Super Mario 64 General Discussion


call me Bug 🇨🇦💜🐛
Oct 30, 2011
Spring Sakura
Aurora Easter Egg
Snow Bunny
Dreamy Easter Egg
Spring Sakura
Sweet Feather
Glam Feather
Heart Glow Wand
Pink Feather
Purple Feather
I find myself talking about Super Mario 64 a lot on this forum (it's in my username after all lol), so I figured I would make a thread where I can centralize all those comments and thoughts, as well as discuss the game with others!

The only rule I have is please don't come here just to criticize the game. This is a thread for people who enjoy the game and like to discuss it! We all know that the camera is shotty and the controls are wonky, but there's so much more to the game than just its flaws. Let's keep a positive atmosphere here! :)


So something I wanted to share (basically the reason for creating this thread at this moment) is I found a screenshot online that someone took of a door just casually floating in the void outside the 3rd floor of the castle. Now I know if you go into the spiral staircase and look through the wall you can see Lakitu's cloud from the Snowman's Land room, but I didn't know about this hidden gem! I might have to try and find it next time I play the game. I wonder where the door leads to? 👀


I can also happily report that after about eight-and-a-half years (I think I created my SM64 save file in Oct 2011) I finally collected all 120 stars! Seeing Yoshi on the roof was great, and the super-triple-jump is really cool too! Don't ask why it took so long; all I can say is that Wing Mario Over the Rainbow is trash and the coin stars in TTC and RR are terrifying. :p
HEY! Congrats on the 120 stars!

Super Mario 64 is one of those games that gets a lot of hate for not aging well, but aside from the graphics I think it holds up just as good today as it did back then.

So many great things about this game. The mirror room. The Peach painting that changes into Bowser. That little-big-world room that plays with the perspective. All mindblowing stuff back in the day.

But one of my favorite things in the game is the glitch where you fly into the front tower on the castle and you end up inside the castle but technically still outside. That was so awesome. Might have been the first glitch I discovered in a game.

Also, I never knew about that door. That's interesting. Thanks for sharing.
I love all the little secrets in the game, like the boo with the cage, the stuff you don't see without going around and trying things out like looking up in the starting room in the castle, I love when the floor starts falling for bowser1 when you see peach in the painting, its got some cool fun levels, great game!
I love it so much too, it's the one Mario game that defined my (early) childhood. I wouldn't be mad if they redid it for the Switch again, even the DS version is so old now.
This game is part of my childhood and also one of my favorite Super Mario games in general, spent probably hundreds over hundreds of hours just to get every star (young me was kinda ambitious to get them all, lol). One of my favorite things I did back then was just running and jumping around the castle, I don't know why, it was so much fun for me as a kid to do it, lol. Also played later the DS version, spent again so many hours into it, however, didn't completed it, as I didn't had the game anymore at some point.

Also, congrats on getting all 120 stars!
I'm actually doing a replay of 64 right now. Every time I start it up I think back to seeing it for the first time on a display kiosk at Toys R Us. Me and a buddy ditched school that day because I had learned that the display kiosks had gone up and I NEEDED to play it.

It was the birth of 3D environments in games and I can still remember how I couldn't even make Mario run in a straight line at first. I was 16 or so and had spent my life playing nothing but 2D games and my brain just could NOT figure it out at first lol.

This game has magic. Every world still rules. I think my favorite is Big Boos Haunt. I hate Big/Little island and the Rainbow Ride world. But the game is still immensely replayable and I can't wait for the rumored remake.
Congrats on getting all 120 stars!

Super Mario 64 is very easily my favorite N64 game of all time, and in my top 5 games in general. I'm not that great, but I used to speedrun 16 star for quite a while, and casually did 70 star speedruns. To this day the game is being pushed to it's limits by the best players which is still awesome to watch. Such amazing movement can be had in the game which continues to make it a pleasure to play.. even if the camera is a bit annoying at times. :)
Congrats on getting all the stars! I loved this game so much when I was younger. I still enjoy playing it from time to time these days. I've never managed to gather all the stars tho. I guess I'm simply better at "2 dimensional" Mario games. lol
This game has such a great atmosphere, and I'm sure part of it is connected to being a child when it was a big deal, but even when I play it now something about the setting entices me
I have such wonderful memories attached to Super Mario 64. I never played it myself, but when I was little I would watch my older cousins play it. I loved the music, jumping into the paintings and everything else haha. I mostly watched my cousin who was a year older than me play but we had to have been like 6 or 7 so we weren't very good haha. I would love to play it through honestly.
Big poggers moment for the nintendo switch crowd

I've been feeling like replaying 64 recently after watching speedruns and i dont have access to the original hardware atm so it's tempting LOL

First time getting 120 in the original version of the game :)

I got the 150(?) in the DS version but I feel like I cheated because I mostly used Luigi LOL

The hardest stars were definitely the 100 coin stars... Tick Tock Clock's and Tiny Huge Island's were particularly nerve-wracking.

It seems like it would be fun to try and do speedruns of this game, but I'm not too interested in 70 star and the version on switch (which I'm using) doesn't allow BLJs...

My uncle used to have an N64 and the cartridge, but I don't think I'm gonna be visiting relatives any time soon due to Circumstances.

Maybe something to consider in the future, I guess!
Super Mario 64 is a very special game to me. the Nintendo 64 was my first console, and I have fond memories of playing it with my dad as a young kid, making him do all of the difficult stars that I couldn't get. Since then, I've owned the game in multiple forms (Super Mario 64 DS, Wii Virtual Console), but have never gotten all 120 stars.

When Super Mario 3D All-Stars was announced, I knew I needed to get all 120 stars once and for all. And I was pleasantly surprised - the game held up to all of my childhood nostalgia. Though I knew where most of the stars were, I thoroughly enjoyed the hunt, while still feeling challenged by the later game stars.

Now that I've completed it, my partner (who was a PlayStation kid, and isn't much of a console gamer as an adult) is playing it, and it's a completely different experience seeing it through his eyes. He has struggled a bit with things those of us who grew up with the game know intuitively at this point - Blast Away the Wall in Whomp's Fortress took him ages because he had no idea where or what he was supposed to blast. But the look of amazement and happiness on his face when he finds a cool area or a secret star wipes all of the frustration away, and reminds me of discovering those same things as a kid. It's a really neat feeling.