• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!


No! You can do it however you want! Writing, art, comic, essay comic, screenshots, gifs, spaghetti noodle art (that's a real thing! It's amazing!!) However you'd like to tell your story :) (I have some pictures in my story, and I'm working on a simple set of silhouette comics! But I also did literature, too! However you want :) )
Poppy was happily strolling down the town when Curiosity filled her mind long she thought about exploring somewhere new. she told the mayor her new idea and the mayor sadly said yes (big mistake miss her now) they spent the last days filling requests for eachother and sending letters but the time came when she waved goodbye and wrote her last letter. Suddenly she felt sad so sad that the glistening tears that fell out become sreams she ran so as not to feel sadder and eventually got lost "Drago!!" she cried in excitement but he looked grim he told her to look up and the darkness covered the sky. He told her to look down and all she saw was nothingness" "Its called the void" he said before poppy collapsed to the ground

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she woke up with a fright and the darkness was light and below her was ground. 'this is what it could have been" said Drago 'But it can!' said Poppy with a look of determination 'we must hide from the darkness she said' 'we must' she gathered everyone from the void and spoke about her new plan
I love this so much T^T so I'll give it a try!


9:00 AM.

Maple had been staring out of her window ever since she woke up. 3 hours, and no trace of Tamara.

She is not showing up anymore, Maple thought. Where is she? I really miss her..


What if something happened to her?

Oh no, I better go find her, I can't imagine losing my bestest best friend.

The poor little cub rushed out of her house, wondering if any of her neighbors would help her. That's when she bumped into Stitches.

"Maple!" He yawned, "why running around so early?"

She explained everything to him, but she was surprised of his reaction.

"Are you serious? She might be busy? She never was this busy." Maple frowns and walks back to her house.
Huh, I've never seen Maple this angry, or angry at all. Stitches shrugged, she probably needs sleep.. and food!

The moment she entered her house, she started packing. Maple was determined to find Tamara, at all costs. She never knew were she got the courage from, all she knew was that she was ready to go.

Maple snatched her tiny bag and locked her house, wondering how long it would take to come back. She sneaked out of the town, making sure no one saw her.

She walked, walked, walked, and walked, not really knowing where she's going.


[The next day in Rainbow Town]

"Good morning, mayor Tamara!" Said Isabelle cheerfully, "It's been a while since you were last here, everyone missed you!"

"I know, I know" Urgh, I hate time traveling. Anyways, it's another beautiful day in Rainbow.

First thing Tamara does, is talk to all her villagers, so she was just about to do that when she realized something.. Someone's house was missing... And it was not any "someone", it was her baby bear Maple. Tamara gazed at the empty house plot in front of her, tears filling her eyes. No, not Maple...


It was dark, and creepy. Maple didn't know where she was. All she wanted to do was cry, and the only thing keeping her strong is the thought of finding her lost friend.

She couldn't see anything, all her surroundings was covered in a pitch black veil. Oh how she hate darkness. Trembling, she continued walking, until she felt a hand tapping her shoulder, and a deep voice saying, "welcome to the Void."

~to be continued~

How was that? xD First time I write something like this >.>
Yeeeeeee! You guys I love both of them so much! TLovesAC, I love the idea of a villager going into the Void trying to find their TTing mayor and JelloFish, I love the idea of meeting old friends when they arrive. I want to know what the plan of escape is - or if there is one! And who that deep voice was...??

Guys, keep it up! I can't wait to hear more of Poppy and Maple's adventures! They're both such cutie villagers, too :)

Mr. Fox gave me permission to use his Timbra in stories, so I hope I'll have her adventures start appearing soon! Yaaay! Here's a concept page I was playing around with about Timbra meeting some fireflies that probably won't make the cut, but can be a teaser until I actually finish anything :)

Fireflies Edited JPG Small.jpg
"Are they... fireflies?"
"I didn't know anything beautiful still existed in the Void!"
What my idea is an experience that something like I had:
A Town reset sends everyone in the void, even the best friend of the mayor. He sits in the voids until he sees the light in distance, only to find it was wrong town. He always thought about the mayor's last word before all this happened. "I will find you again." This is the story of Bones.
Yeeeeeee! You guys I love both of them so much! TLovesAC, I love the idea of a villager going into the Void trying to find their TTing mayor and JelloFish, I love the idea of meeting old friends when they arrive. I want to know what the plan of escape is - or if there is one! And who that deep voice was...??

Guys, keep it up! I can't wait to hear more of Poppy and Maple's adventures! They're both such cutie villagers, too :)

Mr. Fox gave me permission to use his Timbra in stories, so I hope I'll have her adventures start appearing soon! Yaaay! Here's a concept page I was playing around with about Timbra meeting some fireflies that probably won't make the cut, but can be a teaser until I actually finish anything :)

View attachment 43492
"Are they... fireflies?"
"I didn't know anything beautiful still existed in the Void!"

