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This ruined the game for me

I really hope it gets better as time goes by and I talk to them more often. But I guess they don't collect furniture anymore? Like they collect regal furniture?

I haven't seen them ask for certain furniture but they sometimes ask for a replacement furniture for a furniture they have in their house for redecorating purposes.
Can't beat captivating conversations like this one.

I've never played an AC game before and I think my villagers have plenty of personality. Especially Julian and Merry. They're literally a couple.

I think that the older games were more developed because that was back in the day. Back then people probably didn't like a lot of games because of poor quality and Nintendo wanted AC to be successful. Nowadays we have a lot of high-quality games and Nintendo probably knows we're not looking for super high-quality with conversations and things like that anymore since we see it everywhere nowadays.

Besides, I think some villagers are quite bland anyways. Nate is SO boring. He says the same thing over and over again about me being a green-thumb(which I'm not) and it sort of matters on the game's settings.
Personally, I am irritated by the more subtle personalities (especially cranky and snooty, I loved what jerks they were in the old game and Camofrog and Blanche aren't nearly as fun now). But on the other hand, I think the conversations are way better and I actually like the new types of requests.

The new gentleman personality is really wonderful.
I agree about the snooty (and cranky) villagers. Massive change in personality if you ask me! One of my villagers, Mint....I had no idea what her personality was supposed to be tbh. I had to go look it up! Of course I find out she's snooty....it feels like they turned the snootiness dial down from an 8 to a 2. ._. Really disappointing. I mean I was never too terribly fond of snooty villagers but I'd take that over a bland personality anyway. I still do like Mint, she's incredibly nice....in some ways almost nicer than Lily? o_o

Another thing that I noticed...compared to the older Animal Crossing games...especially the one for the GameCube...do you guys remember opening animals dressers and the comment made by the player being really snarky (in a funny way)? I miss that! Seems like they've toned down the snark as well. :/
Personally I like the conversations a lot better than in City Folk and, to some extent, better than Wild World. It's been such a long time since I played the GC version that I won't count it.

The Snooty and Cranky villagers did get a major tone down but that is probably, mostly because in our world nowadays, your ego is important to companies. Snooty characters used to try to make you feel bad about some things and, back then, that was okay because people knew it was a video game. Nowadays, some crazy parent or person would try to sue Nintendo for making their kid or themselves feel bad. I know it sounds stupid, but there are people out there who do this kind of crap!

ex: Portal 2 had a scene where you are made fun of for being adopted. Later that year, a parent went on a rant and made it to the news about how mean it was because his daughter was adopted.

I like that the snooty characters are a bit nicer though, it makes me not hate all of them. I used to hate all the snooty characters and would send them mean letters and hit them with my net all the time lol. I do love cranky villagers and will miss their crankiness.
Their conversations are a big step up from WW and CF, but they still don't have the variety of topics like they did in the GameCube version, which is a shame. I wish they'd change the cranky and snooty types back to how they were in the original..Nintendo seems to be lightening the animals attitudes in this game for the sake of younger children playing it but its having a negative affect. Prime example is Resetti.

It's hard to tell what personality type an animal is now except for the jock type.
Their conversations are a big step up from WW and CF, but they still don't have the variety of topics like they did in the GameCube version, which is a shame. I wish they'd change the cranky and snooty types back to how they were in the original..Nintendo seems to be lightening the animals attitudes in this game for the sake of younger children playing it but its having a negative affect. Prime example is Resetti.

It's hard to tell what personality type an animal is now except for the jock type.

Speaking of Resetti being too harsh..I heard that they made him optional because he made Japanese children cry in previous games.

?We really weren?t sure about Mr. Resetti, as he really divides people,? explained Nintendo?s Aya Kyogoku in a recent Iwata Asks. ?Some people love him, of course, but there are others who don?t like being shouted at in his rough accent.? Satoru Iwata elaborated on the negative feelings, saying, ?It seems like younger female players, in particular, are scared. I?ve heard that some of them have even cried.?
Speaking of Resetti being too harsh..I heard that they made him optional because he made Japanese children cry in previous games.

“We really weren’t sure about Mr. Resetti, as he really divides people,” explained Nintendo’s Aya Kyogoku in a recent Iwata Asks. “Some people love him, of course, but there are others who don’t like being shouted at in his rough accent.” Satoru Iwata elaborated on the negative feelings, saying, “It seems like younger female players, in particular, are scared. I’ve heard that some of them have even cried.”
Goodness, really? I remember being cussed out by Resetti for the first time back on the Gamecube and I thought it was very intense, but definitely amusing and even somewhat helpful to hear. I'll definitely be building his surveillance center, as soon as I can find the perfect spot for it.

I agree that the personalities have mellowed out a bit too much. Again, coming from the GC version where snooty characters really made you feel like an uncultured roob for even the slightest transgression against taste, this game's version of snooty does not even register. My pitfalls now all go straight into the garbage.
I honestly think they made some very particular and intentional changes with the way animals talk to the players to accommodate younger audiences(and their parents), which is why the edges of the "snooty" and "cranky" villagers feel softened a bit.

I know there were some parents out there who didn't particularly like to see their kid being called names, even tongue-in-cheek. I remember seeing a review for Animal Crossing where an enraged parent complained Gwen called their kid "stupid", and I can see why it would be surprising, but I think making a fuss over it is absolutely unnecessary unless the kid genuinely was upset by it.

I've played Animal Crossing since I was very small, and I always thought the cranky/snooty villagers were funny little characters. It's done in a very light and silly way and I didn't question it much, but in retrospect, they were unkind at times and sensitive children may have been understandably offended by the hostility in the game.

I do prefer the villagers asking for space and time to think rather than running off in a huff because you like speaking with them so much. I also like the nicer male characters in a smug personality(jock was a terrible substitute in the older games for a "normal" male) and the maturity brought to the snooties.

In short, yes, it's different; but I believe the change was warranted and Animal Crossing isn't missing any of its charm because the cranky villagers are more down-to-earth and the snooty ones more mature.
I loved how the cranky and snooty animals were in past games, every cranky villager was a little mountain to conquer. I thought at first that Timbra was uchi and Rocket snooty, but was the other way around, for me the uchi villagers are more mean than the snooty ones. o_O
I have no complaints about the villagers. I have learned their dreams, their fears, and what their childhood was like.

Lobo loves Mac'n'cheese with melted Gouda, Melba loves reading about philosophy, and Patty talks about her romance aspirations.

Maybe you should talk to your villagers more?
Seriously, I have no idea what most of you are talking about. I haven't had any issues with my conversations with them, I absolutely love the charm of this game. I've learned a lot about my villagers in the few weeks that I've had the game, and the only one who moved out was one that I wanted to get rid of anyways. Any time a game comes out, there's always going to be that split between people who can't get over a real (or perceived) problem and those who can. I have yet to read the same dialogue twice, however, and I've been all about talking to my villagers since day one, so I'm not sure that it's really an issue.
Punchy asked me to bury a time capsule somewhere in town, and to one day dig it back up and give it to him.

If thats not long term, idk what is.
Avery had been at my house yesterday and he remarked that my walls looked bare. (They truly are.) This morning, I received a letter from him mentioning the fact again, along with a "hanging" present, specially for my wall. It's a modern wood clock! (OMG. Perfection. I am collecting the modern wood set.) I love how Avery actually followed up on what he had observed the day before! The AI in this game is awesome. :D