
Do you approve of smoking, and is it something you do?

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Have smoked a few before, and never would again.

I don't think people should smoke in public buildings, but otherwise I really don't care what other people do with to their bodies.
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I have not, nor will I ever smoke in my life. I hate the smell of cigarette smoke.
I don't care about people smoking on their own property, but I think it's disrespectful when people smoke in public where people have to smell that crap.

This. If you want to damage your health, you can. I'd prefer you not do that either but hey, it's your choice. But when you subject other people to it, that crosses a line imo. And that includes people that smoke in their homes and have children.
I don't mind smoking like 95% of the time. I smoke rarely, once or twice every 3 months, or something like that, it doesn't interest me much. My bf is a huge smoker.
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I don't really care about smoking. I smoke on rare occasions, outside, usually alone around my house. I don't care if other people do it, and despite having asthma (that was once somewhat severe), being around a smoker never bothered me. My brother, father, and I all have asthma of varying severity and my mom used to smoke around us. Never bothered any of us. Well, I think my father may dislike smoking in general, but he doesn't hate it. My point is, I don't think it's a big deal, unless a smoker is deliberately blowing smoke in someone's face or general direction.
I hate smoking. My brother and sister used to smoke and I hated being around them when they did it. I would always stand far away from them, and even then, I could still feel the smoke going into my lungs. Glad my brother kicked the habit, although my sister secretly does it still. I hate when people smoke in public as well, especially when I see them flicking their cigarette butts on the ground. Disgusting. Like, sure, smoke in your house all you want as long as you aren't endangering other people's health - especially children's. But don't take that habit to the streets where people will be forced to breathe it in. That's just rude.
Let people smoke. It's a source of wealth.

In public, make smoking booths or places where you can smoke.

Other than that, it should be frowned upon but lawfully accepted.
Never smoked. I hate the smell of it.
my family members have a bad history of smoking. So i really hate the smell whenever they smoke, especially in cars. /:
I feel like at this point I am developing lung cancer from second hand smoking. Sigh.

But I TOTALLY HATE when I'm in public places liek teh street, and some man is smoking and the wind carries it to my face. )<
i dont smoke and i dont mind it much, i actually like the smell a little bit
smoking is repulsive to me. they can smoke it in their homes or whatever i don't care, anywhere indoors and secluded so they can breath in their own smoke. (unless they have a pet or other people in their home, then shame on them.) everywhere they go in public, they inflict health problems to other people and animals, just by being near them.
its something that is nothing but self destructive, and destructive to others around them.
the smell of smoke gives me a headache, once i ordered stuff online and they didn't mention it was coming from a smoking home and i had to dispute with paypal/ebay for 2 months just to get it returned wtf
I don't smoke and I never will. It's disgusting and stinks. It annoys me so much when people smoke in public places and you have to walk through a cloud of it. That being said, it is your own body and you can do whatever you choose too. It's not good for you but it's your own choice. I only feel bad for children who are around people who smoke.
Hate it hate it hate it.
I smoked for like... a week in high school basically cause I was in that 'crowd' and my S.O. smoked. But I honestly hated it, I've hated it my whole life because my whole life my mom has smoked. I have bad lungs due to her second hand smoke so it really sucks, she wouldn't smoke in the house, just outside or in the garage and sometimes in the car but it was still enough for it to effect me. She's tried to quit so many times but always goes back to it, her reasoning being "stress" but it sucks cause she sinks a ton of money into it and it's killing her obviously.

The thing that makes me the most mad is when she's sick and hacking and coughing and then she goes out and smokes while sick, like yeah, that's going to help you so much mom... but it's her life and she'll deal with the consequences in time, I just wish she'd care more about herself.

That also being said I work at a casino, thankfully people aren't allowed to smoke near the hotel but it's a building full of smoke, so I inhale a ton of it here. When I worked more "out on the floor" my hair would reek of cigarettes when I got home. It was awful.
i think it's gross. it's nothing but bad for you. i'm 15 and i have a friend/acquaintance who smokes a lot since her group of friends are older than her and are the drug/drink/smoke kind of crowd. she's in hospital right now and has been in hospital quite a lot recently, some for her health and some for personal reasons and she always coughs, smells of cigarettes or weed and has chest infections, throat infections, etc. it's having such a bad effect on her health and it's really disturbing seeing the girl i used to be best friends with in primary school with these people who have gotten her into such bad habits that are slowly deteriorating her health.
It destroys your health and other peoples health, and it harms the environment.

i hate it, HATE IT. my dad smokes and i can't stand the smell, however he only smokes outside and i don't smell it very much. i always tell him to stop but he tells me that he can't. i always tell him that he is practically buying an early death, people that smoke are ruining their lives and wasting them, just don't smoke, don't even think about it. you WILL regret it.
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