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PIE_OR_DIE Interview

Propaganda Man

Senior Member
Feb 27, 2005
Throwback Tickets
Guys lets try to keep this thread positive


bambamfanfan: interview now
Pie0rDie: sure
bambamfanfan: how was you day today?
Pie0rDie: good
bambamfanfan: play video games?
bambamfanfan: zleda was playing gun bound
bambamfanfan: i might download it
Pie0rDie: today not really
Pie0rDie: ya
Pie0rDie: i was too
bambamfanfan: did you play with eachother?
Pie0rDie: heack no
Pie0rDie: he sucks
Pie0rDie: well i havent seen him play
Pie0rDie: but hes double wooden
bambamfanfan: XD
Pie0rDie: and im double metal
Pie0rDie: almost silver
Pie0rDie: axe that is
bambamfanfan: so how is your forum doing?
Pie0rDie: its doing Ok
Pie0rDie: im trying to advertize it everywhere i can
bambamfanfan: you know my forum got 1,000 posts with its first week
Pie0rDie: Nice
bambamfanfan: i can help you do somthing like tyhat
Pie0rDie: awsome
Pie0rDie: will u please
bambamfanfan: go to fan art at nsider pm all the sig makers in the sig contest and ask them to share thier knowledge
and say how great they are :)
BTW the add on for it rocks
I will wear it becuase it looks so cool
bambamfanfan: I did the same thing but to reviewers
Pie0rDie: addon for what
bambamfanfan: the forum
Pie0rDie: nsider or mine
bambamfanfan: yours
Pie0rDie: o thx
Pie0rDie: i could do alot better but i tried to put everything together soo fast
bambamfanfan: once you pm them pm poepel you meet in chat
bambamfanfan: that like you and are cool friends then
bambamfanfan: just so everyone knows what we are talking about
bambamfanfan: post a link here so they can see this awsome forum
Pie0rDie: im not understanding
bambamfanfan: nvm the chat stufff
Pie0rDie: o
Pie0rDie: http://s13.invisionfree.com/KGZ/index.php?
bambamfanfan: how did you come up withit?
Pie0rDie: with KGZ?
bambamfanfan: yah
Pie0rDie: not really sure
bambamfanfan: weare talking about your forum right now

Pie0rDie: ok
Pie0rDie: ill keep that in mind
bambamfanfan: now lets change topic
Pie0rDie: k
bambamfanfan: any friends you would like to shout out too?
Pie0rDie: JJ n Mino
Pie0rDie: best sig makers around
bambamfanfan: so true
bambamfanfan: and that brings up a questions
Pie0rDie: well mino was when he was a sig maker but then he cant get into photoshop ne more since hes in alaska
Pie0rDie: yes
bambamfanfan: your stlye of sigs is awsome very original, how did you come up with oit?
bambamfanfan: also you and
bambamfanfan: jJ should make a tuorial on animations
Pie0rDie: like what do u mean
Pie0rDie: ive gone through lots of styles
bambamfanfan: half of the sig is transpaernet
bambamfanfan: one sec
Pie0rDie: transparency is ez...
bambamfanfan: not wqith paint

