So who's your favorite villager?

I think my two all time favorites are Wolfgang and Beardo. Wolfgang was one of my starter villagers in the first town I ever created, and Beardo has grown on me since he doesn't seem get to a lot of love.
Mines are: Sally, Claude, Genji, Static, Francine, Tasha and Sylvana.
I also like Vich?.
That's a tough one, because I can't narrow it down to just one. I guess I'd have to say Midge (who I've adored since ACGC days), Beardo (he's adorable, once you become friends), and Dizzy (I once kicked another villager out because she said mean things about him).
Lobo has really grown on me, and is now my favourite. He's been in my town since day two, and when I eventually have to kick him out it will be a sad day... But I'll be putting him in my second town, which will be filled with all my favourite villagers. :) (Lobo, Fang, Genji, Teddy, Doc, Gayle, etc..)
I love all of the deers, but Bruce holds a special place in my heart. He's so pleasing to look at with his colors too.
I personally love all my villagers but if I had to pick one, it'd be Fauna. I know she's very popular but she's just so nice and cute! I love her house interior. She also wore the hufflepuff shirt that I made (using QR) and it fit her perfectly!!
I have so many favorites, but my current one is Mint. She randomly moved into my second town, and I really enjoy her.
My ultimate favorite is Beau. Long story short, he was in my first town when I just started and didn't know A THING~ I always though he was a she x3, but then after I start to look into guide and forum I found she was a he hahah~ idk he's so cute.
My favorite villager is whatever one is a polar bear because that's my fursona and I'm lease don't criticize me because I am a furry but my answer is Tutu
Probably Julian. I did like Cube pretty well from my son's town a while back. I can't remember if he was in WW or CF. He was just adorable and funny.