The Vegan and Vegetarian Thread

i've been a vegetarian for 8 yrs
i just recently started becoming a vegan too ^u^

i loooove black bean burgers literally my favorite vegetarian/vegan food lol c:
I rarely eat meat because I admire the purity of going without. Plus some of the best dishes I've ever eaten were vegetarian. There's so many tasty superfoods <3
I'm a vegetarian, I couldn't deal with the guilt of eating animals. I can't bring myself to hurt them, I love animals much more then humans. Dream is to be a vegan but I don't see that happening till I move out. :3
not a vegetarian but I have huuuuge respect for you guys :D I'd become a vegetarian only I don't eat much anyway so...
not a vegetarian but I have huuuuge respect for you guys :D I'd become a vegetarian only I don't eat much anyway so...

I'm not a vegetarian/vegan either but I also have quite a bit of respect for people who are. I'd try becoming a vegetarian if I knew how to get all the important stuff you get from eating meat, like proteins and stuff, without actually eating meat. I also wouldn't try doing it until I'm living on my own because I don't want my mum to have to cook seperate meals for me because of me refusing to eat something.
I'm glad this thread is back up!

Does anyone know if McDonald's milkshakes are suitable for vegans? I've been having them for a while now but I only just thought about what they might have in.
I'm glad this thread is back up!

Does anyone know if McDonald's milkshakes are suitable for vegans? I've been having them for a while now but I only just thought about what they might have in.

No.. they contain milk, sorry

I've also been considering switching to a vegan/vegetarian diet. A couple years back I was on a gluten free/vegan diet for health reasons but once I started to get better I completely dropped it. It's not that i didn't enjoy vegan options, I love them actually, I rarely eat meat in my diet now anyway (huge fan of fruits of veggies) it was just really hard for me to give up things like pizza/cookies/chips etc because I've never had to restrict myself on a diet before I was sick. I have lots of vegan friends so I'm pretty aware of the ways of the meat & dairy industry but it still hasn't been enough of a push for me to really switch back.
Maybe one day I'll be able to do it :c
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*Raises hand* Vegan here!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'm glad this thread is back up!

Does anyone know if McDonald's milkshakes are suitable for vegans? I've been having them for a while now but I only just thought about what they might have in.

Unless you're asking for soy or oat milk they're not since they're obviously MILKshakes.
IDK about Mc D, but I go to Starbucks regularly and you can ask for soy, oat or almond milk and no cream for vegan options.
No.. they contain milk, sorry

I've also been considering switching to a vegan/vegetarian diet. A couple years back I was on a gluten free/vegan diet for health reasons but once I started to get better I completely dropped it. It's not that i didn't enjoy vegan options, I love them actually, I rarely eat meat in my diet now anyway (huge fan of fruits of veggies) it was just really hard for me to give up things like pizza/cookies/chips etc because I've never had to restrict myself on a diet before I was sick. I have lots of vegan friends so I'm pretty aware of the ways of the meat & dairy industry but it still hasn't been enough of a push for me to really switch back.
Maybe one day I'll be able to do it :c
But there are vegan pizzas, cookies, chips, etc. You can find vegan versions of anything and most don't taste horrible.
I'm a pesceterian and have been one for about 3 years. So I'm almost a vegetarian! I also don't eat a lot if dairy. I really enjoy this lifestyle and definitely do not plan on eating red meat or poultry ever again. :)
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For the vegans who like Pumpkin Spice Latte's, even if you ask for soy or oat milk, the pumpkin spice mix contains condensed milk. Just fyi~