bambamfanfan: you can't at all
Pie0rDie: paint sucks big ones
Pie0rDie: u there
bambamfanfan: yah
Pie0rDie: k making sure we didnt get disconnected
Pie0rDie: anything else you wana talk about
bambamfanfan: just wait a sec
bambamfanfan: i can't find them
bambamfanfan: so ets move on
Pie0rDie: lets
bambamfanfan: what is your SN at nisider?
Pie0rDie: umm
Pie0rDie: i think its Pie_Or_Die
Pie0rDie: it says Welcome Back Pie_Or_Die]
bambamfanfan: are you a big poster?
Pie0rDie: -the ]
Pie0rDie: no
bambamfanfan: what rank?
Pie0rDie: i havent been to nsider
Pie0rDie: in ages
Pie0rDie: no clue'
bambamfanfan: oh
bambamfanfan: how did you find TBT?
Pie0rDie: nsider
Pie0rDie: a while back
bambamfanfan: why do you stilll have mr. spam?
Pie0rDie: idk
bambamfanfan: what was your sn before pie or die?
Pie0rDie: i talked to some1 about that
Pie0rDie: on TBT?
bambamfanfan: yah
Pie0rDie: umm it was like mmmmmm
Pie0rDie: or something
bambamfanfan: so when does school start?
bambamfanfan: what grade?
Pie0rDie: umm school started last wed
Pie0rDie: and 8th
bambamfanfan: me too
bambamfanfan: what classes?
bambamfanfan: the ones you choose
Pie0rDie: electives?
bambamfanfan: yah
Pie0rDie: band/keyboarding/office aid
bambamfanfan: what did you read for the summer
bambamfanfan: or were you one of the ones that had to make a book?
Pie0rDie: i wanted bane/exp tech and Spanish
Pie0rDie: nothing
bambamfanfan: really
bambamfanfan: I had to read gone with the wind
Pie0rDie: over the summer
Pie0rDie: you had work over the summer?
bambamfanfan: it is a great moive
bambamfanfan: yah
bambamfanfan: you should see it and read it
Pie0rDie: thats gay
bambamfanfan: it really
bambamfanfan: is
bambamfanfan: it is not a chick flick there are poeple dying and it goes porettynfast for 6 hours
Pie0rDie: what grade are u going to
bambamfanfan: 8th
bambamfanfan: so are you the class clown nerd? p.i.m.p.?
Pie0rDie: hmm
Pie0rDie: i give the math teacher a hard time
Pie0rDie: he does this circle thing with his hand
Pie0rDie: and its supposed to be 10 in sign language
Pie0rDie: because we will be the class of 2010
bambamfanfan: so what talents do you have?
Pie0rDie: when we graduate
Pie0rDie: also its supposed to mean ATention
Pie0rDie: hmm skateing playing guitar sig making and playing trombone
bambamfanfan: I used to play trombone
bambamfanfan: I just made sounds thast sounded like everyone else though

bambamfanfan: can you sing?
Pie0rDie: so r u planning on ever getting photoshop
Pie0rDie: and i was in chior 3-5th grade
bambamfanfan: if you can play guitar and sing you'll be happy
Pie0rDie: but i sucked big ones
Pie0rDie: but that was a while ago
bambamfanfan: so what are your favorite moives?
Pie0rDie: hmmm
Pie0rDie: HmmMmM
Pie0rDie: Peasents Quest The Movie
bambamfanfan: anymoives that I've haerd of?
Pie0rDie: i also enjoyed Dangeresque 1 and 2
bambamfanfan: still waitring
bambamfanfan: mean while do you like to read?
bambamfanfan: what genre of books would you perfer to read?
Pie0rDie: hmm
Pie0rDie: N
Pie0rDie: O
Pie0rDie: hmm
Pie0rDie: None
bambamfanfan: Don't you think 7th grade is pone of the hardest grades?
Pie0rDie: HELL NO
Pie0rDie: 7th was ez
bambamfanfan: O_O
bambamfanfan: in my county it is the 2cd hardest
Pie0rDie: 6th was the eziest of all
Pie0rDie: i coulda skipped it
bambamfanfan: I know
bambamfanfan: 5th was harder then 6th
Pie0rDie: i learned everything for 6th grade in 5th
Pie0rDie: 8th might be hard
bambamfanfan: nah
bambamfanfan: not when i just made it through hell
bambamfanfan: and now I'm on medication

