price check?


Senior Member
Jul 22, 2013
Spring Sakura
Dreamy Easter Egg
Golden Easter Egg
Dreamy Easter Egg
Spring Sakura
Chao Easter Egg
Spring Sakura
Dreamy Easter Egg
Spring Sakura
Chao Easter Egg
So I haven't been on here in a while and I think my art's somewhat improved maybe enough to do commissions so I wanna know your guys' opinions on prices if I did do any:


since I used a collage app to make those and I resized it the quality is pretty messed up so here's some actually god like quality pics compared to those

I'd like to know how much in tbt and rlc you think you'd pay for a full colored drawing (at the least waist up?) and for a sketch page maybe (for a commission I would probably color a lot more than I just do for my own doodles)

and it might knock off a few points but I can't do transparent art (unless I use sai or ps to get rid of a bg but it wouldn't be perfectly transparent) because I use a particular art app where the drawings can't save transparently

sorry if that was a mouthful but thanks for reading and in advance for the help guys :+)
hnggg your style is so cute
hm i was thinking:
busts(colored)- 300-ish
fullbody(colored) - 600

(if neater then plus 100 or so)

if you used a better program to color i think it would be so much more awesome ;w;
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hnggg your style is so cute
hm i was thinking:
busts(colored)- 300-ish
fullbody(colored) - 600

(if neater then plus 100 or so)

if you used a better program to color i think it would be so much more awesome ;w;

aaaaaa thank you!!

and yeah probably :( I've been thinking to possibly do sketches on the ipad and then line and color in the laptop so I'll have to see about that maybe hmmmmm
hnggg your style is so cute
hm i was thinking:
busts(colored)- 300-ish
fullbody(colored) - 600

kisses ur art softly
lynn bb ilusm
i agree with that, ALSO ILU, and i would die for a sketchpage honestly. ummm maybe like......squints...idk...400 for a sketchpage...? depending on the effort it takes, though. (and im sorry i suck at rlc prices sobs)

I don't know for tbt since I'm always broke with that currency but we can talk rlc cause I'll waste that any day

Since they're sketch pages perhaps 7$? I'm a bit confused, will you be providing color sketches pages or non-colored or both?

7$ for non colored
10 for colored

Not sure for the other since I'm not sure if they're full or bust but

5 for bust
10 for full

Feel free to change yo
same as zeph, im not good with pricing but i'd definitely commission you. i lvoe your style it's so cute.
Your art is beautiful, I think you can make around 400-600 tbt per commission though.