Psht, that's a secret, you'll know later xD but I'll deffo continue writing ^-^ (is waiting for inspiration)
So, is it gonna be like one big story? with lots of art? im just a little confused... anyway, I wrote something for Henry ;-; I had Curt and Deena in it too if that's alright :D

Two days.

The Mayor had been gone for two days.

This was the third day. And sure, it was only 8.30 in the morning, and the Mayor was never up before 10... But that wasn’t the point; she had still been gone for two whole days.

Henry studied the calendar. Yep, two whole days since he had seen his best friend last...

He opened his wardrobe, and put on a fresh copy of his beloved ‘Kiwi shirt’ and went outside. It only took him a few seconds to get to the Mayor’s house as it was only a few steps away from his.

He knocked on the door.

He banged on the door.

‘Darling?’ He shouted, trying to wake up his friend in case she was sleeping.

‘Mae?!’ Henry was getting worried now. He turned the handle and pushed, the door wouldn’t budge.

It was locked. Mae’s door, was never locked. Never, ever, ever. And Neither was his.

So his best friend had not been around for two whole days, after coming outside every single day for more than two years, her door was locked, and she didn’t answer him.

‘Lolly?’ He asked quietly, trudging over to the bench outside the Mayors house. He sat down next to the cat.

‘Hey pretty kitty!’ Lolly said, Henry would have rolled his eyes at the ridiculous greeting his darling had given Lolly.

‘Have you seen Mae anywhere?’

Lolly thought for a moment. ‘No... Not in the last few days I’m afraid... Sorry, kitty cat.’

‘Weird, isn’t it? She’s here, every single day for two whole years, and now she vanishes? It’s the third day I haven’t seen her... I’m starting to get worried.’

‘Yeah... Maybe we should be a little worried...’ Lolly looked sad, before smiling cheerfully at him. ‘Then again, maybe she’s just tired; she ‘s had a lot of work. We might just be over reacting.’



But maybe not.

Henry tried again, he even tried picking the lock. He decided to go to Porter to ask if she’d gone anywhere.

‘Welcome to Paradiso station, what can I do for you today?’

‘Has Mae been anywhere?’

‘Yes, come to think of it. The Mayor went somewhere about three days ago. She wouldn’t tell me where, just that ‘I’m the Mayor, please let me on the train.’’

‘Ah... Okay... I’m going to find her.’

‘You are?’

‘Yes! She’s my best friend, I’ll pack some things tonight, and leave tomorrow.’

Henry called into the town hall next to tell Isabelle of his sudden departure. He then went back to his house and spent the next few hours packing.

He didn’t say good-bye to his friends the next day, for he hoped that he would be back soon- with Mae.

So he silently left.


Henry stacked his boxes onto the train, and boarded it. He didn’t know where he was going, and to be honest he was a little scared. That blue cat, Rover, his name was, that had greeted him when he first moved to Paradiso two years ago, was nowhere to be found.

‘Now arriving in Sakura.’ A voice sounded, Henry almost got off, but decided to wait until he found a stop that he thought was right.

‘Now arriving in Wisteria.’ It sounded again around half an hour later. Nope, one or two more...


‘Now arriving in Hunnybel.’ Nope. Still not quite right.

‘Now arriving in The Void.’ Hmm... ‘The Void.’ That sounded strange.

Strange, but oddly... Appealing. Henry decided that this was his stop. He took his suitcase and stepped off the train. He put it down, and turned around to get the rest of his things, but the train had already pulled out of the station.

Great. Fantastic. Brilliant. Marvellous. Terrible. Here Henry was, alone in a new town, with nothing but himself, a Kiwi shirt, a spare Kiwi shirt, a blanket, and a couple hundred bells.

Maybe there was a shop near by?

Henry stepped out of the train station, and looked around. He gasped. This was nothing like he had ever seen before. Not like Paradiso, not like the town he had lived in before. It was...

Dark... Scary... Wet... Dead.

Henry seemed a lot smaller in this big black world than he had back in cheerful Paradiso. He carefully made his way through a patch of weeds, as the rain poured down and crawled under a dripping leaf.

The inky sky rumbled and a shot of light flashed across the sky. Henry was scared. Surely Mae wouldn’t be here? No. His darling would be in a cheerful place, like that town ‘Hunnybel’ he passed, or maybe ‘Wisteria’ that sounded nice.

Why had he even chosen ‘The Void’?

Why had he even left Paradiso to begin with?

Henry heard a growl. His heartbeat quickened. He hardly dared to turn around, he saw a big grey bear. His teeth were bared, his eyes livid, his fur was matted, and sopping wet. He had a cross of white fur on his forehead, as if it was a bandage.

