"The town is underdevolped and needs more Public Works Projects!"


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2018
Silver Mailbox
I have a quick question for everybody out there. I've been trying for about three months now to get a perfect town rating, every single time she says the same thing, "more PWPS" "MORE PWPS!". Okay, but I have 28 public works projects which don't include the Campsite, Police Station, Cafe, as well as a fully upgraded Main Street. My question is, what in the world am I doing wrong? Here's my list of public works projects so far:

x2 Cobblestone bridges
x2 Yellow Benches
x2 Metal Benches
x1 Flowerbed
x1 Drinking Fountain
x1 Instrument Shelter
x1 Modern Clock
x2 Modern Streetlight
x2 Flower Arches
x2 Fire Pit
x1 Outdoor Chair
x1 Hot Spring
x3 Wisteria Trellis
x1 Fire Hydrant
x2 Custom-design sign
x1 Solar Panel
x1 Wind Turbine
x1 Lighthouse

I don't even know what I'm doing wrong. I guess the thought of owning a flower clock is just a dream, or maybe Isabelle has a personal grudge for me. Any suggestions out there? Anything would mean a lot, thank you so much!
You may need to plant more trees, bushes, and flowers. ^_^
How many trees do you have? I think you've got to have at least ten PWPs which you do and there's some kind of ratio to the trees and number of PWPs... maybe fewer trees to make it balance or add another PWP?
I haven't got anywhere near even 50 trees, and I've had a perfect town for a year.
I don't know if a bush counts as a tree, it must!

I have countless bushes.

Just sculpt in a few more until Miserabelle tells you it's perfect!
Thank you both for your responses! The last thing I need is more trees to be honest lol I stopped counting once I reached 220, not including my beach packed with palm trees, and my bamboo shoots and bushes (if those count toward the tree count) as well as a huge amount of flowers that my residents keep amassing. I just wish Isabelle could be a little less vague about what I need to do! hahaha
At the time I got the perfect town, I had
Police Station
Reset Center
1 Cobblestone bridge
1 Fountain
1 Yellow bench
1 Street lamp
1 Hammock
1 Water well
1 Fire hydrant

The police station was what pushed it over the edge, prior to that Isabelle also told me my town was underdeveloped but after that was built I got the perfect town rating.

As you can tell I didn't really have that many PWPs at the time of getting the rating so I don't understand how people with a lot more PWPs than me haven't gotten it yet. ;_; Do you have the Beautiful Town ordinance enacted? Are there any weeds or items on the ground? Other than that, I don't know what to do but I hope you get the Perfect Town rating soon!
I haven't got anywhere near even 50 trees, and I've had a perfect town for a year.
I don't know if a bush counts as a tree, it must!

I have countless bushes.

Just sculpt in a few more until Miserabelle tells you it's perfect!
Maybe less trees for them then?
If you counted to 220 and it's not including your bamboo or palm trees, then you need to cut trees down. You cannot go over the maximum for trees. And Isabelle won't tell you that your problem is too many trees, she'll just continue to say more PWPs, more PWPs. I think those are the only words she knows besides her whole speech about spaces and rocks and rivers. Anyways. Cut down the extra trees and/or bamboo and this should fix your problem.
the game doesn't have a way of saying "you have too much X" directly. even with the maximum amount of PWPs in town, if you have too many trees Isabelle will keep saying the town is underdeveloped.

chop CHOP TIME! xD below 200 should be fine.
Yeah, I definitely reached Perfect Town Status with much, much less. I had 3 bridges, 1 bench, 3 lamps, park clock, stone tablet, and a fire hydrant when I got the Perfect Town status. Wasn't paying attention to flowers or trees though. Like others say, you probably do have too many trees. My town isn't sparse, but I've definitely cut down plenty of trees.
Yesss!!!! Finally!! I got perfect status! I did what you all said and chopped down as many trees as I could, as well as some bamboo shoots! And FINALLY she announced I achieved Perfect Town Status!

It's so good to hear that's the only thing that Isabelle says when it comes to Citizen Satisfaction, if only they could've wrote more dialogue for Isabelle with the different town statuses kinda like they did with the wishing well in the Gamecube Animal Crossing.

Thank you all SO much for all of the help! :)
CONGRATS!!!!!! It's such a great feeling!
I remember I talked to her every single day once I reached Perfect Town Status - I was so afraid of losing it. I lost it within 4 days the first time, so I was really bummed. Then I regained Perfect Town Status and did it for 15 straight days. That golden watering can is a prized possession.

The flower clock is pretty boring though.
Maybe if it had hybrids in it.
Congrats on the perfect town. Wouldn't it be great to be able to change the flowers in the flower clock and have whichever ones you want in it?
If you counted to 220 and it's not including your bamboo or palm trees, then you need to cut trees down. You cannot go over the maximum for trees. And Isabelle won't tell you that your problem is too many trees, she'll just continue to say more PWPs, more PWPs. I think those are the only words she knows besides her whole speech about spaces and rocks and rivers. Anyways. Cut down the extra trees and/or bamboo and this should fix your problem.

the game doesn't have a way of saying "you have too much X" directly. even with the maximum amount of PWPs in town, if you have too many trees Isabelle will keep saying the town is underdeveloped.

chop CHOP TIME! xD below 200 should be fine.

i'm not the OP but i just want to give a BIG THANK YOU to you both. i read your replies, counted my trees (over 200!) and chopped a bunch down. this morning, isabelle declare my town "perfect". :D
I think that's a little known fact that a lot of guides fail to mention, is that you can't go OVER the tree limit. That's such an oversight in my opinion, because one tree too many can ruin the whole thing. I also think it's kind of ridiculous that there's a tree limit anyways. It limits certain ideas and themes (like forest towns) if people want to maintain a perfect town status. After you get the golden watering can, there's really no reason to keep it perfect, except for jacob's ladder flowers. But some people might feel like their goals are incomplete or haven't been met and that limits creativity. And rocks. Rocks limit creativity.
I don't understand why she can't tell you if you don't have enough trees or too many!

She'll gladly tell you when the town has too many items on the ground and in the Gamecube version the fountain or whatever it was told you plant more flowers or trees and even gave specific acres.

I get making a game more challenging but this is just annoying in my opinion.
Yeah I remember that about the Gamecube version. It made the game so much easier when trying to figure out where you needed more or less trees. Seems they took a step back this time.