Things you would change about the place you are living in.


moon boi
Jul 15, 2015
White Cosmos
White Cosmos
White Cosmos
White Cosmos
What are the things you would personally change about the town/city/country you live in?
I was born in a little town by the sea. Now I have lived in a bigger city (ex-capital city) for almost a year because of studies, and I hate it here. The amount of cars causes huge amount of exhaust fumes and there are so many people who smoke everywhere and don't care about others. When I visit my dear town from childhood I just want to take a deep breath and fill my lung with fresh and clean air.

... So if I wanted to change something here, it would be the air. I want it to be cleaner! But luckily, I will move back to this little town after I have graduated anyway. :D

Gosh, sorry for bad english and my frustration, I just can't stand this :(
i always feel terrible for the dorm students here because while its an 'amazing' school, there is totally nothing to do after school besides the movie theater. our town is so empty i wish we had a cafe or place to hang out. it amazes me how these rich families spend thousands of dollars to send them in the most sheltered place ever
I would change the amount of cops at every large intersection. Sooooo many cars run reds and there are never cops around.
I live in Georgia, and the apartment complex I live in is surrounded by forests in almost every direction.. so there are a lot of cockroaches. I keep the apartment clean but that doesn't stop them from finding their way in. I found one in my printer once, and worse, I found one in the fridge a few months ago. So I would make it so they would be extinct in my area.

I hate them so much
I live in the province/ countryside, so normally it's pretty quiet, and people and shops and lights are all down by 9PM. But sometimes on the weekends and on special events, my neighbors get to doing karaoke and well let's just say no one gets to sleeping those nights...
I currently Live on a college campus, but I absolutely hate college and school in general, so I'd get rid of the classes. I love the town and the people though haha!
My apartment : If I knew I would be living in such a small apartment I wouldn't have bought such a big couch in my previous apartment. If it weren't for this giant nice couch my apartment would be a very livable size.

My town : I would make it so a street doesn't change its name just for going a different direction. Where I grew up a road was a specific name regardless of what direction it was going, and to get to another street a driver would actually have to turn off at an intersection. Here if a road turns it becomes a different name. There are places where the road will change back and forth in the span of just a few miles. It's very odd.

My state : I would make improvements to schools and drivers education courses. I moved here as an adult so I never experienced the schools first hand but they all have terrible ratings and I have to imagine there's a reason for that. Also the drivers around here don't seem to have a sense of the rules of the road. They cruise in the left lane on the highway and almost daily I see a traffic wreck and I only take about 10 minutes to get to work and it's all side roads.

My country : I would encourage people to put aside their differences and have conversations with each other. No more "safe spaces", no more name calling, no more getting hissy thinking someone is going to bash your ideas. Just talk, and if you don't agree, either keep talking it out until you find a compromise or go your separate paths in life but still respect the other person's right to live their own way.
Interesting question!

My suburb : increased public transport services and extended timetables, as well as better community support services to the many, many vulnerable elderly/chronically sick/disabled/struggling young families/migrants and refugees in the area.
My city, Melbourne, Australia : the above plus a comprehensive strategy to deal with urban sprawl and population growth outstripping local capacity in so many locations (schools, childcare services, access to GP doctor services, dentists, allocated hospital beds and outpatient services, and even adequate coverage by emergency services in some cases). The strategy would include transport and logistics as well as environmental considerations and serve as the blueprint for . Whilst my current government is, on the whole, excellent, it's an uphill battle gets these essential plans established with current politics and *so many* corporate interests muddying the waters.

My state, Victoria, Australia : the above plus a strong commitment to give remote and rural people better access to the services us city folk enjoy. Particularly regarding medical care and community support services.

My country : the current federal government. If ever there was a conservative prime minister I might have voted for, it was Malcolm Turnbull. Sadly he has been a complete disappointment to everyone since he took over the role, going from a man with a clear and articulate understanding of many important issues, who acted decisively and with reasonable judgement even if I personally disagreed with the decision to .. the most annoyingly flip-floppy wiffley-waffley leader imaginable.

Oh - and our illegal, immoral, utterly unethical asylum seeker policy. It was wrong when created, it was wrong when the international community began telling us the policy violates our international obligations, it is wrong today, and it will be wrong until the entire barbaric, nonsensical, shameful policy is revoked and replaced with a reasonable, legal, morally and ethically sound alternative.
Being instantly judged and degraded for my accent - and people having the idea that 'geordies' and other people with a northern accent in the UK, or even if they're 'chavy', that we're somehow scum - despite them not taking anything else into consideration before judging.
I would ban straight marriage via constitutional amendment and then bring the gay agenda into full effect with complete subjugation of straights
my town: take away the druggies, gangs and thugs- stop the drug dealing in the parks, woods etc and stop the people banging in the bus stops

my county: make the county more liberal than conservativ

my country: undo brexit lol
If I could, I would totally change a lot with the gov't. Less prejudice would be awesome. Basically, undo a lot of wrongs that happened in the past few months with a certain someone in office. Less military based and maybe we should fix a lot of our own problems before we try to fix other countries problems (Within reason).
I wish the education was better. I don't really like how they have to divide students based on age rather than intelligence during elementary/middle/high school, but I'm sure that applies to other places in the United States as well. I don't think I need twelve years of English classes repeating the same information over and over.
I wish there were more things to do where I live. We have restaurants, movies, a laser quest place, hiking, and that's about it. I usually spend a lot of my time with games.
my town is gross and the town '''landmark'' is some crappy water fountain that i've only ever seen work twice in my life. the actual landmark is the mcdonald's we have bc we're classy
also it's very grey?? except for the park, which is probably the nicest place in my town even with the druggies and alcoholic 12 year olds
Take away all the bumpy roads (friggin pothole edge-lords =3= ), take away our idiotic mayor who would rather invest in more fashionable police cars than fixing bridges, potholes, actually doing something that benefits our city, et cetera... I'd also put back the local grocery store that closed down after the father who ran the business died, and the irresponsible son took over LMAO that store was my literal childhood, I'd walk down there or ride on my bike to get the WWE magazines as a kid or that Zebra bubblegum that had little patterns on them (I wonder where those went...)

I'd also make it really nature-y, like more trees, bushes, flowers, etc- I'd also clean the river that separates the two counties I travel back and forth from-
I'd also get rid of all the heroin addicts- since our state and county is responsible for the most deaths from heroin overdoses... @_@
My state: I would change the climate to a more Northern-midwest or Northeast climate so we could have four seasons. No more summer taking up 80% of the year deal, please.

I would change the political leanings so we'd be a blue state instead of a red state.

I would change it so the state was much less religious, or at the very least make sure our politicians understand the separation of church and state.

My town: I would put the big stores on the college side of the town so people could actually walk to them from the campus. I would also expand the town to include more stores and restaurants, because there are just too many people around for how little places there are to go. Going to Walmart on Sunday is straight-up hell.

My apartment: I'd want a dishwasher and central air-conditioning. I'd also just rather live in a house so I could practice and record.