
Do you approve of smoking, and is it something you do?

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It doesn't destroy anybody's health any worse than the fumes you breathe in off cars or the chemicals you use to clean your house.
People don't have to like it when others smoke, but they have no right to push their views on to anybody else.
When I was in hospital in the summer, I went out for a cigarette in the morning as I knew I'd be on treatment all day. A woman came and sat beside me only to go on and complain about my smoke being near her. So I got up and left it. If I'd been well at the time she would have got more from me. Nobody knows anybody else's circumstances, being a none smoker gives you no more rights than a smoker. People also forget the amount of tax that comes from smokers, they pay their own healthcare twice over. If you don't like people smoking around you staying away would be the sensible answer, rather than doing like some people who deliberately place themselves in a situation just to moan about it.
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While I understand people have their reasons for choosing to smoke, from my personal experience, it is a life-threatening habit can can be deadly to yourself and others. It can cause problems in the long term so by smoking, your exposing yourself to more harmful diseases and infections.

I'm not hating on any smokers, we're all the same. But I do worry for people's care considering the consequences.
No way. And I don't like when people are smoking when there are lots of other people around, it smells terrible and uh I don't want lung cancer
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I hate when people smoke in large crowds & in restaurants, but if people wish to smoke in their own homes or cars then that's their prerogative.
it is gross and people shouldnt smoke in public. it is super disrespectful to smoke around others. idc if people want to smoke they can do it if they want to but don't make other people smell your smoke. also obviously second hand smoking is a thing ssso yeah

also people who smoke have really gross breath ):
I HATE smoking! I've seen people smoke in no smoking areas and the amount of times of coughed up my lungs and snickered at them for smoking in public areas while there are tons of children and people around!! did you know that second-hand smoke is 3x as dangerous?! this is how kids get cancer!! Mind you these were ALL in no smoking areas! I've hardly even seen them smoke elsewhere! gtfo with that ****!
It doesn't destroy anybody's health any worse than the fumes you breathe in off cars or the chemicals you use to clean your house.

idk abt ur facts but passive smoking is dangerous in the long term. it can lead to cancer. and it is bad for people w/ asthma who cant breathe bc of the smoke. maybe it isnt your intention tp hurt others by smoking but if you smoke around other people you do hurt them
I really can't stand it, especially in public places. I don't mind if smokers keep it to themselves, but I get extremely angry inside when I see someone smoking amongst a group of people, ESPECIALLY near children. That is irresponsible behaviour and extremely selfish, but if it's contained in their own home or if they make the effort to move away from people outside to do it, then I guess I don't mind it as much. Actually, one of the most frustrating things is walking through a busy area and you're stuck behind a smoker, so all their **** blows back into your face and you can't even move. Makes me want to scream.
Personally I just think it's completely unnecessary. I get that people are addicted and can't change their ways and so on, and that it obviously brings some sort of enjoyment to those who do it, but I just see it as a surefire way to shorten and debilitate your life. I might have some bias since I'm a biology student and I've spent classes over and over again looking at the effects of it on your body, but from an outsider perspective I don't see any positive to it at all? Plus it ruins your skin, hair, teeth, and nails - so there's that too...

And I do think non-smokers have the right to moan about it, especially if you're in a country with a taxpayer-funded health service.
I have had breathing issues like asthma since birth. People who smoke in public.. can make me seriously sick . I have had attacks due to being in public with smokers. I understand its an addiction (my brother smokes) but try be more considerate if you smoke and are in public is my only wish </3
3 of my grandparents smoked. If they hadn't they'd probably still be alive right now. Don't do it.
I don't smoke but really enjoy the smell of cigarette smoke, so I'll probably end up a smoker at some point, lol.

However, I do find alcoholic beverages too strong and being high a scary thought. Tried sniffing lighters once and didn't see the appeal. Petrol smells nice, though.
When I was living in Poland I'd buy and smoke cigarettes with my friends but after I left I stopped and never picked it back up. The health risks aren't worth it to me but I'll bum a cigarette once in a blue moon when extremely drunk. Did buy a pack in Las Vegas for my birthday and promptly threw it off the 88th floor balcony at the end of the night but that was just an exception. Grew up with chainsmoking parents and have seen first hand what nicotine withdrawal does to people so it's something I'm not really that interested in getting into.
I wouldn't discriminate against anyone because they smoke, but I never would myself. I have a good friend who smoked and told me never to, and I'm definitely taking his advice :p
Depends on what you're smoking. At least one of my friends smokes weed. I don't have any interest in smoking myself, but I don't really care what other people choose to do in their spare time, as long as it isn't harming them drastically.
it's the most useless drug ever. doesn't really do anything for you beyond social reasons (before anyone says it, the "buzz" you can get from it lasts only the first couple times) and makes you smell bad, rot out your teeth and yellow your fingernails. Not to mention the jerks who walk in front of you and blow smoke in your face. When I was a young child I had lung issues from my father's heavy smoking, and still haven't completely recovered from it, so I'm especially biased I guess (imagine a 4 year old with a hacking smoker's cough), but even just using reason it doesn't make sense to start smoking.
I absolutely hate it. Everyone in my family has smoked at some points in their lives so there was a time where I had to deal with the smell of three people smoking which was awful. The smell actually hurts my nose. The apartment I live in made a new rule recently saying you can't smoke outside so now everyone just smokes inside their apartments.
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