:eek: WOOT!
bambamfanfan: *runs around in circles*
Pie0rDie: just cuz the fact that we have to take a History Tax test
Pie0rDie: or w/e they call it in ur state
Pie0rDie: i was on adderal
Pie0rDie: for ADD
Pie0rDie: but i stopped taking it
bambamfanfan: So what do you plan to do with your life when you get older?
Pie0rDie: be the manager of MCdonalds
Pie0rDie: actually i dont know
bambamfanfan: well what none physical talents do you have that would work with jobs?
Pie0rDie: probably something to do with computers
Pie0rDie: ?
Pie0rDie: o u mean Non physical
Pie0rDie: well im good at math real good
Pie0rDie: and ive been on the compu as much as humanly possible
Pie0rDie: and maby a bit more
bambamfanfan: XD
bambamfanfan: so a web designer?
Pie0rDie: ya
Pie0rDie: or graphics
bambamfanfan: so where do you live?
Pie0rDie: the lone star state
bambamfanfan: montana?
Pie0rDie: but im sure the answer "At the compu" would be acceptable
Pie0rDie: no Texas
bambamfanfan: oh yah
bambamfanfan: did you know texas has the largest airport in the world!
Pie0rDie: amazing
Pie0rDie: in huston?
bambamfanfan: I know

bambamfanfan: I think dalas
Pie0rDie: *houston?
Pie0rDie: o wicked
Pie0rDie: my cousin lives there
Pie0rDie: we go up there on the holiday
bambamfanfan: so what kind of music do you listen too?
Pie0rDie: Old music
Pie0rDie: with the exception of Greenday
bambamfanfan: oldies
bambamfanfan: now you are talking!
Pie0rDie: that is the only partially current band i listen to
bambamfanfan: so did you go to summer camp this year?
Pie0rDie: i like Led Zeppelin/ The Doors / The Who / The Ramones
Pie0rDie: Jimi Hendrix
Pie0rDie: yes for boyscouts and now i finally got to quit
Pie0rDie: my dad wouldnt let me quit
Pie0rDie: it took about 3 suicide attempts to make him relize i hated it
bambamfanfan: woah
bambamfanfan: did you do crazy things there?
bambamfanfan: i did
bambamfanfan: not at your camp
bambamfanfan: but mine
Pie0rDie: o
Pie0rDie: well we were in the mountains
Pie0rDie: and i hiked alot
Pie0rDie: with most of the parents
Pie0rDie: cuz im the only one who actually would go on a hike with them
bambamfanfan: XD
Pie0rDie: we did like 5 miles up mountains and around them
bambamfanfan: so do you hve any siblings?
Pie0rDie: no
bambamfanfan: aounts?
bambamfanfan: cusions?
bambamfanfan: last names?
bambamfanfan: adresses?
bambamfanfan: phonenumbers?
Pie0rDie: i was a accident
Pie0rDie: and was adopted
bambamfanfan: oh
bambamfanfan: I'm sorry
Pie0rDie: its people like Johntown from ACC and Systemeltdown that make me want to commit suicide
bambamfanfan: so what other forums do you go too?
Pie0rDie: umm i quit giong to acc
bambamfanfan: suicide is a terrible thing
bambamfanfan: I have gone through some times like
bambamfanfan: that
bambamfanfan: and I can really see how beatiful life is
Pie0rDie: mainly this
Pie0rDie: it makes me soo angry that there are people that are like johntown and Systemeltdown and im the only person who knows who they really are
bambamfanfan: trust me I felt the same way
bambamfanfan: but i think it is hormones
bambamfanfan: or emotions clouding
Pie0rDie: ive been suicidal since the age of 6
bambamfanfan: sure I can't say anything for the ACC kid but system is cool some times liek me
bambamfanfan: rm,ember when you couldn't stand me?
Pie0rDie: i could always stand you
Pie0rDie: i used to be friends with system
bambamfanfan: just ignore him
Pie0rDie: untill he pulled the little number on me with gunbound
bambamfanfan: and I'll talk to him
Pie0rDie: im trying to
Pie0rDie: ive ip banned him from KGZ
Pie0rDie: and i didnt know u could ignore peeps
Pie0rDie: from sending u pms
bambamfanfan: you can
Pie0rDie: but then i found out
Pie0rDie: and did
bambamfanfan: I did it to Storm by mistake