Hang on...

‘I know you...’ Henry whispered.

The bear narrowed its eyes, towering over the small frog.


Curt’s eyes widened in surprise and he flopped down on the grass, looking inquisitively at Henry.

‘It’s me- Henry.’

‘Henry...’ Curt wondered aloud, as if Henry’s name was something foreign, and he was tasting the sound of it in his mouth.

‘From Paradiso.’

‘Why have you come?’

‘I’m looking for Mae.’

‘You won’t find her here. No one from Paradiso would survive here. No one could.’

‘You did.’

‘The Void changed me. It’ll change you. The Void waits for no one, it’ll rip you apart. You need to run, hide. You can’t survive. You’ll be alive, but you won’t, you can’t survive.’

With that, Curt sped off into the distance. It was safe to say he had scared Henry.

Henry didn’t mind the rain, he loved it. But the rain drops pelted down, hitting his skin, and each drop was like a tiny bullet. The leaf he had been under, had since collapsed, so Henry was to find different shelter.

He roamed through the weeds until he reached a lake. He saw a duck swimming, but didn’t approach it after his last encounter.

He climbed onto a lily pad and climbed into a lily pad for shelter. The duck soon swam over to him though.

‘I don’t remember seeing you around here before.’ She said.

‘I’m new...’ Henry replied meekly.

‘Well I’m Deena, you’ll understand The Void soon. But be warned, you won’t ever be the same as you were again. The Void changes you.’

‘So I’ve heard...’

‘Well, you can stay with me until you learn the ropes around here, I’ll make sure you don’t get, you know... Eaten or something.’

‘Thank you.’ Henry replied gratefully. ‘I’m Henry by the way.’

‘Nice to meet you Henry.’ Deena replied.

Maybe his stay here wouldn’t be too bad. If he at least had a friend, maybe he could survive until he figured out how to find his Mae.

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its a little long oops I don't think I can do short yeah im still a little confused about the whole thing
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Just to drop some characters for faces of the void, Mallary and Blanche. Mallary was a random move in who killed my pear orchard and was just meh all around and Blanche I got from the campsite when I was happy to have anyone new at all. My only other voided villager was Kody, but he'll feature in a future story. Also maybe this would be a good thing for here https://www.fanfiction.net/game/Animal-Crossing/
Mae, I agree, short is nearly impossible to do with a story, lol :p But thanks for the story!! Now I'm curious what you're character was doing on those trains. "I'm the mayor. Please let me on."

I'll try to refine the rules/introduction so it's a little clearer about what how the creative process can work in the Void :) I guess I was figuring we could continue off of each other when we wanted, or make our own ideas when we wanted! PurplPanda is about to start a pass-along story, and I'm hoping to get the "Void Residents" collection going, that way our villagers can show up in each other's stories and such. So there will be that interaction.

I'll list some examples that I thought could happen: I make a story about a plot reset character, and at one point she runs into a bear - so she runs into Mae's Curt! Or Timbra ends up in a little village that is the same one Lawliet's Knox protects. Or, I want to know what happens to JelloFish's Poppy, but she can't continue the story, so I finish it off. And if a group of people wanted, they could build a "canon" and work from that (though not everyone has to match it all the time). I mean, I guess I literally imagined this as : do whatever you want, and do it together :p

So... it's hard to specify rules when I kind of didn't mean for there to be many...? But... yeah...?

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Just to drop some characters for faces of the void, Mallary and Blanche. Mallary was a random move in who killed my pear orchard and was just meh all around and Blanche I got from the campsite when I was happy to have anyone new at all. My only other voided villager was Kody, but he'll feature in a future story. Also maybe this would be a good thing for here https://www.fanfiction.net/game/Animal-Crossing/

Thanks!! I'll add them to the list and look forward to Kody's story :) [And yeah, I ran into that site a little while ago :) It has some cool stuff!!]
Void villagers who appear in the marketplace area still count as voided right? If so that could open a whole new set of possibilities for this, like astral projections or angels or ghosts, whatever works. Perhaps a dark and mysterious escort allows them to return to their old town, I'm thinking Jack, we don't see him outside of Halloween so this can be his other job.

"Tammy! long time no see!" She turns around to see the smiling face of an old friend, and the one that condemned her to the void. Aidan's smile became a confused look as a scowl crossed Tammy's face for a moment before she regained control of her facial muscles and forced a smile. "Oh hey Aidan, since this is no longer my turf I thought you were a bully trying to start something." Aidan's confused look returned to a smile. Good, he bought it. Jack had warned her not to speak of the void, lest her little "vacation" end early. Even a brief respite from the void is worth putting up with this little-Her train of thought was interrupted by a sudden hug. "It's so good to see you Tammy, I've missed you so much." Her smile became a little less forced. I guess it's not like he had known what became of me, and I was the one who asked to leave anyway. Tammy returned the hug, Aidan was like a little brother to her and despite everything, she had missed him as well.

