on hearing rap through the walls of my bedroom.

It's funny because when I saw the thread title I immediately thought of K.K. Hop as well, the live version is really cute.
i'm into a couple of tracks by a few musicians, but it's not the genre i listen to the most. okloser by doja cat is a bop fr
I think it depends on the type of rap. I don't mind rap if there's no "haha I use illicit substances and shot police", which is a lot of the rap I've heard. I think it's better to just incorporate rap into a song, rather than the whole thing being said. Also, it can get annoying when they use random words that don't make sense in or out of context just to have a word that rhymes.
I dislike it. People are allowed to like or dislike a music genre and rap is my least liked along with reggaeton. I dislike it mostly because of the subject material of most songs and that it lacks overall elegance to my tastes.
I never cared for it. I think rap is like country, an acquired taste, and you either love it or hate it. I enjoy the latter.
i like rap! i don’t listen to too many rappers but i enjoy kendrick, ian, doechii, asap rocky, baby keem, and tyler the creator. i used to not be the biggest fan until i went to a primarily rap music festival and it really grew on me lolol
The only rap music I can recall from my formative years was The Sugarhill Gang and that one Blondie song.I didn't really grow up with rap/hip-hop and I never developed a taste for it but I like some of the stuff Public Enemy has done.
i usually don’t listen to rap/haven’t really tried listening to it unless you consider soulja boy to be rap but i feel like his earlier music has very clear pop influences. i only like very few of his popular songs tho.
I like rap, but there's a lot of crap out there, you really have to search to find the good ones. My favorite rapper is Prof, I like almost every one of his songs, I even got to see him in concert recently and he was great!
i enjoy it and i find a lot of peoples' disdain for it is rooted in racism.

before people get mad the most common complaints about it like "it's always sexual" are for one not true and can also be applied to any old school rock band, so why is it always hiphop getting the flack for it 🤔🤔🤔
For real! Country is straight up perverted a lot of times. I'm not a prude at all so I don't have an issue with that. I just notice it's never brought up with country.

no, but intentionally cropping out the latter half of my reply that explains the first half might be.

It's giving ransom note 😂
It's not something I listen to on a regular basis but I do like it. It's just a surface I have scratched enough. I gotta find stuff I enjoy. I'd probably say I enjoy hardcore hip hop? I love the aggresion and passion of it.
I see I didn't answer the question lol. I like some 90s rap. I haven't heard much modern rap, but haven't liked the little bit I've heard. I don't have an issue with the lyrics or with cursing, I just don't like how it sounds. I'm much more a metal person.
love it! a lot of the most lyrically interesting music I've listened to has been rap/hip-hop. the wordplay scratches the same itch in my brain that reading something like shakespeare does
I can totally see that! A lot of times the rhythms and/or rhyme schemes cause the rapper to come up with some really clever stuff to make it fit.
I find it amusing that country and rap have been compared. From a musical standpoint, both genres are great at telling a story.

I think people generally like music for two reasons... if the lyrics speak to them, or if they enjoy the sounds/beats... and I believe a person's voice falls in the middle... it can be both musical, and tell a story!

To bring this back to topic, I feel like Rap and country both tell great stories. It just might depend on your preference for the sound.

But even more on topic, I Love the 90's rap... Dre, Snoop, Eminem... D12, Cypress Hill, Outkast. (Leaning towards west coast)
Not my favorite genre but I like listening to rap from time to time! Off the top of my head.. I like Tupac, Shing-02, Outkast, Lauryn Hill, Mos Def, Snoop Dogg, Lil Nas X... I'm a lil sick of Eminem tbh but I am basically obligated to like him at this point
I'm a lil sick of Eminem tbh but I am basically obligated to like him at this point

Stand your ground! Don't say you like Eminem because you feel obligated!

I will join you in a sense... I have no feelings towards Tupac. I might get some criticism for saying this, but I think he was overrated as a rapper.

But that's my opinion. And I am sticking with it. You should stick to your opinions too!
Stand your ground! Don't say you like Eminem because you feel obligated!
I'm originally from Detroit, MI.. My late childhood best friend was absolutely obsessed with Eminem when we were only like 9 years old, she was the one who introduced me to both Eminem and rap in general.. and then there's my husband who love love loves Eminem.. I also have a cousin who worked for Eminem for a long time... I rest my case, I am definitely obligated to like Eminem 😅 to be fair I do enjoy listening to his older stuff from time to time, but he has just been overplayed in my life