The Monthly Discussion Forum


Retired Staff
Jan 15, 2005
Sautéed Mushrooms
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10
What is this, you ask?

Well, it will be a sub-forum in Off-Topic that changes every month. It will add to your post count, but that doesn't mean you can spam, all rules apply there. You have to stay on topic, off-topic posts will be deleted or moved. It will be moderated by yours truly.


In this thread, you can brainstorm for ideas and make a list of the ones you think are good ideas for it. Note, just because yours won't win, doesn't mean it can't win the next month, but having the same topic two months in a row is not allowed, you'll have to wait until the next month to nominate the topic again.

Things it can NOT be about:
~Video Games and systems (Including Microsoft and Sony systems [It can be about the industry, though])
~The Bell Tree
~Politics (This doesn't mean everything that is linked to politics, that would mean everything isn't allowed. :p)
~A person on the forums or another forum

This thread will close tonight and the top choices/best ideas will be put in to a poll that will be put up early tomorrow.

;) By early I mean 6:30 EST.

Well, that's about it start giving your ideas!

there was once one of this in the off topic board... I wonder where it went.

Anyways, I will post all my ideas tonight.

I'll edit this post.
Well, this is gonna be closed in like 5 minutes, so here goes nothin:
I think that it should be a discussion about people's hobbies here at TBT, whether it be sports or card games, or building things or whatever. It would be interesting to talkk about, and we'd learn alot about each other. Also, if someone else had a similar hobby to someone, they might become friends.
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
PikMino42 said:
DarthGohan1 said:
Well, this is gonna be closed in like 5 minutes
What are you talking about? >__>
It gets me. I won't close it, there is no reason to.

Um, I'm sorry if I sounded like your boss in that above statement. Truly sorry. :yes:
Of course you won't close it, I'd open it again.


Maybe she thought the voting was ending soon.

PikMino42 said:
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
PikMino42 said:
DarthGohan1 said:
Well, this is gonna be closed in like 5 minutes
What are you talking about? >__>
It gets me. I won't close it, there is no reason to.

Um, I'm sorry if I sounded like your boss in that above statement. Truly sorry. :yes:
Of course you won't close it, I'd open it again.


Maybe she thought the voting was ending soon.

Oh yeah, you could. Silly me, I forgot that.
To mino-
1)you did say the voting closed right at 6:30 eastern, which was exactly 4 minutes after i posted
2)i am a HE, not a she
To smart-
3)you always sound like my boss...i'm just kidding of course.
DarthGohan1 said:
To mino-
1)you did say the voting closed right at 6:30 eastern, which was exactly 4 minutes after i posted
2)i am a HE, not a she
To smart-
3)you always sound like my boss...i'm just kidding of course.
I meant AM.


And I know you are a dude, but I thought that UltraByte had posted that not you.

Due to the reply-lacking nature of this poll, I've decided to make the poll tomorrow and the forum the next day.

Well, it's either hobbies or hobbies, so I guess there will be no voting this month. <__<

Oh well, expect to see the new forum soon.