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Giveaway Sloppy dresser ^^" [ENDED]


Senior Member
Jun 26, 2013
Chocolate Cake
User Title Color Change
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96.6% (27) +
Figured giveaways are a good excuse to empty my inventory...and this is an extra anyway :3

How to enter:
Tell me how sloppy (or not sloppy) you or you villager is whether in real life or in their homes.
Will pick a winner from the stories :) (I can be a sloppy peson myself but thank goodness nobody has to see :3 )

I apologize for the creative elements in my giveaways but I try to make it engaging for people ^^"

Winners will be picked in 24 hours! (give or take a couple of hours because I am tardy sometimes) So any entries after that won't be considered :<

WInner: Batofara :)
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Well I sometimes forget to shave my legs for a week straight, does that count? lol sorry if TMI!
Well, in Animal Crossing, my town got studded with rafflesias- but IRL I'm a fairly tidy person (even if the desktop looks a little cluttered). But my quadmates at college? They were just VILE.

My roommate and I basically did all the housework, while the other two lived off frozen dinners and never took out the trash. They would leave certain... err, feminine products in the communal trash can, which were unpleasant to have to see (let alone pick up when they threw them and missed the trash can).

So one week my roommate and I decided to do a social experiment: we refused to take out the garbage, to see how long it would take one of them to do it. Three weeks later, they hadn't done a thing- not even changed the bag. They literally MADE A PATH THROUGH THE TRASH all over the kitchen floor, and then threw their finished TV dinners on it. ECK.
Sometimes I lose the floor in my room... and I never forget to shave! I'm just to lazy to do it >.<
Hmm I'm a bit of a hoarder, and within a month of playing, all my storage space was full >w< So had to leave some things out in the room!
Probably not a messy story, but gross.... But back in my MMO days, I'd grind levels for hours and hours. It got to the point where I can eat with one hand (a full meal with rice, veggies, and meat), and the with other, I'd slay mobs and bosses. 8||||

Oh high school.

I'm considered the messiest person in my family because of my mom's neat-freak mentality. But it's weird because we're forced to re-use paper plates and other unhygienic habits. Like, what? I don't get it. *shrug*
I haven't vacumed my floor in months. x_x and there paper everywhere!! my clothes are everywhere too. I don't want to wash them if I've only worn them once ?_?
I am not sloppy at all. I just think that things are free to go wherever they want to. Not just stand there like.. in the chair.. or the floor.. Maybe my shirt is socializing with my socks, since they stay away from each other most of the time.
I know that I dont want to end that conversation.
I can't walk through my AC house. My room irl is such a mess i can hardly see the floor. My clothes jump out the laundry...I DON'T PUT THEM ON THE FLOOR yeah..
Part of the reason why I love the sloppy set so much is because I'm accidentally sloppy myself :p I clean my entire flat, then I put ONE thing down somewhere and it just multiplies! Nothing nasty though, lol, but I identify more with the sloppy set than any other set out there :) The sloppy dresser is one of the 4 items I'm missing to fulfill my dream of having the complete set :D
I just sighed when I read this thread x.x Sorry for the big pictures


25% of my town is filled with trash that I need to sell >_>


I'm planning on cleaning this up today :/ And I have to use my computer on the floor <_< Oh, and yeah, my computer screen is smashed so I'm using a monitor lol


I should also close all these tabs... 19 may be a little too much

Brb have to go clean... Everything.
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My ex husband once got a tooth infection where his face went so swollen that he couldn't see through one of his eyes. He was a disgusting specimen of a human. He didn't wash often, shave and couldn't even be bothered to use deodorant [yet still expected my wifely duties *gag*]

So one day shortly after the dentist prescribed him some anti-bacterial mouthwash and told him to use it each day after brushing his teeth thoroughly I decided to do a little experiment. He barely brushed his teeth anyway so I decided to hide his toothbrush and the mouthwash....

Six long days later I couldn't bear the wait and confronted him asking when he last brushed his teeth. He stated 'this morning'. So I asked where his toothbrush was. He claimed it was in its usual place. So when I let him have it that his toothbrush wasn't there because I hid it 6 days ago, he still claimed [lied] saying he had been brushing with his toothbrush and had been using the anti-bacterial mouthwash.

Needless to say I divorced him shortly after this, but before I did we had a holiday (vacation) booked that I had to go on. I had already told him at this point it was over and wasn't expecting him to come, but he saw the holiday as an opportunity to reconcile things. While we were away he still couldn't be bothered to use deodorant despite the massively hot and humid environment. We had a massive row regarding it then he went to the bathroom and attempted to wash his stinky armpits with the children's face cloth. Yes, that's right the cloth they use to refresh their faces with.

Thank god I'm with someone now that is in no way or shape like my ex! LOL. As they say cleanliness is next to godliness. :D

[EDIT]: I can be quite a sloppy person myself. When I was in my teen years, my bedroom was so bad that you couldn't even see the carpet. However, as an adult with children that are messy I guess that's just payback for my youthful days.

My AC:NL town is in such a state though. Things e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e. *sigh* At first it was because I was cataloguing everything and didn't want to sell it as I was collecting sets, but once the closet space got too full then the town became my dumping ground. It took a helper and I over an hour to organise it into tidy sections. At to which I sold a lot of stuff, but as I started creating paths and moving things around it's as bad as it was before again. No dream suite updates in a while, folks.
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Hehe if anyone's sloppy here, it's me...the Sloppy Set embodies EXACTLY what my home looks like. I just bought my first house, and already we've had our water heater explode, a black mold infestation and a burst water main. That's two times the downstairs has been flooded, once with raw sewage. There are towels and other fabrics strewn everywhere from the clean-up, and all of my furniture is light wood, so it's pretty much dead-on!
My room is somewhat of a hazardous wasteland. I hated sleeping in my bed, so I took all my pillows and blankets and made a blanket nest in the corner of the room, with books and chargers cluttered around all sides of it. My desk is COVERED in markers, papers and colored pencils. The floor (and everything else I own) is coated with a thick layer of cat hair. My former bed is used as a dumping shelf for all my stuff.
My mother says I look like a terrorist if I don't shave meh face o-O also I just found ants in my room, that's why I'm typing this from the kitchen..
Well as a mother of an 8 month old and the wife of an even bigger child ;) my house can get preeetty messy. You'd think I'd be able to change things in a virtual world of animal crossing but oooh no... You should see my house haha i'm ALWAYS in the middle of reorganizing.. (or maybe thats just my excuse for the mess haha)