Pie0rDie: lol
bambamfanfan: so are you going to make a clan for mario kart ds?
bambamfanfan: I will join
bambamfanfan: to many will be made for mine to be noticed
bambamfanfan: I meant I will join one
Pie0rDie: i dont have a DS
Pie0rDie: once ac ds comes out
Pie0rDie: i will prob get one
bambamfanfan: what kind of DS?
Pie0rDie: idk
Pie0rDie: a cheap one
Pie0rDie: thats the best kind
Pie0rDie: :)
bambamfanfan: :)
bambamfanfan: so can you wiat for the new skin at TBT?
Pie0rDie: i dont give a crap about it
Pie0rDie: their making way to much of a fuss about it
bambamfanfan: yes I have seen that and I have a few opions on it
bambamfanfan: so what subjects in school are you good at?
Pie0rDie: math
bambamfanfan: hey how do you get rid of a trogan virus?
Pie0rDie: u mean Trojans
bambamfanfan: bbl
Pie0rDie: what does BBL mean
Pie0rDie: be back later??? is that what it means
Pie0rDie: hi
bambamfanfan: hi
bambamfanfan: sorr
bambamfanfan: some one had to use this
Pie0rDie: k
bambamfanfan: yah thats whatI mean
Pie0rDie: o ur still at camp?
bambamfanfan: no
bambamfanfan: got back 2 days ago
Pie0rDie: o
Pie0rDie: i was gunna say
Pie0rDie: its not a camp if u have compus
bambamfanfan: so pie do you have a girl friend?
bambamfanfan: if not are you loking for one?
Pie0rDie: no and no
bambamfanfan: any funny sotries you would like to share?
Pie0rDie: a girl asked me out last year and i turned her down
Pie0rDie: not really
bambamfanfan: then I will be talking about myself if you don'/t bring up a subgect!
bambamfanfan: >:)
Pie0rDie: ok
Pie0rDie: well continue on
bambamfanfan: actual
bambamfanfan: lets nots
bambamfanfan: *actualy
bambamfanfan: we have enough
bambamfanfan: well this will be a very interesting interview
bambamfanfan: I hope poeple will enjoy talking to you as much as I do
bambamfanfan: see you later

this was funnier but it got messed p so we re-did it

now we all know more about pod, I know I learnt a lot

That is the way I like them

it makes it more lively then saying

who are your friends

how did you come up with your sn?

that is just faq I try to put in characteristics poeple can see who you are when chatting basicly and get a better picture

Thank you for taking interest for an hour of work

you made it all pay off with a good smile with that post

I think you should post that in every thread you see!

Everyone will like you!
Nice review.






OK! I admit! I didn't read it! It's too long!!

BAMBAM! said:
That is the way I like them

it makes it more lively then saying

who are your friends

how did you come up with your sn?

that is just faq I try to put in characteristics poeple can see who you are when chatting basicly and get a better picture

Umm, I'd classify most of this as a "chat", not an interview.... And do you really need to brag about your forums all the time? You realize that you really didn't do anything special.
PikMino42 said:
BAMBAM! said:
That is the way I like them

it makes it more lively then saying

who are your friends

how did you come up with your sn?

that is just faq I try to put in characteristics poeple can see who you are when chatting basicly and get a better picture

Umm, I'd classify most of this as a "chat", not an interview.... And do you really need to brag about your forums all the time? You realize that you really didn't do anything special.
I am glad some one read it,


guys don't make a post saying it is too long...that is spam :|

and it is not that I'm bragging but making it a conversation seing how they react to different circumstances...

you can call it braggin if you want..

okay its both >_>
BAMBAM! said:
PikMino42 said:
BAMBAM! said:
That is the way I like them

it makes it more lively then saying

who are your friends

how did you come up with your sn?

that is just faq I try to put in characteristics poeple can see who you are when chatting basicly and get a better picture

Umm, I'd classify most of this as a "chat", not an interview.... And do you really need to brag about your forums all the time? You realize that you really didn't do anything special.
I am glad some one read it,


guys don't make a post saying it is too long...that is spam :|

and it is not that I'm bragging but making it a conversation seing how they react to different circumstances...

you can call it braggin if you want..

okay its both >_>
Hum, that sounds more like interrogation. <__<