Just an example of how I would explain void villagers returning (I borrowed a little text from her in-game dialog). If other people have their own ideas on why void villagers return that's cool but feel free to use my idea.

Other villagers I have in the void include O'Hare, Broccolo, Katt, Mac, Fauna, Bella, Curlos (technically still in boxes but he is hard to adopt out), I think that's it but I'll edit this if I think of another.

For Fauna, Aidan sent a goodbye letter every day leading up to her move so perhaps she still has those letters? Just something to keep in mind if you use her for anything. Also Mac said he "ran all the way here" when he reappeared so if you can use that then go ahead.
These ideas are all fantastic!! I absolutely love Cainwolf's idea with astral projections or angels or ghosts in the main street area!!

I have quite a few villagers to add to the void list Jesusfreakette :3
i think i'm going to make a story based off of my old villagers going into the void, but its gonna be super long so in order to organize it i was wondering, can i make it on https://www.fanfiction.net/game/Animal-Crossing/ (the same website pokemonprime mentioned) and just post a link on this thread specifically my story when i post it? :D
Cainwolf, that. sounds. awesome. I am already imagining a million different scenarios about that! And geez, when she suddenly missed her old mayor that she resented... I can't wait to explore that idea more!!

I'll do my best to add everybody's villagers! I already made a few mistakes, lol! Fauna and her letters will definitely have to make an appearance, as that is so sweet!

Esper, I really want to keep things to this thread, because I know how easily it could spill over into other sites. I'm still exploring the option of expanding, but for now, I'm trying to emphasize this one. Would you be up for breaking it up into a weekly serial, or something like that?
For the Population List, I would like to add Aurora:
A penguin that was the ultimate dreamy was put into the void after a town restart and was not added to the list for the new town.

(Im so sorry Aurora)
For the Population List, I would like to add Aurora:
A penguin that was the ultimate dreamy was put into the void after a town restart and was not added to the list for the new town.

(Im so sorry Aurora)

I lost Aurora before as well... but she's back in my town now. Keep the dream alive! *Sheds a single, manly tear*
Poor Aurora. I lost a few villagers to the void that were special to me ;-; Kitt and Bluebear left without telling me and Walt was gone after I TT'd too much :(
I'm glad you like the idea, I'm not the kinda person who can write an entire story on my own but I when I bounce tidbits of ideas off someone I get some interesting ideas. Seriously, I used the word 'idea' three times in that sentence, this is why I don't do well with long term stories.

She really only resents the mayor for something that isn't his fault in this scenario, it's like when you die in a game and blame the nearest person for distracting you with their existence even if they didn't do anything. Plus the void sound kinda lonely, I doubt there's a lot of warm smiles and hugs so that played a bit of a part, they were on good terms before she left. I figure the 'no talking rule' is kinda like that curse in Howl's Castle where you can't talk about it at all, hence why they can appear in your marketplace happy and content despite coming from this dark, desolate place.
Oh, I just had another idea.
Curlos the otherwise 'cool as a fair number of cucumbers' smug sheep would probably snap, think about it.

Aidan swings his axe into the dead tree, it reminded Curlos of the void in many ways, the inhabitants that were once cheerful and lively as that perfect fruit tree suddenly used up and cut away to be replaced with something fresh, it made his blood boil as he approached to confront his so called 'friend.' Curlos's throat felt dry as he tried to speak when a hand roughly grabbed his shoulder. "What do you think you're doing Curlos? You know you aren't allowed on this side of the tracks, your boundaries have been overstepped." Aidan looked up from his work in surprise. "Jack? Halloween is months away, what are you doing here?" Curlos managed to tear away from Jack's grasp and snatched the axe from Aidan, pushing him down in the process. "Hey, what is your deal Curlos?" Curlos felt his rage intensify. "You want to know what my deal is!?" He screamed as Jack backed away from the axe-wielding sheep and Aidan rose to his feet. "I have escaped from the void time and time again, and each time I am sent right back by people who couldn't care less about me! 'Anyone want Curlos? He's free! Voiding in ten minutes! I need to make room for a cool villager! No? Ah well, into the void he goes!' Nobody cares! Well I'm not going back, not this time..."

Seriously, I have seen him get voided a lot, people offer him for free all the time and almost nobody accepts. This could even explain his transition from lazy to smug, perhaps it was an effort to become cooler in order to avoid abandonment that didn't work out? I don't know if he was this unpopular in previous games but it's something to think about.
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