The re-name Empire State contest


Site Owner
Nov 7, 2004
Golden Watering Can
Red Pansy
White Pansy
White Pansy
Red Hyacinth
Yellow Hyacinth
White Hyacinth
White Rose
Purple Violet
White Lily
It's about time the Empire State (board for HQs) got a name change, so we will be having a contest to pick a new name! The name should have something to do with business, offices, or headquarters. An AC-related name is preferred (but not required). The prize will be a 1500 Bell coupon to the future buying-a-board-thing.

Right now, give your ideas and the decision making will be done later. You may submit as many ideas as you'd like.


Empire State - keep it the same
The Train Station - StormCommander
Bell Town - Sephorith (aka WishMaker)
Bell City - Sephorith (aka WishMaker)
TBT City - Sephorith (aka WishMaker)
Row A - Sephorith (aka WishMaker)
Town Hall - Propaganda Man
The Palace - Propaganda Man
The Royal Estate - Propaganda Man
The Dungeon - Propaganda Man
The Neighborhood - Propaganda Man
La Resistance - Propaganda Man
The Beach - OddCrazyMe
Town Square - OddCrazyMe
The Boardwalk - OddCrazyMe
TBT Empire Vault - Duke
TBT Mansion - Duke
The 'Cubes - Zelandonia
Caveat Emptor - Zelandonia
Vox Populi - Zelandonia
Terra Campana - Zelandonia
The End of the World - Triforce3force
The Board that Never Was - Triforce3force
Friendly Neighborhood Death Star - Triforce3force
Realm of the Rulers - Triforce3force
This isn't really a contest but whatever....

Town Hall
The Palace
The Royal Estate
The Dungeon
The Neighborhood
La Resistance
The Beach
Town Square
The Boardwalk

Hint: What? Sigh... Maybe you should try looking through a thread about Da Frump.
It should be Acre-B3 but the stupid chat thread took it up. It's perfect because you buy houses in AC in Acre-B3 so like buying boards on here is like B-3...RENAME THE CHATTHREAD
The 'Cubes.

Caveat Emptor

Vox Populi (Voice of the People)

Terra Campana (Land of Bells)

Isto Pensitaris (Dog Latin for "You Paid For This Crap?")

I like choice 5, especially for the Buy Your Own Board section. :lol:
Super_Naruto said:
It should be Acre-B3 but the stupid chat thread took it up. It's perfect because you buy houses in AC in Acre-B3 so like buying boards on here is like B-3...RENAME THE CHATTHREAD
This is for Empire State which is different.
All Right! It's my turn!

The End of the World
The Board that Never Was
Friendly Neighborhood Death Star
Realm of the Rulers